Ms. Graybeal's 2nd/3rd Class
February 2025
Remote Learning Day
I will be holding Zoom meetings at 9:00am and 1:00pm today. If you have any questions about the required work for the day please join one of the Zooms or message me on REMIND. In order for your student to be counted present for today we must make contact through Zoom, REMIND, or through a phone call. Thank you!
Meeting ID: 701 023 3078
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7010233078?pwd=hj8UQYpMaxpBabaeWkhjOvJvYHsxsu.1
Passcode: Krista
Our Schedule
I am so excited to begin teaching and start the New Year with your child!
I understand that a transition like this can be stressful and I want to help with that in any way possible. One of the most important ways I can help is by providing a daily schedule that we will follow and get into a routine that the kids are used to :)
Important Dates
Looking ahead at the year:
January 17 Second Grading Period Ends
January 20 Martin Luther King Holiday
January 21 Required Workday - No School
January 22 Third Grading Period Begins
February 14 Early Dismissal
February 17 Required Workday - No School
March 19 Third Grading Period Ends
March 20 Required Workday - No School
March 21 Optional Workday - No School
March 24 Fourth Grading Period Begins
April 14-17, 21 Annual Leave - No School
April 18 Holiday - No School
May 7 Early Dismissal
May 26 Memorial Day Holiday - No School
May 30 Early Dismissal/Fourth Grading Period Ends
Classroom Information
Reading - To strengthen their reading skills, students should be reading for at least 20 minutes every evening. If there is not an assigned passage, this can include any book or text of their choice. Regular reading not only builds comprehension and fluency but also fosters a love for reading!
Math- Third grade students will be participating in skip counting each night to build a strong foundation for multiplication. Each evening, your child will have an assigned number to skip count. They should repeat the sequence aloud to an adult four times. This practice helps to improve fluency and understanding of multiplication concepts! Second grade students will be assigned a series of mixed addition and subtraction problems to complete each night.
Please ensure that your student is completing both tasks each evening. Your support at home is appreciated. If you have any questions or need assistance please don't hesitate to reach out!
Please make sure that your child brings a snack and water bottle to school each day. Only plain water for snack and no flavor packets or juice please.
The best way to reach me will be through REMIND. I check this daily and will respond within a timely manner. If you have not yet, please use the link below to join our classroom and school REMIND.
Our Classroom Code: weshello
Our School Code: wegrow24
You can also reach me through my email: graybealk@wilkes.k12.nc.us
If we have inclement weather and have a work from home day please use this Zoom link to connect with me. You will need to join this link at either 9:00am or 1:00pm to have your child counted present for the day and for questions about the work required for that day. You may also respond on REMIND or through a phone call for your student to be counted present.
Meeting ID: 701 023 3078
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7010233078?pwd=hj8UQYpMaxpBabaeWkhjOvJvYHsxsu.1
Passcode: Krista
Learning Targets
For Social Emotional Learning in Purpousefull People for the Month of January we will be working on Perseverance. Each day during our morning meeting we will have a short lesson based around perseverance.
In math we are going to cover lots of new skills like addition and subtraction, multiplication, value of money, graphing, and so much more. We are a 2nd and 3rd combination class and math will be taught in small groups to ensure each student is getting the math instruction they deserve!
In reading and writing we are going to stick to 3rd grade curriculum. This will be an adjustment for for our 2nd grade friends but Ms.Graybeal and Mrs.McNeill are going to work very hard to make sure the adjustment is seamless! Beginning in January we will be working on exploring texts and answering questions sets about ocean exploration.
If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.
We are going to have a fantastic rest of the year!