McClure Messages
January 13 - 17 and 21 - 24
A huge thank you to everyone who came out and made our Special Olympics Pack the Place this week a huge success. It was standing room only in the gym, but the vibes were impeccable. Thank you so much for creating that spirit of inclusivity and celebration of all talents - it fed my soul.
As we head into the back half of the school year, it is an exciting time for teachers and students. The foundation and relationships that we've built over the course of this year allow us to dive into projects and deep learning in this next stretch of the school year. Quarter 3 is typically where students need to buckle down the most. Classes are not only into brand new material but teachers are building experiences that allow each student to grow in independence and analytical thinking.
Attendance plays a huge part in supporting this growth, especially as students engage in group work and hands on learning experiences that depend on teamwork and consistency. This is my favorite time of year with kids, as they take ownership, push their limits, and grow in so many ways.
Thank you for your partnership!
Upcoming Dates
1/14/25 ........MAP testing - Reading test (testing in ELA classes)
1/15/25 ........Parent Council Meeting 7pm
1/15/25 ........LT Registration Webinar (7pm, for parents of 8th graders)
1/16/25 ........MAP testing - Math test (all school testing session in the morning)
1/17/24 ........End of Quarter 2
1/20/25 ........No School (MLK Jr. Day)
1/21/25........Orchestra Festival at LT (7th grade)
1/21/25 ........LT visiting 8th grade 10th periods - topic: choosing and registering for classes
1/22/25 ........LT Future Freshman Night (6:30pm)
1/23/25 ........Lyons Township Choral Festival and Concert
1/29/24........Late Arrival Day
Important items for 8th grade parents
- Jan 10 (today)- Students should have brought home a legal sized yellow worksheet with all the freshman course selection options on it. They received this in social studies and we have extras in the main office. Students and parents should review this and have conversations about which classes they would like to take freshman year which will help you formulate the questions you might want to ask at the following LT events. The worksheet should be brought back to McClure with elective course options marked for the Jan 27th meetings with LT counselors.
- Jan. 15 - Class of 2029 Registration Virtual Meeting
- Jan. 21 - LT comes to McClure to overview elective classes and class selection.
- Jan. 22 - Class of 2029 Future Freshman Night - this night focuses on the elective course options available, but also has very informative breakout sessions. This LINK details the schedule for the event.
- Jan. 23 - Placement letters emailed home. Families have a short window after this letter comes home to make changes in placements by contacting LT. Mr. Drew Eder (aeder@d204.lths.net) is the best contact for those inquiries.
- Jan. 27 - LT Counselors meet with each 8th grader to select elective courses preferences.
Note: If your child is planning on attending a school other than LT we typically still have them go through the class selection process. This ensures that they have a seat in their preferred classes if plans change.
A reminder that all communications and lots of other information can be found on the LT Class of 2029 website.
6th grade parent volunteers needed - Outdoor Ed Trip
We need overnight chaperones for our Outdoor Ed trip in May to run! Please consider joining us for this fun night. Sign up HERE or click the PDF below for more information.
If you have already signed up, THANK YOU! I'll be sending you some detailed information this coming week.
Get excited, D101 families: it's time for the 2025 D101 FAMILY STEAM NIGHT. Back by popular demand, this interactive and hands on family-friendly experience is presented compliments of WSFEE and in partnership with our D101 administration and staff. Please save the date on your family calendars (Thursday, February 6 from 5:30-8:00PM at McClure) and stop by. STEAM Night is an open house format. Come by for a short bit or stay a long while! Calling for volunteers! We need parent volunteers to make STEAM night a success. *NEW* this year: For every parent who volunteers an hour of their time at STEAM night, they will receive two tickets at a time of their choosing for the highly anticipated mobile escape rooms for their D101 student(s) to use. Click HERE to volunteer.
Helping Kids Navigate their Digital Life
New Security Measure in 2025 (repeat)
In the new year our front office will be rolling out Verkada, a new guest check-in system. Not much will change with our practice and expectations, but we just wanted to make you aware, as we will still require drivers licenses or some form of government ID to be turned in to enter the school and wear a lanyard to indicate you are a visitor in the building.
