Advertising Guidelines
2024-2025 School Year

Advertising Guidelines for GOHS
Use this resource to help you with creating amazing, thought out, advertising for GOHS.
1. Newsletter Advertisement
2. Social Media
3. Flyers - When To Use Them!
4. WPTV Advertisement Guidelines
5. Video Guidelines
6. Around Campus Advertisement Guidelines
7. Google Form Tips
8. Logos
9. Archived Resources
10. Social Media
1. Newsletter Advertisement Guidelines
Do's and Don'ts to Newsletter Advertising
Newsletters are being used to send out to our Great Oak Community.
The purpose is to:
Below will be examples along with the sizing that will need to be used for your advertisements.
Keep in mind the following:
use graphics that promote the GOHS brand
use fonts and images that help draw the audience in (relate to the message and theme you are trying to capture)
- Do not make sizing a flyer. You will be asked to resubmit your graphic.
Flyers are only for print or going out in Peachjar, NEVER for newsletters.
The sizing does not look good in the formatting of the newsletter (see below examples).
- Do not be over wordy!
Create an image and then send in your "script" of information plus any hyper links to Google Forms/Docs/Slides/etc. that will help you with your message (see below examples).
Keep information minimal in the image.
If you need a sign-up, include a QR code AND email Mrs. Baron a link.
If using for WPTV include a script to the Google Form.
2. Social Media Advertisement Guidelines
3. Flyers - When To Use Them!
Yes you are going to use flyers at some point.
Here is when to use a flyer:
1. The flyer will be printed and displayed outside, in a classroom, in the office.
2. The flyer is emailed to a teacher to display in their classroom, with the option for printing.
3. Peachjar (community news service) displays flyers for you in their email communications. Make sure it is a PDF!
Flyers for Print
Keep your flyers with a white background and then accent with other colors (if doing a color print).
OTHERWISE keep your flyers black and white when you know that you are only printing that way. SAVE INK!
DO NOT use flyers for:
1. Social media
2. Newsletters
**See below image on why we do not use flyers in newsletters.
(margins do not fit edge to edge and looks more compact)
4. WPTV Advertisement Guidelines
Use the link below to submit your video requests.
- review the Google Form for all the necessary items needed for your advertising.
- Videos/images/scripts need to be submitted by 8:30 a.m. 2 (school) days prior to announcement.
- WPTV can only make announcements that are school related.
Mr. Huff is the WPTV advisor/teacher.
Mr. Huff prefers the following formatting for videos: MP4 format with a 1280 x 720 pixels resolution
5. Video Guidelines
6. Around Campus Advertisement Guidelines
Use BLUE painters tape when hanging items around campus.
DO NOT use clear packing tape, duct tape, glue, etc. This will strip the paint and ruin exterior look of the school.
Here is where you can hang items:
1. With teacher permission, their classroom (including doors)
2. What's Happening Wolfpack Large White boards at the end of the 300, 400, 600, 700, 800
3. WSB Courtyard
4. South end of the Library
5. Solar Panel Posts
6. Inside bathroom doors
Here is where you CAN NOT hang items:
1. Windows around admin building
2. On top of window wraps
7. Google Form Tips
1. Create an image for your Google form to go on top of the form. This should thematically represent your event.
2. Permissions
- make your advisor an editor
3. Collect emails
4. When collecting names, get the students last name then first name.
5. Collect a room number if you need to make deliveries/send reminders. Have this for your specific class period.
6. In settings:
- send recipients a message ALWAYS for their response
- Depending on the event, limit one response
- TVUSD only email (if you need to collect a different email, you will need to make your advisor an owner and have them change the collection response setting)
8. Logos
When it comes to logos and our brand, use logos that have already been provided by the school.
These are considered TRUSTED/APPROVED.
Screenshot cut outs from a website
Google Searches for the logo (typically, its not the correct one)
Distorted images
9. Archived Resources
10. Social Media
If you need to meet with me for support you can find me
Before school through break in room 203
Periods 3 - 5 in the WSB Room, 956
You can also schedule intervention with me! Just email me the day and who you need scheduled and I will do my best to accomodate.