WMHS Weekly Information
November 18 - 22
From the Principal's Desk
Zebra Nation,
Last full week and then two days before the Thanksgiving Break. (I am TRULY THANKFUL for each and every one of you!) ... Stay on top of your academics right up to the last day before the Break. You got this! We got you!
**Important Reminder - It was recently announced that there will be no school on Wednesday, 11/27. As a result of this calendar change, we will be rescheduling our Academic Letter, National Honor Society, and Upward Bound Ceremonies for after Thanksgiving. We will re-send out invitations with our new date and time upon our return from the Thanksgiving Break.
The WMHS Play was amazing! Congratulations to Ms. Sullivan, her Team, and to all of the Zebra's that did such a great job! Well done!
The annual WMHS Blood Drive is this Thursday. See below for those details.
WMHS Housekeeping:
Little uptick with our tempers and fighting here recently. WMHS will be a safe place for every staff member and student. Fighting / violence will not be tolerated. Students who choose to fight at WMHS, will receive a consequence to the max that we can enforce from the Student Code of Conduct, including a ticket, a fine, and court. *Also, students should not be "running to" a fight hyping it up, with their phones out filming it, causing a major disruption in our school. If students choose to do this, they will also receive a consequence based on our Student Code of Conduct. We are STRONGER TOGETHER! Let's keep WMHS SAFE TOGETHER!
Reminder - as the weather is getting colder. There are no hoods on heads inside WMHS and no full face coverings on inside WMHS. This is for the safety of everyone inside WMHS as we have to be able to quickly identify who is in the building at all times.
- Lunches - students are not to be moving about / playing around during the lunches. Students need to be in a central area and should be sitting for the majority of their lunch. Students cannot leave the cafeteria during their scheduled lunch without a pass from an adult, or if they are called down by the main office.
- Also, there are no food deliveries to WMHS. For the same safety reasons listed above, we can’t have outside people showing up and coming into WMHS. Don’t have food delivered and never open a door for a stranger that could allow them access inside WMHS. Again, this is for the safety of everyone inside WMHS.
- Student Parking - students please make sure that you are parking in the student lot by the soccer field. You should not be parking in staff parking spots, or in no parking zones.
Have a great week!
Cory J. Gildersleeve
"It's our attitude in life that determines life's attitude towards us." ~~E. Nightingale.
"Change your thoughts and change your world." ~~N.V. Peale
WMHS PBIS Weekly Awards
These scholars showed their STRIPES:
Brooklyn Barber
Ariane Caiafas
Drake Dunham
Dallas Dawson-Escobedo
Sa'Riyah McDonald
Lucian Post
Ashton Powell
Vivian Robertson
Weekly Information
Mon, 11/18
- Full Day
- Painless: The Opioid Musical for Seniors 2nd and 3rd Hour
Tues, 11/19
- Full Day
Wed, 11/20
- Full Day
- Student Council Meeting, 3rd Hour
Thurs, 11/21
- Full Day
- WMHS Blood Drive, 7am-2pm
Fri, 11/22
- Full Day
- PBIS Drawing, 1:52pm
Cool Classrooms
Working from reference photos, students penciled their self portraits. A grid overlay supported accuracy in location of features relative to one another. Attention was given texture, shadow, and proportionality.
Students experienced a meaningful opportunity to provide peer-to-peer feedback on their pieces. With their own version of the evaluation rubric, students examined each other's portraits. A word bank supported the use of discipline-specific vocabulary.
Peer-to-peer feedback is a great technique within the formative assessment process to support student learning.
Student Council
Every 2 seconds in the United States, someone requires blood. Student Council will be hosting a blood drive is November 21st from 7:30am - 1:30pm. If you are 16 or older, please consider donating!! Here is the link to sign up: bit.ly/4ezs8Em
16 year olds will need parent consent to donate. Please pick up a form outside of room 251 or in the main office.
Upcoming November Student Council Events
Wednesday 11/20 - Student Council meeting during 3rd hour in the lecture hall
Thursday 11/21 - Blood Drive
Friday 11/23 - Leadership Training Institute for all StuCo members in Alumni
Every Friday in December is Holiday shirt day. Please wear your cute, ugly, favorite, etc shirt to spread holiday cheer!!
On Wednesday 11/13 our juniors and senios participated in a Powder Puff football and cheer event. The juniors class girls won the powder puff game and the senior class boys won the cheer competition. Looking for even bigger things next year. Thank you to all the staff members who helped and came out to support our kids.
Upward Bound
Upward Bound is a federally funded program that we are fortunate to have here at WMHS. This program is designed to assis, encourage, and motivate students who have the potential and desire to continue their education beyond high school. Currently there are 69 students in the program.
If you are interested in applying for Upward Bound, please see Ms. Jonna-Moore or Mrs. Webb in the Upward Bound offices in the library.
Interact is a community service based club. Each week they meet to plan and implement various service projects while having fun, meeting new people, and eating snacks.
Next meeting will be Monday, November 25, 2024 from 2 - 3 pm.
Bright Futures
Counseling, College, & Career Readiness News
Champions of Wayne - Mentee/Mentor Lunch Event
🦓 Zebra Scholars! 🦓
Mentor and Mentee Lunch Event: Thursday - November 21, 2024 - All Lunches!
Thursday, November 21st, Champions will be holding a mentor/mentee lunch event during all 3 lunches. RSVP is required. Please RSVP by Monday, 11/18, before 12pm! Food, fun, and prizes - how can you go wrong? 😃
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email us at tgccow@gmail.com or visit us in room 110.
Zebra HOPE
WMHS Athletics
Athletic Director / Assistant Principal Mr. Mark Woodson
Come out and support our teams!
Go to https://waynememorialathletics.org/main/calendar for updated schedule of events. Please use this link for our most up-to-date upcoming games this week.
Student passes are available through Go Fan. You must have your student ID to purchase, Students will still need to show ID at the gate when redeeming tickets. The link is below. https://gofan.co/app/school/MI10119
- No Backpacks or School Bags allowed at home events.
- All Elementary and Middle School Students must be accompanied by an adult at all sporting events.
- Students must show ID at gate when redeeming ticket.
- No Re-Entry
Local Businesses that Support WMHS
Please support thse local businesses that support WMHS.
AKA Sports 34932 W. Michigan Ave Wayne
Dairy Queen 3007 S. Wayne Rd Wayne, MI
Flowers in the Mitten 34852 W.Michigan Ave Wayne, MI
Helium Studio 3127 S. Wayne Rd Wayne, MI
Snazzy Treats and Eats 35139 E Michigan Ave Wayne, MI
'OK to Say'
The safety and well-being of our staff and students is our top priority. Our students can be proactive in helping us in maintaining a safe school environment by reporting anonymous concerns promptly. Please encourage your child to report any potential safety concerns to a staff member or contact the OK2SAY program through the following channels:
Call: 8-555-OK2SAY
Text: 652729 (OK2SAY)
Email: OK2SAY@mi.gov
Thank you for your continued support in ensuring the safety of our school community.
Habits for Success!!!!
Get Organized - use folders, eliminate clutter
Make Lists - list what needs to be done
Plan - break down list by how much time each item will take
Develop routines - set aside time each day to review the day and to study
Use your time wisely
Ask for help
- Attendance is the #1 factor in your academic performance!
- Come to school everyday!
- Get to class on time!
- Stay in class, as nothing good is happening in the halls during class time!
- Make good choices!
- Develop good habits!
Email: gildersleevec@wwcsd.net
Website: https://www.wwcsd.net/schools/high-schools/wayne-memorial-high-school/
Phone: (734) 419- 2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wwcsd
Twitter: @wwcsd