The good news is that once you register in the system the first time, you will be issued a QR code that can be saved on your phone. That code can be scanned on all future visits, which will make check-in a little more efficient.
Attendance (repeat)
Regular attendance is one of the most important factors in helping students succeed academically and socially and reduces school related stress. As we approach winter break, it is a good time to evaluate if your child has missed time at school. Some items to keep in mind:
- Absences at McClure are reported by minutes and hours missed. If students frequently miss school due to appointments or tardies these can accumulate into days missed.
- Chronic absenteeism is a data point that is reported to the state and affects our school report card. Students with 10% or more of school missed are considered chronically absent. This includes both excused and unexcused absences.
- As of 12/2, 10% of the school year thus far is 6.5 days.
- Absences are only considered excused for the following reasons: illness, observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, family emergency, or student mental health day.
- There are times when family events might necessitate a preplanned absence from school. We always prefer to know about these ahead of time at mjhattendance@d101.org. When students will be absent 3 days or longer, the student should stop by the main office for an extended absence form.
NJHS providing Peer Support on Wednesday mornings (repeat)
NJHS members have organized peer support for any McClure student wanting some assistance or extra study time. Topics in school subjects or organization skills will be supported. Please enjoy this informational video sent to students (The graphics definitely made me chuckle!)
A Word from WSFEE
Exciting news - the D101 STEAM Night is coming back to McClure on Feb 6th! Sponsored by WSFEE, STEAM Night will captivate students with hands-on activities fostering enthusiasm for the interlocked disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. Come out and experience connections between all STEAM disciplines with an emphasis on hands-on, fun and creative activities. It's truly an event for the whole family!
Send a Note of Thanks
There is nothing that feeds a teacher's soul more than a thank you. If at any point you'd like to send a teacher or staff member a note of appreciation, this is one way to acknowledge the way they have positively impacted you or your child's experience at McClure. Click the button below to go to a quick form and the staff member will receive your note on a lovely digital stationary in their inbox.
Community News
Mental Health & Wellness in 2025 Presentation & Resource Fair - January 22, 2025
LT is co-hosting a presentation and resource fair on mental health conditions impacting kids and adults featuring Dr. John Duffy on January 22, 2025 at North Campus Reber Center.
Join local thought experts for a presentation and wellness fair on:
mental health conditions impacting kids and adults
when and how to seek support
how to build emotional resilience
strategies for managing stress, anxiety and depression
Live Spanish and ASL interpretation available. Learn more (English flyer or Spanish flyer) and RSVP here.
Project Heart Ready 2025 - Community Hands-Only CPR and AED Preparedness Event - January 27, 2025
Sudden cardiac death in the community and with student-athletes is a complex issue that demands attention from both the school and medical communities. Community-based initiatives are essential for promoting inclusivity and ensuring that all individuals have the knowledge and resources to respond effectively to cardiac emergencies.
Hands-only CPR: CPR that doesn’t require mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
AED (Automatic External Defibrillator): portable medical device that can save lives during cardiac arrest
Immediate CPR and defibrillation can double or triple the chance of survival. Please join us in launching Project Heart. You could be a hero and help save a loved one’s life.
Here are the details:
LOCATION: Corral at Lyons Township HS South Campus
DATE: January 27, 2025
TIME: 3 sessions at 6pm, 7:15pm, 8:30pm
This Event is FREE to the public AGE 13 and up
First Half: Baseline knowledge teaching with interactive hands-only CPR
Second Half: Baseline knowledge teaching with interactive AED use
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/heartready2025
Here is the flyer with all pertinent information.
Contact Us
McClure Junior High
4225 Wolf Road
Western Springs, IL 60558
Main Office Phone Number: (708) 246-7590
Office Fax Number: (708) 246-4370
Attendance Email: mjhattendance@d101.org
Principal Laura Broadnax: lbroadnax@d101.org
Assistant Principal Thomas Sturm: tsturm@d101.org