Coyote Tales
July 25, 2024
Corron Mission Statement
From the Principal
We are so excited to welcome our students for the 2024-2025 school year! Teachers have been busy preparing their classrooms and learning spaces over these past few days.
Below is some information that may be helpful as we launch the new school year.
Supply Drop-Off Event
All students and families are invited to drop off school supplies and to meet classroom teachers on Monday, August 12th from 4:00-6:00 pm.
I encourage you to follow the schedule below. This will assist us in meeting your needs in a timely manner and should cut down on the crowds in classrooms, as well as congestion in our parking lot. However, please understand you are welcome to come anytime between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm if you have a scheduling conflict.
For our families that are new to Corron, staff members will be offering guided tours of the building, where they can answer any questions you may have.
4:00-5:00 pm - Last names beginning with A - I
4:30-5:30 pm - Last names beginning with J - Q
5:00-6:00 pm - Last names beginning with R - Z
Arrival and dismissal procedures
First Day of School: Students will enter the building on their own when they are dropped off on the first day. They can enter through the front doors or through door 8 by the playground. Most students should know their way to their classrooms due to attending supply drop-off, but we will have plenty of staff members on hand to assist as needed.
Supervision for drop off begins at 8:50 each school day, so please do not arrive before that time.
Daily Arrival: Students will be able to enter the building through 2 locations this year. These locations are the front door (#1) and the door by the back playground (#8). Families can choose the drop off location that works best for them. Students will be allowed to enter the building at 8:50 and will head down to their classrooms at that point. There will be adult assistance for the first few weeks for students who need help finding their way. Supervision will begin at 8:50, so please do not drop off your child before that time.
Front parking lot: this will continue to be a drive up area where parents remain in their cars and drop students off in the unloading zone. Students can exit the car in the areas that have a yellow painted curb. There will be staff members present each day to help move traffic along. The bus circle is reserved for buses only.
Back of building: Parents are allowed to park in the Park District lot and walk their child to the sidewalk. There is no drive up lane to drop and go, as this causes unsafe conditions.
Daily Pick Up: Our Kindergarten classes will be exiting at the front of the building. All other grade levels will have a choice of exiting through doors 1, 8, or 23 (south side by the field). Your child’s teacher may send a specific dismissal door for their class based on their location. Parents can meet their children near any of these areas. For our K-2 students, please let your child’s teacher know how your child will be getting home and/or who will be picking them up. If you need to change your child’s plans for dismissal, please email the teacher and then call the office so we can ensure that we know about the change.
Pick up is at 3:25 - there is no after-school supervision provided once dismissal ends.
There are no dogs allowed on school property during drop-off or pick up.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns between now and the start of school!
Chris Balaskovits
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, July 31
Last day to receive 10% Early Bird discount for school fees on Pushcoin
Wednesday, August 7
HAC opens up for classroom assignments
Monday, August 12th 4:00-6:00 pm
Welcome Back Day
Wednesday, August 14th
First Day of School
REMINDER of 2024-2025 Start & End Times for Elementary School
School Start Time - 9:05 am
Earliest Drop-Off Time - 8:50 am
School End Time - 3:25 pm
Class Assignments
Teacher assignments will be available on Wednesday, August 7th via Home Access Center (HAC).
In anticipation of finding out your child’s classroom teacher on August 7th, please make sure you are registered on the Home Access Center (HAC). If you previously registered, your login names and passwords have not changed, and you do not need to re-register. If you are new or have not previously registered you can set up your account following the steps on the pdf below.
Notification of Transportation Routes
Transportation route information for elementary school students will be available online before school starts. When available, parents may log in to the VersaTrans e-Link via the included site -
https://district.d303.org/tools/bus-routes using their Home Access Center (HAC) login credentials. When logging in, please do not check the Authenticate using Network Credentials box.
Health Office Contact Information
Physical Exams and Immunization Records are due before the 1st day of school.
The Illinois School Code requires that all students entering Kindergarten or students in other grades entering an Illinois school for the first time must submit evidence a physical examination and complete record of immunizations prior to starting classes or receiving services.
Any concerns or paperwork that needs to be turned into the Health Office can be sent to this updated email address: cor-nurses@d303.org
2024-2025 District Calendar
Before and After Shock - registration deadline is August 7th.
About us:
Website: http://corron.d303.org
Location: 455 Thornwood Way, South Elgin, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-6900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Corron-Elementary-1421025901489291/
Twitter: @CorronD303