Berry Hill PTA Blast
We hope everyone had a great time at our K-2 Winter Wonderland! We want to give a BIG thank you to VP Roni Gaon, Committee Chair Jaime Linder, and the amazing Committee including Allyson DiSpigno, Andrea Sugarman, Emily Raxenberg, Jen Marks, Jen Yonelunas, Lindsay Merrill, and Rachel Vigneaux.
The Winter Concert (5th Grade Band, 4th and 5th Grade Orchestra, and 4th and 5th Grade Chorus) is on Tuesday, 12/17 at 7pm @ Berry Hill.
Prior to our January PTA meeting at 7:45 on 1/15, we will have our annual Reflections Participation Awards Ceremony at 7pm for all students who submitted for this year's Reflections. Everyone's artwork will be displayed and participants will receive a certificate from Mrs. Wasserman!
School will be closed from Monday, 12/23-Wednesday, 1/1. Wishing everyone a very happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year!
Read on for information regarding:
1- 5th Grade Yearbook Photos - Due January 15th and Dedication Page Artwork due February 10th
2- PTA Meetings
4- Communications Conference
5- Parent Resource Group- Virtual Presentation 1/23/25
Yearbook Photos- 5th Grade Only
Our Yearbook Committee is collecting photos of all graduating 5th graders taken through the years AT Berry Hill, baby pictures, and artwork for dedication pages. Please see the flyer below for more info!
We have included a calendar of the upcoming school year's PTA Meeting Dates below. If you have a question for us or Mrs. Wasserman, feel free to email us at bhptapresidents@gmail.com or contact the administration directly.
Communications Conference
The document from the Fall Communications Conference has been posted to the district website, linked HERE.
Parent Resource Group
Please SAVE THE DATE for the Parent Resource Group's next virtual presentation on January 23, 2025 at 7:30 pm. Dr. Stephen Dewey will present on Understanding the Effects of Addictive Substances and Behaviors on the Adolescent Brain. A flyer with more information will be available in the new year.