Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 12th January 2024
Creating bags out of T-shirts in Design Technology
In Year 5 as part of our DT learning, the children have been exploring ways they can upcycle products in order to look after our environment. They all brought in old t-shirts from home to upcycle into a bag. Firstly the children looked at what uses bags have, the different types and styles of bags and what they were made from. They practised some stitches by hand, including running stitch, back stitch and cross stitch and then practised different types of stitches using the sewing machine. The children then had to choose a user for their bag and design it. They created a template from paper for the exact size and shape, then pinned it to the t-shirt and using tailor's chalk drew around it. Using fabric scissors, they cut out their design. After that, the children hemmed the pieces of material and tacked their bag together. They used the sewing machine to sew the main part of the bag and then added handles using hand stitching and we have even started to add some fastenings and other decorations. The children were delighted to share their creations in a fashion show in the Key Stage 2 celebration worship on the last Thursday before Christmas.
Attitudes to learning
This week we have been thinking about how we behave in school. We looked at the attitudes to learning that help us to succeed and the behaviours needed through our 3 behaviour bs - be safe, respectful and responsible.
In classes staff are using our key words to help the children to aspire, flourish and love.
Class Dojo
Our identified attitudes, behaviour and vision are a key part of our new approach to rewarding and recognising how well the children are achieving. We are now using our online platform, 'Class Dojo' to reward children's efforts with dojo points! We have been very impressed with the super hard work in the first few days back and the children are really enjoying the way that they receive points. Early next week we will be communicating with all parents in Years 1 to 6 so that they can sign up to Class Dojo online or through an app so that families can access class information and see how well their children are achieving. We are sure that Class Dojo will help all children to try to their best.
Class Dojo Champions
Dojo Champions
This week we announced our first Dojo Champions who had scored the most points in their class. As a reward they received their Dojo Champion lanyards to wear for the next week.
Christingle 2024 - Monday 22nd January
We are delighted to be able to visit the Cathedral for a Christingle Service on Monday 22nd January at 5pm.
Staff will look after the children (Reception - Year 6) after school on Monday 22nd January. Please note that there will be no OSCARS after school care on this date. The school kitchen will provide everyone with a free hot dog (or vegetarian sausage), before we walk up to the Cathedral in time for the 5pm service in the nave. You are warmly invited to join us in the Cathedral for this special service. Children must be collected from the Cathedral at 5.30pm.
We are assuming that all children will be staying on at school and eating the hot dog before the service unless you notify us otherwise. If this is the case, we do ask that you email school on to tell us that your child/children will not be in attendance and will be collected at the usual time (3.10pm/3.15pm) on Monday 22nd January 2024. Children will arrive at the Cathedral at just before 5pm for the service. We do ask that parents and carers sit on the left side of the nave (as you walk in from the main entrance). Children will be seated on the right.
At the end of the service we will move the children so that they are together as a class and ready for collection. Please do make sure that you see your child's class teacher before taking your child. We are expecting the service to end by 5.30pm.
At the end of the service there will be a collection for the Children's Society. Please do help support this worthy cause.
Nursery Children
If your child is in Nursery and normally attends Oscar's after school on Mondays and you are unable to collect at 3.15pm, please let Mrs Rich know so that we can explain our alternative childcare arrangements.
If you have already booked Oscar's after school on Monday 22nd January, we will be arranging a credit note.
Perfect Puppets
Our design technology project in Year 2 last term was the challenge to create a hand puppet animal that we could use. We began by researching puppet makers and how puppets were constructed. We had a hands-on session looking at examples of puppets. Then we thought about which animal we would like to create and made a list of materials we need. Plus, writing instructions of how we would construct it, including top making tips for others to follow.
In order to make it to the correct specifications, we looked at gloves and how tightly they fitted, we devised a template by drawing around our hands but leaving plenty of seam allowance to enable our hand to fit in.
Selecting the materials was great fun, we had a collecting table where we searched for the things on our list and investigated which embellishments would be suitable.
Lots of cutting, sewing and gluing later we had the finished product, we tested to make sure it was purposeful and we had a few slight alterations to make, but overall, a very successful project. Bring on the puppet fun!
New Year Resolutions
Resolutions for 2024
This week we thought about the things we can do as our class new year resolutions. As always the children had some super ideas.
Reception – To be able to read by ourselves.
Year 1 - Tucking our chairs in.
Year 2 – To do our homework as soon as we get home and to be quieter in class.
Year 3 – To be more healthy and eat more fruit and veg. To be kind in our interactions.
Year 4 – To do a litter pick regularly after break. To be nicer to everyone. To be more helpful.
Year 5 – To be friendly and help everyone. To listen more and be resilient and reflective in lessons.
Year 6 – To keep the classroom tidy. To ensure that we all have better friendships. Be safe, be respectful and responsible.
Justice and Generosity
Christian values of the term
This term our values that we are exploring in worship and reflection time are Justice and Generosity. The children have been thinking about what it means to treat everyone fairly and justly.
Stars of the Week
Every week we enjoy hearing about the wonderful work in each class in our Celebration Worship. Well done to all our Stars of the Week.
Sophia is our Star of the Week, for her enthusiasm in our Spanish topic of 'Under the Sea'.
Ethan for the wonderful effort and enthusiasm that he is showing in all his writing tasks.
Year 1
Sophie for using fantastic adjectives and connectives in her writing.
Year 2
George for always being ready to learn, being consistently polite and respectful.
Year 3
Jojo for a fantastic start to the spring term, putting in super effort into her work and particularly her presentation.
Year 4
Felix for a wonderful, conscientious attitude towards his learning all week.
Year 5
Missy for her excellent contributions to class discussions in RE as well as her resilience and perseverance with her self portrait in art.
Year 6
Seb for being ready to learn all week and for taking responsibility for hi learning.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 22nd January - Christingle service at 5pm in the Cathedral
Friday 26th January - Holocaust Memorial Service - Year 6 at the Cathedral
Thursday 1st February - Year 4 visit to York
Tuesday 6th February at 5.30pm - London Information Meeting (Year 6 parents and children)
Wednesday 7th February at 7pm - Meeting of the Friends of School (venue TBC)
Thursday 8th February - KS2 Young Voices at Sheffield Arena
Friday 9th February - School closes for Half Term
Wednesday 6th March -> Friday 8th March - Year 6 visit to London
Tuesday 12th March - Parent consultation meetings
Wednesday 13th March - Parent consultation meetings
Thursday 21st March - Reception and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship
Friday 22nd March - Music Concert and Celebration Worship.
Friday 22nd March - School closes for Easter break
Tuesday 9th April - School reopens for pupils for the Summer Term
Our dates for diaries includes events that we currently have planned. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
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