Welcome to 5th Grade Reading
Meet Mrs. Sloop
About Mrs. Sloop
I grew up in Wilkesboro, and I graduated from Wilkes Central High School and went on to continue my education at Appalachian State University!
At home, I live with my husband Dylan. We have two dogs, Lucy and Ashe! I love to spend time with my family, especially my nephew, Beckett and my niece, Flora.
Outside of teaching, my favorite thing to do is travel and try new restaurants. I would definitely describe us as "foodies". I addition, I love hiking, walking, reading, mountain biking, kayaking the New River, going to Appalachian football games, and hanging out with friends.
About This Year in 5th...
Encore and Recess Rotation Schedules
Mrs. Sloop's Homeroom Encore Rotation
Day 1: PE
Day 2: Art
Day 3: PE
Day 4: Music
Day 5: PE
Day 6: Media
Mrs. Sloop's Homeroom Recess Rotation
Day 1: Spider
Day 2: Mega toy
Day 3: Track
Day 4: Spider
Day 5: Mega toy
Day 6: Track
Important Dates for August & September
August 22: Open House 12pm-7pm (by appointment only)
August 23: Open House 8am-1pm (by appointment only)
August 26: First Day of School!
September 2: No School, Labor Day
September 25: JAWCC trip
September 26: PTO Family Literacy Night
September 27: No School, Required Workday
Homework Expectations
-All homework is to be kept in the "green communication folder". Please bring to school each day.
-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights:
Reading Homework
Read 20-30 minutes
Complete Reading Log and parent signature
Homework Tips
- Pick a structured time to complete homework
- Stay calm and positive
- Set a timer
- The ultimate goal is to build "reading stamina". If you need to work up to reading 30 minutes, then that is OK. You can break up reading time into 2 or 3 "10 minute sessions" with breaks in between.
Reading Curriculum
Wit & Wisdom® is our English curriculum. It builds knowledge of key topics in history, science, and literature through the study of excellent texts. By reading and responding to stories and nonfiction texts, we will build knowledge of the following topics:
Module 1: Cultures in Conflict
Module 2: Word Play
Module 3: A War Between Us
Module 4: Breaking Barriers
In Module 1, we will ask what it means to belong to a culture. How do the beliefs associated with a culture guide the actions of its people? And what happens when different cultures come into conflict?
Module 1 Texts:
Novel ▪ Thunder Rolling in the Mountains, Scott O’Dell and Elizabeth Hall
Speech ▪ “Lincoln Hall Speech,” Washington, D.C., January 14, 1879, Chief Joseph
Nez Perce Stories ▪ “Coyote and the Monster Story” Parts 1, 2, and 3, told by J. R. Spencer and
“How Beaver Stole Fire from the Pines”
Link to Family Tip Sheet : https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/3454910/Family%20Tip%20Sheets%20-%20WW/Grade%205.pdf
Supply List
Most Important
-4 Boxes of #2 Yellow/Wood Pencils with Erasers, Ticonderoga
-1 Box of Facial Tissues
-1 Colored Pencils, Box(es)
-4 Composition Notebook Wide Ruled (not spiral bound)
-2 Dry Erase Markers packs
-1 Earbuds pair; OR headphones
-2 Package(s) of Index Cards, 3" x 5"
-1 Pencil Bag/Pouch
-1 Pocket Folders, with Prongs/Brads (2-pocket)
-1 Reusable Water Bottle (Refillable)
-1 Scissors (piair)
-2 Sharpie® Highlighters, Assorted Colors Packs
Optional Donations
-1 Bag of Individually Wrapped Candy (Optional)
-1 Treasure Box Items (Optional)
-1 Package(s) of Sticky Notes (Optional)
-1 Paper Towels - Roll(s) (Optional)
-1 Hand Sanitizer, Bottle(s) (Optional)
-1 Box of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags (Optional)
(All sizes welcome - sandwich, quart, gallon, 2 gallon)
-1 Canister(s) of Disinfecting Wipes (Optional)
October 1, 2024: Soil & Water Conservation Center (required assignment to follow)
October 18, 2024: Allison Woods Outdoor Learning Center
March 4, 2025: JAWCC (Backtrack Vocals show)
April 25, 2025: Merlefest (Chaperones welcome)
My preferred communication hours are Monday-Friday, from 7:25am-4:00pm. Any messages received outside of those hours will be answered as soon as possible the next school day. The best way to contact me is through Class Dojo or email!
Email: sloopri@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: wes.wilkescountyschools.org
Location: 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC, USA