The Counselor's Bulletin
Stay in the know regarding the Counseling Office!
Counseling Services Offered:
- individual counseling
- small group counseling
- classroom guidance lessons
- crisis intervention
- consultation with parents and teachers
- referrals for community agencies
Additional Responsibilities:
- MTSS Coordinator: If you have an academically or behaviorally struggling student that does not already receive 504 or Special Education services, I can discuss accommodations available to help your student.
- GT Coordinator - inform parents of deadlines, collect appropriate forms, and gather referrals from parents, teachers, AND students.
- DukeTIP Coordinator: A program offered to 7th grade students (GT students and high-performing STAAR students) giving them a unique opportunity to take the ACT test in the spring.
---------common issues----------
anger management
friendship skills
stress reduction
conflict resolution
managing feelings
why is school counseling necessary?
- Students learn best when they feel good about themselves and their relationships with others.
- When a child has a solid understanding of his emotions, he is better able to control his feelings.
- We encourage our students to be independent and responsible for themselves.
- When schools, parents, and students all collaborate together, the result is an effective support of the child.
- Attitudes that form during the school-aged years shape the future attitudes towards self-efficacy, learning, and society.
How you can help this month!
Parent Needs Assessment
Parents, please take a quick moment to fill out the Parent Needs Assessment survey. It only takes a couple of minutes, and the results will help me to define the counseling program so that it assesses the needs of OUR campus.
Use your camera or a QR Code reader to access the survey. (Ask your kid for help if necessary!)
student needs assessment
Students have their own survey as well! Please encourage your student to fill out his survey too!
Students can use the camera or a QR Code reader to access the survey.
Email: cdodd1@saisd.net
Website: https://schools.saisd.net/page/177.homepage
Location: 415 Gabriel, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: (210)354-9652
Event Information
GT Referral Window
The Gifted and Talented referral window will be opening on 9/30/2019. Students in grade 5 will automatically be tested, per the district, unless a parent signs the Opt Out form refusing testing. ALL other students can be tested with appropriate paperwork.
Students currently in GT will NOT have to be retested; they will continue services.
Keep an eye out for notifications on Class Dojo!
Monday, Sep 30, 2019, 12:00 AM