Millennium High School
February 3, 2025
Weekly Newsletter
About Millennium High School
Website: https://mhs.piedmont.k12.ca.us/
Address: 760 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611
Phone: (510) 594-2703
Principal: Irma Muñoz Daniels
Office Manager: Bernadette Navarro
Bell Schedule—Week of February 3
CA School Parent Survey - Open Through 2/28
Thank you all for responding to our previous WASC Parent/Family Survey! Your feedback will be included in our self-study report to obtain accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
The California School Parent Survey is another survey to obtain parent perceptions about Millennium High School. Your participation is voluntary. It is also very important. The information you provide will help guide district and school efforts to promote safety, enhance learning supports, and improve student achievement.
- This is an anonymous survey. It is designed so that no one can be identified from the data.
- You do not have to respond to any questions that you feel could be used to identify you. Simply skip any such questions
- All questions apply to Millennium High School only.
- The results are for the use of our school and district.
Please click the link below.
Falcon Hour—Mondays and Tuesdays After School
A Message From Our Counselors
We hope you all enjoy the rain over the next few days. For some, I know it can be a time of doing something enjoyable indoors and getting some quiet rest.
At Millennium, we are looking ahead for next year already. Here are some things that are happening!
Counselors have spoken to academies about logging into student’s Infinite Campus accounts and requesting classes for next year. Look under the “More” tab for course registration. This is due Feb 7th.
Ms. Manalo-LeClair, Ms. Muñoz Daniels, and Mrs. Carlson presented schedule and college information to parents on 1/30. Click here to see the presentation slides.
On 2/11, there will be a College and Career Center Open House for families. Come hear about how we can help support your student’s journey and goals after high school. 6:30 in the Alan Harvey Theater on the PHS campus.
Juniors are encouraged to set an appointment with Ms Manalo LeClair to discuss plans and ideas for senior year and post graduation plans. She is a wealth of knowledge! Please use her Calendly on the College and Career Center webpage on the PHS website.
Signing up for courses for 25-26 school year!
Counselors are starting to present information on how students will be entering their course requests for next year. We will work with students to ensure they are signing up for the correct graduation requirements and classes they are interested in!
Students need to log into their Infinite Campus accounts and look under the “more” area, then find 25-26 course registration tab.
Directions, course information, supplemental materials are coming soon. You can look on the PHS website under counseling to find the course catalog and graduation requirements.
Course requests are due February 7th.
Did you miss the live presentation? No worries! Click here to view the slide deck. It contains important information for course scheduling for the 2025-26 school years as well as post-high school information for rising 12th grade students.
College & Career Center
PUSD College & Career Center (CCC) Open House!
Tuesday, February 11
6:30 to 8:30PM
Alan Harvey Theater
All PHS/MHS students and families are invited to the first Open House for our College & Career Center. Whether you're a freshman just beginning to explore possibilities or a junior planning for your applications this fall, this event will showcase all the different ways the district can help support and inspire your post-high school plans.
Meet Stefanie Manalo-LeClair, the new College & Career Center Director
Discover how PHS is preparing students for diverse future opportunities including gap years and career plans
Learn about how the CCC partners with Academic Counselors, particularly during the college application process
Get some college SWAG! We have free college posters, pennants, magnets, pens, etc. for over 100 schools!
Please RSVP HERE so we have an idea of attendance.
Interested in the Independent Study Program?
Interested in knowing more about our new Independent Study program? Contact your school counselor to learn more!
Independent Study is:
- A voluntary, full-time program for high school students.
- Credits are earned through the completion of online courses monitored by a designated teacher.
- Courses are UC and NCAA approved.
- An option for students who can work independently and thrive with online courses.
Winter Ball—February 8 6:30-9:30 PM
Winter Ball will be held at the Rotunda Building in Oakland on Saturday, February 8th, 2024 from 6:30-9:30 PM. Tickets are available for purchase until Wednesday, February 5th, 2025.
To purchase dance tickets:
- Log into Infinite Campus.
- Click on the PHS School Store.
- Click on PHS ASB.
- Click on the Homecoming Dance.
- Add the tickets to your cart and check out.
Class of 2025—Baby Photos Needed!
Seniors! Please send us your baby photo to be included in the MHS Yearbook. All baby photos will be included free-of-charge. Send a high-resolution photo to Ms. Bernadette at bnavarro@piedmont.k12.ca.us.
Road to Graduation
Please be aware of many important dates are coming for seniors. Bookmark the Road to Graduation document as it will be updated throughout the year.
