The Dryden Red and Black
March 18, 2024
Blood Drive at Dryden High School today!
Spring Break is next week!
Good Luck, Levi!
Good luck to 8th grader Levi Fitchett as he represents Dryden in the
Lapeer County Spelling Bee on March 19!
College Decision Day 2024
Our seniors are going to college! Please help Dryden High School's Class of 2024 celebrate.
On May 1, our College Decision Day Celebration allows students to declare their intentions
and proudly state their college, university, trade school, training program, or military choice.
Items from this list will be given away to seniors at College Decision Day
to send them off with what they'll need in the fall!
Bond Projects Update
Stay updated on our progress with funds from the bond passed in May 2023 by using this checklist! We appreciate your continued support of our students, our schools, and our community.
We need you!
A Message from Thumb Community Health
Fine Arts Festival
Dryden Junior/Senior Prom
Paying for College
What Seniors Wish Their Parents Knew
Editor's Note: Senior Seminar students concluded their semester course by listing what they wish parents knew about graduating seniors and their final year of high school. We'll feature their ideas here.
by Ryan Conn
1. Do not pressure your child into a specific field.
There is a very good chance that you believe your child should do something to make a lot of money, or follow in your footsteps. This may not be what your child wants though. Nagging them constantly will only yield resentment, their career is their choice, even if they’re young and naive.
2. Get ideas of an Ivy League school out of your expectations
Unless your kid is one of a select few geniuses in the United States or you have more money than you could ever need, it’s unlikely that they will get into an Ivy League school. I’m not saying they can’t, however, lower your expectations.
3. Let us come to you with questions, don’t bombard us.
Sometimes thinking about college is overwhelming and can stress us out. Don’t remind us every day and don’t psych us out with scary facts and deadlines, if you have questions save them for the right time.
4. Ask and guide: don’t tell.
If you tell your kid to do something they don’t want to do, it’s likely not going to be done or completed with low interest. Asking and guiding will steer us on a better path.
5. Educate us on finances. We don’t know everything
Money is an important part of life, especially college. We don’t know everything and that’s where we need you the most. Educating us on finances for college is so important to the process and without our parents we wouldn’t get far.
6. Understand the application process has changed.
Back in your time, it was all about test scores and grades. Now it’s all about portfolios, race, and other factors. We’re learning about them and if you’re interested, talk to us.
7. Your worries about college are likely different than mine.
Some of us worry about the curriculum and dorms, while others only care about the size of the campus. Either way, everyone has a different preference so understand that we might disagree on a few things.
8. Listen to us talk about college and engage, even if you’re uninterested. If you don’t engage with your kid when they’re talking about college, they’ll take it as you aren’t interested in their life, and that may push them to drop out, or make reckless decisions. It’s important to stay involved in your child’s life, even into adulthood.
9. Encourage open discussions
Open discussions create the best environment possible for communicating with your child. Shutting down their every thought won’t help them make a decision on where to go.
10. Just hang out with us with no strings attached.
We may just need to talk about things other than college during the process to clear our heads and avoid stressing. Hanging out with your kid is crucial to having a healthy relationship with them.
Class of 2024 Senior Information
Who's Hungry?
What's for Lunch?
Substitute Teachers Needed!
Spring Sports Team Rosters
Varsity Track
Nicklas Abromaitis
Mallory Barker
Zoe Bonilla
Ivy Brown
Trenton Carroll
Gabriel Carvalho
Ava DeVlaminck
Lily Finnigan
Sean Finnigan
Aiden Fitchett
Caila Fitchett
Mikayla Fleming
Mckinley Gammon
Noah Hall
Matthew Hickmott
Michael Hickmott
Hunter Hughes
Austin Kapron
Logan Korth
Dylan Lasher
Taylor Lesinski
Matthew Livingston
Keira Miller
Audrey Napolitano
Brenden Peter
Sophia Peter
Cara Prusakiewicz
Olivia Reynolds
Tyler Roberts
Logan Romain
Jayden Stankevich
Delaney Wolle
Connor Wolff
Olivia Zellers
Coach: Mr. Matt Cherry
Junior High Track
Jakob Adams
Joshua Adams
Bella Blatt
Willow Dubuis
Eliniah Fitchett
Levi Fitchett
Maddie Gammon
Ella Gustner
Elayna Handley
Aubrey Joseph
Jason Kaiser
Lilyana Lasher
Lillian Martin
Makayla Mater
Josiah Matson
Jaccob Miller
Ryan Peter
Karley Phillips
Jaycen Roberts
Kiernan Schultz
Hailee Soule
Abby Tonkoshkur
Claire Wright
Elaina Yatros
Coach: Mrs. Ashley Gammon
Upcoming Events
Monday, March 18
7:00 AM-3:00 PM - Blood Drive (NHS) - MPR - High School
7:15 AM-2:30 PM - WIDA Testing - Room 225 - High School
Tuesday, March 19
7:15 AM-7:30 AM - Weekly Encouragement Club Meeting - Meeting time is 7:10-7:20AM
2:30 PM-4:30 PM - Drama Club Rehearsal - MPR - High School
7:15 AM-2:30 PM - WIDA Testing - MPR - High School
2:30 PM-4:00 PM - Homework Club - Room 133 - High School
Wednesday, March 20
Wear it Wednesday - Vacation Location
2:30 PM-4:30 PM - Drama Club Rehearsal - MPR - High School
2:30 PM-3:30 PM - Spanish Club Meeting - Room 224 - High School
Thursday, March 21
2:30 PM-3:30 PM - Color Me Green - Room 153 - High School
2:30 PM-4:00 PM - Game Club - Room 159 - High School
2:30 PM-4:00 PM - Homework Club - Room 133 - High School
4:00 PM-7:30 PM - GSRP Parent - Teacher Conferences
Friday, March 22
Riddle of The Week
Previous Riddle: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?
Answer: Echo!
Winner: Cora
Current Riddle: I add 5 to 9 and get 2. The answer is correct, so what am I?
Submit your answer here!
Joke of The Week
What is a soccer player’s favorite chemical element?
April 8
May 13
June 10
All meetings begin at 7:00 p.m., will be held in the Dryden High School Library, and are open to the public.
Mark Your Calendars!
Check out the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 Dryden Community Schools District Calendar here!
The Team
Ava DeVlaminck
Lily Finnigan
Audrey Napolitano
Claire Wright
Faculty Advisor:
Ms. Sheryl Czerwinski
Location: Dryden High School, Rochester Road, Dryden, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 796-2266