Hawk Happenings
September 2024
Dear Spring Lake Families,
Our Character Trait for September is: Cooperation
Working together and helping each other
We are excited to announce that this year's theme is "T.E.A.M. - Together Everyone Achieves More." Our focus will be on fostering collaboration and teamwork among students, teachers, and families. By working together, we aim to create a supportive and enriching educational environment where every member of our community can thrive.
I had the opportunity to meet with with all of the students during back-to-school grade level assemblies. What a wonderful group of children we have at our school! We talked about what it means to be a HAWK and S.O.A.R. (Safety, Ownership, Achievment, Resptful) by being kind to others and following the rules.
We are committed to the safety of every child and want to thank you for being patient and aware during pick-up and drop-off times.
If I can help in anyway, please reach out to me. Go Hawks!!
Mrs. Coral Lee Findlay
Donations for the 2024-25 School Year
This is just a friendly reminder to pay your $25 per student donation for the year. So far we have received $3,128.00. You can make your donation in iCampus or in the front office. This money pays for student supplies, field trips, reward assemblies, and many more things. Thank you for your continued support!
PTA News
We are excited for this year and have a lot of fun things planned. Thanks to the parents who made it to our last meeting. We really appreciate your help and support.
Be sure to follow our PTA Facebook page for more information.
Our meetings will be held the first Tuesday of the month @ 9:30 AM in the library. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to be on a committee. We look forward to working with you.
The PTA Board Members for 2024-2025 school year:
President: Elycia Birks
Vice President: Heather Sharp
Treasurer: Kaylee Marsden
Secretary: Natalie Frisby
Reflections: Amy Lillywhite
Book Fairs: Natalie Frisby
September 12th:
- Vision Screening (Grades K, 1, 3, 5)
- United Day Way of Caring
September 16th: NO SCHOOL - District/Staff Development Day
September 17th: Constitution Day
September 17th: SCC Meeting @ 9:30 AM
October 1st: PTA Meeting @ 9:30 AM in the library
October 3rd:
- Picture Day
- SEP Conferences
October 15th: SCC Meeting @ 9:30 AM
October 16th: Term 1 ends
October 17th-18th: NO SCHOOL - Fall Break
October 21st: NO SCHOOL - PC Comp Day
October 22nd: Term 2 begins
October 26th: SCC Meeting @ 9:30
October 27th: Picture Retake Day
October 28th: PTA Fundraiser
October 31st: Halloween Parade @ 9:30
Oct 28th - Nov 1st: Red Ribbon Week
Box Tops for Education
Connect your Walmart and Box Tops accounts so you can earn cash for your school when you purchase Box Tops products in-store or online using your saved Walmart payment method — without scanning or submitting your receipts. Click on this link to get started.
Become a Member of the PTA Today!
Click on this link to pay $7 to become a member of the PTA.