Kendallvue Community Newsletter
October 11 - October 17
All Students Are Curious, Creative, and Confident Learners!
Dear Kendallvue Families,
It was great to see so many people today for our Lunch with a Loved One event. Thank you for joining us! We are always looking for fun pictures for the yearbook. If you have "Lunch with a Loved One" photos, please email us pictures for the yearbook - Amy.Stephens@jeffco.k12.co.us
Next week is a busy week with fall conferences taking center stage on October 15-16th. Be sure to sign up and meet with your student's teacher. Creating academic partnerships between home and family is a huge key to success for students. Next week, we have school Monday, Tuesday, and a half-day on Wednesday with early release at 12:00pm. We are not serving lunch on Wednesday. The book fair will also be open next week. Make sure to visit the library and get some fun books!
I am proud to announce that a team of Kendallvue teachers will be celebrated at next week's Board of Education meeting on October 17th. Kendallvue was one of only 13 Jeffco schools that showed high growth in CMAS Reading scores. This is a huge accomplishment and a great way to celebrate our teachers who work so hard every day to meet our kids needs. Thank you teachers!
I hope you all enjoy the fall break next week. There is no school on October 17-18th. Trunk or Treat will be October 25th! Before we know it, it will be November!
Have a great weekend!
Bruce Lindsey
October 11- 16
October 16
Students are dismissed at 12pm
October 17-18
Enjoy the long weekend!
Upcoming Events
Daily - 100 Mile Club @ 7:20 am
October 11-16 Fall Book Fair
October 15 - Fall Conferences (3-7pm)
October 16 - Fall Conferences (12-4pm) Students Dismissed at 12pm
October 17-18- No school for students
October 22 - Van Gogh Picture Retakes
October 25 - Trunk or Treat Night (5-7pm)
October 31 - Halloween Parties
November 1 - Teacher Work Day- No School for students
November 6 - Orchestra @ BCHS 7pm
November 7- Band @ BCHS 7pm
Nov 11 - Veteran's Day Performance 1:30/6:30
Nov 22 - Report Cards Sent Home
Nov 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
December 5 - Kindergarten Info Night/Kendallvue Showcase 5:30-6:30
Office Updates
Join us everyday at 7:20 for the 100 Mile Club- remember you don't have to be signed up to run!
Original Works: If you missed the deadline, please get your order in by Monday, October 14. Mrs. T is submitting them Monday after school. Please take a minute to check that your child has their own drawing in the packet. We have had an issue with mix ups.
The Book Fair Hours:
Friday, October 11- 8-3:30
Monday, October 14 - 8-3:30
Tuesday, October 15 - 8-7pm
Wednesday, October 16 - 8-4pm
E-Wallet link for parents to set up cashless wallet: Scholastic Ewallet
We are having a Share the Fair Coin War contest! Proceeds help us buy books for every classroom and the school library. Send your pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters AND dollar bills to school! Each room collects pennies. Students place silver coins and dollars in any classroom’s jar to deduct the value of pennies that class collects. The class with the most pennies wins a fun classroom prize and extra books for their classroom library!
Halloween Information
Trunk or Treat is on October 25 from 5-7pm
Are you ready to help earn your class a GLOW STICK PARTY? Starting Monday 10/14 your student can donate unopened bags of candy for our trunk or treat. The candy will be weighed daily through 10/24, and the classes with the most total weight will earn a GLOW STICK PARTY!
Halloween Parties will be on 10/31. Students will dress in their costumes at 1:45 followed by a parade around the outside of the school at 2pm. Parents can wait outside their student's classroom door for the parade to begin. Classroom parties will begin after the parade.
Pumpkin Carving Contest
Get ready for Outdoor Lab!
When your child reaches sixth grade, they, along with their teachers and classmates, will participate in Outdoor Lab. Please visit: www.outdoorlabfoundation.org/lab-cards-program to start fundraising
PTA/Watch Dogs
Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of every month!
PTA- 6:00-7:30 * childcare and refreshments provided
Watch Dogs