Lake Windward Elementary
December 17, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
- December 23rd-January 6th-FCS Winter Break (no school for students)
- Tuesday January 7th-First Day of Second Semester
From Ms. Busing
I hope that this winter break brings your family some well-deserved rest, joy, and quality time together. I look forward to welcoming the students back on January 7th, 2025!
My message includes an explanation of CCRPI, the state's comprehensive system that measures college and career readiness for all Georgia public school students.
Last week, the 2024 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) scores came out for all schools in Georgia. CCRPI no longer includes an overall score out of 100 for schools, districts, or the state. The change was made to increase transparency and provide a more total picture of school performance, ensuring that challenges and opportunities are not hidden behind a single score.
There are four components to CCRPI (Content Mastery, Progress, Closing Gaps, Readiness) and each is measured by a score out of 100. The infographic below shows LWE's scores. The public CCRPI website can also be found here.
We have a lot to be proud of! Lake Windward has maintained or gained points in two key categories—Content Mastery and Progress. This is a testament to the staff and students' hard work. We also recognize areas where there is room for growth. Specifically, in the categories of Readiness and Closing the Gaps. These are areas we can continue to focus on as we work to provide every student with the best opportunities for success.
Lauren Busing
Parent Reminders &Tips-from the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention System)Team
December’s Tip as we go into the winter break –
Monitoring Children’s Online Activity
To monitor a child's online activity, parents can: use parental control apps on devices, regularly check web history, set screen time limits, monitor social media activity, use kid-friendly platforms, discuss online safety with their child, and consider sharing passwords for certain accounts while maintaining open communication.
Key strategies:
· Parental control apps:
Utilize dedicated parental control apps on smartphones, tablets, and computers to filter inappropriate content, track browsing history, set screen time limits, and receive alerts about suspicious activity.
· Built-in controls:
Leverage the parental controls built into devices and platforms like gaming consoles, YouTube, and social media apps to restrict access to unsuitable content and manage privacy settings.
· Regularly check web history:
Periodically review the child's browsing history on all devices to understand which websites they are visiting.
· Monitor social media:
If your child uses social media, review their profiles, friend lists, and posts regularly, ensuring privacy settings are maximized. It is recommended that children under the age of 13 do not have access to social media platforms.
· Kid-friendly platforms:
Encourage the use of age-appropriate platforms designed specifically for children, like Messenger Kids, instead of general social media networks.
· Open communication:
Have open conversations about online safety with your child, emphasizing the importance of not sharing personal information with strangers and reporting any concerning content.
· Password sharing (with caution):
Depending on your child's age, consider discussing a policy where you have access to their passwords for certain accounts, but always prioritize their privacy and respect their boundaries.
· Screen time limits:
Set appropriate screen time limits on devices to prevent excessive online usage. You can set up devices to turn off after a set time.
· Location tracking (if necessary):
For younger children, consider using location tracking features on their devices to monitor their whereabouts.
Important considerations:
· Age-appropriate monitoring: Adjust your monitoring level based on your child's age and maturity.
· Balance privacy and safety: While monitoring is necessary, respect your child's privacy and avoid overly intrusive practices.
· Educate yourself: Stay informed about emerging online threats and safety concerns to effectively guide your child.
Personal Communication Devices-Elementary School
Reminder for 2nd Semester: Personal Communication Devices (smart watches, phones, etc) should be turned off and stored in a student's backpack if it is brought to school.
FCS Code of Conduct:
18f.II Prohibited Use of Personal Communication Devices (PCD) During School Day
The use of PCDs during the school day is not allowed in grades Pre-K through 5.
***Please Note: If a student violates this rule which leads to the
student’s personal communication device being confiscated by school
personnel, it will only be released to the parent or guardian who must come to the school to personally retrieve the device. ***
December Character Ed Nominations
Lost and Found
All items left in the lost in found will be donated on December 19th! If your student is missing a jacket or water bottle, please encourage him/her to check the lost and found.
*It is always helpful to write your student's name in his/her jacket and/or water bottle.
AHS Youth Soccer Clinic
Challenge Island-Spring Sign Up!
After School Program-
Wednesday's 2:30-3:30pm
January 29th-April 30th
Challenge Island is a unique program that provides STEAM enrichment for elementary aged children right at your school! Each week students work in STEAM teams to conquer fun engineering challenges. Children have the opportunity to learn about exciting new concepts while also acquiring important team work and social emotional skills!
This spring we will be "visiting" Believe it or Not Island! Take a deep breath and dive into the most mind blowing, jaw-dropping, eye-popping island ever! You and a STEAM Team of friends will take on unbelievable engineering challenges inspired by zany, wacky, wild, 100% true facts! From amazing animals to extreme sports; from epic earthquakes to outer space - Believe it or Not Island is sure to be an all time record breaker