February 2025
A letter from our leader Janice
What inspires you to pick up a needle and thread it?
Certainly not a banana taped to a wall. Perhaps a 1790 quilt coverlet.
An artist, a song, a Bible passage. A Mary Oliver poem. Where do you find your magic?
We all have had moments when we couldn't wait to start a new project. We all remember our first quilt. For me, I started making quilt years ago to memorialize joyous occasions, a birth, a wedding, a rite of passage. I still make quilts for other people. I make quilts to be a part of a community. I make quilts to spend time with beautiful fabrics. I once used Marcia Derse fabrics because I was so inspired by her artistry. When I finished it, I sent her a picture and thanked her for being such an inspiration. She graciously answered that email.
We recently saw a stitched piece that Melinda Oliver made using a friend's echo-dyed fabric. Melinda's embroidery stitches created a masterpiece of joy filled collaboration.
Whatever it is that catches your attention and inspires you, go find more of it.
I am wishing all my Bee Artful buddies an awe inspired 2025.
Now go thread that needle!
*Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan's first Banana version sold in 2019 for $120,000. His most recent copy sold in 2024 for 6.2 million dollars.
February 11, 2025
Silke will lead us in an improv quilting class. No supplies needed (see below) except for bringing your machine. Bring your lunch. You may also want to bring another project to work on as well as you may finish your block in about an hour.
2025 Meeting Schedule
February 11 - Improv Quilting workshop by Silke
March 11 - Follow up on Improv Quilting Workshop and Spring Retreat planning
April 7-11 Spring Retreat
May 13 - Making Quilts with Silk Ties by Jan
June 10 - Follow up to Silk Tie workshop
July 8 - Surface Design Techniques by Susan Barrett
August 12 - Follow up on Surface Design work shop
September 9 - Study in Black by Janice
October 7 - Follow up on Study in Black and Fall Retreat planning
November 10-14 Fall Retreat
December 9 - Christmas Party and Kiss it goodbye
Bee Artful January 2025 Meeting Highlights
Geri leading us through color values class
An example of Geri's on use of color value
One of our exercises on light, medium, and dark values
Groups presented organized swatches of color according to value
An interesting activity where we matched templates to quilt block designs.
Jan's preview for her workshop on making and using silk ties
Show and Tell
Linda Coulombe's mondo bag
Linda Coulombe's quilt
Melinda showed her example of adding embroidery to a flower-pounded pillow cover
A recommended tool from the January class
More Geri Beam Classes!
Oakely Gallery
OCC Antiques & Interiors - "Out of the Cedar Chest", 300 Northside Dr, Gainesville, GA 30501, USA
February: Sat 2/1 GB Slow Stitching all day 10:30-4:30 Link to sign up for her first class….
Sat 3/1 GB Tin Treasure Book 10:30-1:30
ScanNCut 2:30-5:30
3 April:
Sat 4/5 GB Scarf Dyeing all day 10:30-4:30
4 June:
Sunday 6/8 GB Summer Splendor - Mixed media collage 10:30-1:30
ScanNCut ScanNCut 2:30-5:30
5 August:
8-3 Sun GB Botanical Printing all day 10:30-4:30
6 Oct:
Sat 10-4 GB Spooktacular Boxes 10:30-1:30 and
ScanNCut ScanNCut 2:30-5:30
7 November:
GB Sat 11-1 Personal Treasures Necklace all day 10:30-4:30
8 December:
Sunday 12/7 GB Last Minute Gifts Stamping on Wearables 10:30-1:30 and
Same class second session 2:30-5:30
Sautee Nacoochee Center
Visit snca.org for more information about upcoming classes and events
Slow Stitch Collage with Geri Beam
2 Sessions on Friday, May 16:
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
as part of our FiberFest 2025 Event
Gini's minutes from January Meeting
Attendance -Nancy Sievert, Barb Westbrook, Lynda Doll, Nina, Libby Armstrong, Betty Massey, Gini Cawood, Vicki Volpi, Melinda Oliver, Carol Gardiner, Alene Kempton, Linda Barron, Lucia Scroggs, Linda Coulombe, Janice Chiaffredo, Jan Pitman, Geri Beam, Laura Leiden, Bev Mannes, Kathy Ingmundson, and guest Holly Debany.
Janice opened the meeting at 10:05am.
Show and Tell -
Melinda - flower pounding, embroidered pillow
Linda Coulombe - Susie McKay's grandson's quilt, large bag
Jan Pitman - dyed silk tie (discussion on Tie Project and voted to dye ties instead of making quilt of ties, but maker's choice) Silk $32 per yard, magic markers and 99% alcohol required.
