Elk Neck Express
September 1, 2024
Elk Neck Elementary School
Ashlee Groce, Principal, ajgroce@ccps.org
Kimberly Whitney, Assistant Principal, krwhitney@ccps.org
Website: https://enes.ccps.org/
Location: 41 Racine School Rd., Elkton, MD, 21921
Phone: 410.996.5030
A Message from the Principal
Hello Elk Neck Elementary Families,
We can't believe it's the first day of fall! We've loved seeing students adjust to routines in the school and classroom and our staff back doing what they love. This week, students will attend a PBIS Assembly to revisit our PBIS expectations (Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible). Ask your child about the PBIS expectations at Elk Neck!
On Friday, 9/27/24, we will have our first Bubblegum Day! Bubblegum will be sold (2 pieces for $1) with a purchase amount limit of $5. Squishies will also be sold for students who are unable to chew bubblegum. Squishies will be $1 and limited to one per student. Pre-k students will only be sold squishies. The funds from Bubblegum Day will be used to support student activities throughout the school year.
We've had several calls with families requesting a change in transportation. For student safety, please note that students are only permitted one bus and one bus stop. Also, should you need to change how your child is transported home, please notify Mrs. Tahaney and Mrs. Cloud in writing by 3:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Should a transportation change be needed on Wednesday, please notify Mrs. Tahaney and Mrs. Cloud in writing by 1:00 p.m Thank you for your help in making sure all of our students get home safely.
As always, we are here to serve our families, students, teachers, and the community. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don't ever hesitate to contact us. Please reference the Who To Contact document to reach the staff member who can best respond to your need.
Mrs. Ashlee Groce, Principal
Mrs. Kimberly Whitney, Asst. Principal
Curriculum Overview Documents
ENES Curricukum Overview Documents
Early ChildhoodEnglish Language Arts
Social Studies
BrightPath: A Free Mental Health Resource for Elk Neck Families
2024-2025 Free & Reduced Meal Benefit Applications
The 2024-2025 Free & Reduced Meal Benefit Applications are now available online. Please go to the following link to fill out the application: https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application.
If you filled out an application last school year, you must complete a new one for this school year. If you have any questions, please call the Food & Nutrition Office at (410) 996-6257.
Counselor's Corner
Congrats to our third-grade teacher, Paula Cantera, and our nurse, Theresa Robinson for receiving our first Golden Retriever Award for going above and beyond at the start of this school year! Elk Neck is so fortunate to have staff like you in our Elk Neck Family!
Donuts for Grown Ups
Mark your calendars! Our next breakfast will be on Thursday, October 3rd at 8:00 am. Our topic will be the importance of attendance and how to help your child have better back-to-school routines. We hope you can join us! Invitations will come home with your child next week.
Individual Guidance/Group Counseling:
Please feel free to contact Mrs. Cook if you are concerned about your child and would like to seek individual or group counseling for him/her. Some common concerns that we can assist your child with; academic progress, peer relations, family changes, behavioral changes, stress/anxiety, self-esteem, and responsible behaviors..
Mrs. Cook will be starting small counseling groups on Grief counseling, Self-Esteem, Friendship Skills, Changing Families, Self-Regulation, Aiming High (Academic Skills), and Trauma. Please let me know if you feel that your child may benefit from small group counseling sessions. alcook@ccpps.org or 410-996-5030
Weekend Food Bags
If your family is experiencing financial hardship, food bags are available for your child over the weekends. Please contact Amy Cook, School Counselor (410-996-5030 if you would like to register your child for this program.
Parenting Tips
The first character trait we focus on with our Elk Neck Retrievers is RESPECT. Ask your child how many paw prints their class has earned for displaying respect, responsibility, and safety throughout our school building. Ask them what they are excited to earn as a class.
Ways to encourage your child to show RESPECT:
Using good manners: Saying "please" and "thank you" regularly, holding doors open, and complimenting others
Being kind: Treating others well, not name-calling, and allowing others to express their opinions
Being considerate: Listening to others, not talking over them, and looking people in the eye when they speak
Being responsible: Apologizing when they make a mistake and admitting when they're wrong
Being open: Sharing their wants and needs, and confiding in others when they have a problem
Being empathetic and being a good friend to others
Being respectful of others and accepting others
Including others who may feel left out
Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee: New Year, New Topics!
Fall Learning Event for Educators AND Parents
Dinner & Presentation: "Writing Conferences as a Path to Independent Writing" with Dr. Vicki McQuitty of the Maryland Writing Project
Tuesday, September 24th; 5-7:00pm @ Fairwinds Farm in North East
CCLC Members= $19, Non-Members= $30
Whether you teach or you parent, enjoy a pit beef dinner and learn how to hold results-oriented conversations about writing with kids, regardless of their age.
Important Dates
Tuesday, 9/26/24
PBIS Assembly for students
Wednesday, 9/25/24
Hat Day!
Thursday, 9/26/24
Kindergarten Field Trip to Milburn Orchards
Friday, 9/27/24
Bubblegum Day! See above for more information.
Monday, 9/30/24
1st Marking Period Interim Period Ends
Grade 2 to Fair Hill Nature Center
Wednesday, 10/2/24
ENES Volunteer Training @ 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, 10/3/24
Donuts for Grown-ups @ 8:00 a.m.
Friday, 10/4/24
Early Dismissal @ 1:30 p.m.