Henry Happenings
May 12th, 2024
Principal Message
Our 5th grade students begin MAP testing tomorrow, Monday, May 13th. If your child's Chromebook is at home please ensure they bring their device fully charged to school.
Test Taking Tips and Reminders for Home
- Get a good night's sleep each night before testing.
- Eat a good breakfast each day.
- Arrive at school on time. It is important that students arrive at school on time on testing days. We begin testing at our scheduled time and need to keep on schedule.
- Remind your child to do their best. They've learned a lot this year and we know they will do amazing!
Thanks to our PTO and parent committee who planned some amazing things for our staff last week! To any parent/care taker that honored a teacher last week, thank you so much for taking out the time to recognize the staff member! It means so much!
Congratulations to our Assistant Principal, Dr. Kneer, who has been named the Principal at Bellerive Elementary School for next year. While that is great news for him, we are sad for us! In the upcoming weeks I will be inviting members of stakeholder groups (staff, parents, students) to participate in interviews for a new Assistant Principal to gain their input and feedback. As soon as we are able to announce the new Assistant Principal at Henry Elementary, I will let you know. Just to be as transparent as possible, it might be after school has concluded as the hiring process does take some time and everything must be approved through the Board of Education. I am excited to find an amazing leader to join me at Henry!
Also, as we plan ahead for next year, if you have a child that will be entering Kindergarten in 2024-2025 please register as soon as possible. It is imperative that we know how many students will be in our entering Kindergarten class so we can prepare with the correct number of staff. If you have questions about Kindergarten registration please click here for more information.
Keep reading below to learn more about lost and found, field day lunch, extra yearbooks, and more!
Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Jodi Oliver
Upcoming Dates
May 13 - 5th Grade MAP Testing (through May 16th)
May 16 - 5th Grade Vs. Teachers Kickball 5:30 PM
May 17- 4th Grade Field Trip
May 17 - 5th Grade Fishing Day Field Trip
May 19 - Parkway Day at the Ballpark 1:15 PM
May 22 - Honors Orchestra and Honors Choir Concert 6:30 PM
May 24 - Kindergarten Field Trip
May 24 - 5th Grade Field Trip
May 27 - No School (Memorial Day)
May 28 - 5th Grade Celebration 6:30 PM
May 29 - Field Day
May 30 - Half Day 1:05 PM Dismissal Henry
May 30 – Non-Letter Day (Specials in Gym for Yearbook Signing)
May 30 - Last Day of School!
Lost and Found
It’s that time of year again. Please see the linked pictures to look at our overflowing lost and found. Please encourage your child to retrieve items that you/they might see that belong to them. All items not picked up by the last day of school will be donated. Thank you.
Extra Yearbook Sales
Yearbooks will be distributed to students on the last day of school, and there will be a grade-level yearbook signing during their specials time. There will be a signature package for the students who did not order a yearbook, but we do have some extra yearbooks for sale to students who did not order one in February.
Students may bring $20 cash or a check (made out to Henry PTO) to purchase a yearbook, on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have a child leaving early before the end of the school year, please notify your child's teacher so that the yearbook gets home with your child before the last day of school.
Field Day Sack Lunch Option for 5/29
Please note for Field Day on May 29th, sack lunch will be the only option for purchase. The lunch will include turkey and cheese sandwiches, chips, fruit and fruit juice.
Just a Few More Volunteers Needed for Field Day
Are you a Gaga Ball expert, parachute enthusiast, relay champ? Then we are looking for you! There are only a few Field Day volunteer spots left to fill for May 29th. Please volunteer if you can. Students and staff always say it is one of their favorite days and you can help make it a success! Check out the opportunities here and sign up today.
Each activity has two volunteer slots that need to be filled. Please be aware, in most instances volunteering would be for the whole event day from 8:45-3:45 PM. There are a few spaces with half day options. There will be time for a break/snacks will be provided.
To volunteer at Field Day, any individual that signs up would need to be registered as a Parkway volunteer first. To start your volunteer sign up, follow this link. Questions? Email dcurran@parkwayschools.net or kpettus@parkwayschools.net.
New Signs to Mark Sinks as Not for Drinking
New signs in our building now mark areas where sinks should not be used to access drinking water.
Missouri has a new law that sets standards for lead concentrations in school drinking water. This law requires all public schools to conduct inventory, sampling, remediation, and monitoring at all drinking water outlets used or potentially used for drinking, food preparation, and cooking or cleaning utensils. Other outlets are to be marked as non-potable - or not for drinking.
Parkway is testing drinking water sources in every school. As we receive test results, they are posted on the Parkway website for each school/building. Parkway is working to remediate any drinking water source that is out of compliance.
The new signs do not indicate the result of a test. As the signs indicate, these water sources are not to be used for drinking, food preparation, cooking or cleaning utensils used for and by children, and therefore will not be tested for lead.
Notes from Nurse Munch
The end of the school year is just around the corner. If your child has medication at school, please make plans to pick it up in the nurse's office any time before May 30th during normal school hours. Please contact the nurse's office if you need to arrange another time. Parkway policy does not allow us to send medication home with students. Medication not picked up by the end of the year will be discarded.
Learn More About Step Team and Basketball Camps Below
Step Team Tryouts for Rising 6th Graders
Parkway West Boys Basketball Camp
Parkway West Girls Basketball Camp
Directions for Using the Online Payment System for Field Trips
* Log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal (if you need assistance with this, please contact the help desk at 314-415-8181, option 2 or via email at ic-parenthelp@parkwayschools.net )
* Select "More"
* Select "Online Payments"
* If you have more than one student in Parkway, please select your student's name (tab next to where it says "Summary")
* You will then see all fees/fines assigned to your student. You may then add items to your cart and proceed to pay as preferred.
*Please complete the form, click “Submit.”
NOTE: If you are using an Apple product, please use either Chrome or Firefox when logging in to your account. Also, if you are using your mobile phone, please turn your phone to landscape mode so you can see the full screen properly.
PTO News and Notes
PTO Meeting Rescheduled
Due to the weather last week, our last general meeting was postponed. We are still working with school administrators to determine the best date to reschedule the PTO meeting. As soon as the date is solidified we will notify all Henry parents.
ATTENTION Henry School Parents and Henry School Volunteers
The last day to turn in your reimbursement requests for Henry PTO approved program events and reimbursable purchases for this School Year 2023/2024 is 5 PM, Wednesday, May 22nd.
5th Grade Celebration for this School Year 2023/2024 reimbursement deadline is June 3rd.
Henry Elementary School
Email: joliver2@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/15
Location: 700 Henry Avenue, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6350
Facebook: facebook.com/henryelementaryschool
Twitter: @BulldogsHenry