(Silk scarves on Amazon for $13 or $15, depending on size)
Announcement - February Improv WS - Silke
Supplies will be provided but please bring sewing machine and all sewing machine supplies, maybe some scraps also. Improv block 5" or 6"
Discussion on possible Zoom link for BA
Announcement - Laura Leiden Art Sale at her house - paintings, drawings, husband's pottery and polymer jewelery.
Linda Barron passed out strips with NEW PASSWORD for MLQG website.
Janice said QR code working on our postcards - info on how to buy, link to Jane Threlkeld info,picture of label and backing, and connection to website. Thank you Janice, Linda Barron, Gini and Barb Westbrook.
Lucia spoke about doctor's appointments coming up
Jan Pitman suggested bags of scraps to be sold at Expo in March
We need to encourage the main Guild to be excited about selling tickets and will hand out postcards at the next meeting. Janice requested help to organize the Opportunity Quilt for 2025.
[short break]
Geri Beam presented her Value and Color Theory Program
Geri also spoke about her upcoming classes in Gainesville :
Sarah Oakley of "Out of the Cedar Closet" hosting - Slow Stitching, Treasure Book, Dyed Scarves, Botanical Prints with Heat Press, Origami Boxes and Stamped Wearables; look online for details
Value = reflected light to be light or dark
Hue = colour
Intensity =pigment scale
Pure hue add - black to make a shade, add white to make a tint and add grey to make a tone
pure colours vs muddy/complex colours
Exercises of the Log Cabin and Rail fence settings done by 4 groups of 5
Favourite exercise of 3 patterns each to fit the one template, great variety
Grey Scale and Value Finder tool handed out
Ultimate Value Tool C&T Publishing by Marci Baker available on Amazon $17.05
Pocket Colour Wheel also recommended - less than $8 on Amazon
Personal Value Profile worked on for each participant relating to values that each prefered - Light. Medium, Dark
and levels of contrast : low, medium, high and mixed
Discussion of Garden Stroll - colour your own; Geri showed us how she reversed the values for her quilt
Take home exercises included the following - Double Saw Toothed Star with colouring chart and templates,
and colour pages for Log Cabin and Rail Fence patterns
Thank you for a wonderfully informative presentation with several hands-on exercises!
Respectfully, (and subject to corrections) submitted by Gini Cawood
Sad News for all of us! Tudor Rose is closing but her sale begins today, Jan 28.
Reference Items
Article sent out by Bev on adding hand embroidery to shoes, etc.
Links for some very interesting articles
How to Have More Meaning Conversations About Quilts
By Frances O’Roark Dowell
Podcast links:
Quilting Arts (Where We Work):
New Haptic & Hue podcast link:
Website for ordering custom dies for your AccuQuilt machine
Sisters (and brothers) in art quilting in northern CA. Field Trip anyone?
Podcast on "Tales of Textiles"
Podcast with local flair!
Her upcoming book is: Marking Your Time by Tommye McClure Scanlin
Marking Time with Fabric and Thread: Calendars, Diaries, and Journals within Your Fiber Craft https://a.co/d/71Q7u8N
Thanks for sharing this Linda Barron!
Need the password for member section for the guild (www.mlqg.org) website? Contact Linda Barron (linda.barron@gmail.com)
Bee Artful quilting thread recommendations
Silke uses Superior thread 100 weight (micro quilter)-blends in well.
Kathy I. uses 100 weight silk thread by Yli (order from Amazon or another vendor online).
Critique Documents for reference
One is a checklist that can be used as a guideline when looking at a quilt - this is published on her website as part of her creative strength training class.
The second is a detailed essay she wrote concerning the process.
I hope that these documents will help the Bee Artful group conduct critique sessions that are productive.
Letter from the editor
How did January slip by so fast? It is not like there has been a lack of news or anything! During this time of information overload and some seriously cold weather here, it is more important than ever for us to get in our studios and create, create, create! Speaking of creating, how much more creative can you get than doing some improv quilting in February with our very own Silke! I am looking forward to this workshop and our discussion around marketing the Opportunity quilt. Stay warm everyone and to take a saying from Janice, ..just keep stitching!
I am happy to convey all of these wonderful "goings on" via this newsletter. Try to get things to me in advance of the end of the month via email (mandmoliver@gmail.com) or text. If you put the word "newsletter" somewhere in the message line I will be able to find it easier (if using email). See you soon.