MHS & PHS Yearbook Information
Please be aware there are TWO yearbooks...one for Millennium High School and another for Piedmont High School. Both yearbooks are available for purchase to Millennium families.
MHS & PHS Seniors
Additional information for seniors can be found here.
Millennium High School Yearbook
The cost of the Millennium HS yearbook is $60. You can purchase the Millennium HS yearbook through the School Store in Infinite Campus HERE. Log in, click on the School Store, then click on MHS Yearbook.
Piedmont High School Yearbook
Millennium HS students are part of the PHS yearbook. Please visit this link for all the specific information relating to the purchase and deadlines for the PHS yearbook.
Visit the MHS School Store in Infinite Campus!
The MHS School Store in Infinite Campus is OPEN! You can donate to the Piedmont Athletics Fund, MHS ASB, MHS field trips, purchase the MHS yearbook and much more! Your support is greatly appreciated.
To visit the MHS School Store:
• Log into Infinite Campus and click on the MHS School Store.
School Breakfast and Lunch
We wanted to let families know that the Piedmont Unified School District will continue to offer a nutritious breakfast and lunch every day at no cost.
Additional snacks are available for purchase.
Sparkling Water: $1.50
Cookie: $1.50
Pop Chips: $1.50
Breakfast Bar: $1.50
Yogurt: $1.50
Sunflower Seeds: $1.50
Sun Chips: $2.50
Popcorn: $2.50
Hashbrowns: $2.50
Food Service Volunteers
The PHS Parents' Club is also asking for some enthusiastic volunteers to help serve food to our students. You can sign up at the link here. Thank you in advance for the generosity of your time and commitment to our school. We could not do this without you.
Millennium High School Parents' Club
All parents and guardians of students attending Millennium High School are members and part of the Parents’ Club! Everyone is invited to get involved! Membership to the MHS Parents’ Club is free!
The next MHS Parents' Club meeting will be held on Thursday, February 13 7:00 PM via Zoom.
We invite parents and supporters to make a donation to the Parents' Club. Donations will be used to support events for our whole school community. Contributions of all sizes are appreciated.
Everyone is encouraged to give any amount you would like. Click here to make a donation!
The Parents' Club provides essential support to Millennium High School. For questions, contact Rachel Osajima, Parents' Club Board President, at rachelosajima@gmail.com or 510-919-5044.
The Giving Campaign
The Giving Campaign is the largest annual fundraiser for our students and schools, and your generosity and commitment make it all possible.
Thank you to everyone who generously pitched in to support our students. If you haven't had a chance to donate yet, Piedmont Education Foundation will continue to accept gifts in support of Piedmont’s schools at www.piedmontedfoundation.org/donate/.
Millennium High School is receiving close to $75,000 to support instruction, counseling, and community building.
Wellness Center—Donations Needed!
The Wellness Center provides allergen free MadeGood granola bars, string cheese and fruit (Cuties are best) for students.
We could use your help with donations. Sign-Up Here!
You can drop the items off anytime during school hours of your selected week at the Wellness Center, located in the library/30s building at Piedmont High School
The Wellness Center is funded in part by the Piedmont Unified School District, along with direct community donations, the Wellness Center Support Committee and PEF. All proceeds help to fund the PUSD Wellness Center, which serves Piedmont High School, Millennium High School, and Piedmont Middle School students.
Currently, there are several ways to donate to the Wellness Center.
- Donations to the Wellness Center Support Committee
- Donations to the Giving Campaign
- Donations through the Infinite Campus School Store
Thank you for supporting the Wellness Center!
Piedmont Parent Network (PPN)
What is PPN?
The Piedmont Parents Network (PPN) is a parent-run organization that holds regular meetings to provide parents with the opportunity to meet, connect and discuss issues affecting their child, the school, and our community. Parents participate in discussions that are facilitated by trained parent volunteers who help ensure that conversations are held with mutual respect and discretion. There are PPN groups for 6th to 12th grade. Click here for more information about PPN.
All parents are invited to join a meeting by contacting their Grade-Level PHS PPN Facilitators.
Free Youth Clipper Card
The Student Transit Pass Program provides FREE Youth Clipper cards to eligible middle and high school students in Alameda County. APPLY HERE: bit.ly/studenttransitpass.
- Take unlimited free rides on AC Transit
- Add cash value to the Clipper card for 50% off BART fares and youth discounts on other transit systems