🤔đź’What We Do, Why We Do It.
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Dear Families,
Envelopes for our Jog-a-Thon will go home later this week! Jog-a-Thon is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and it’s how the PTA pays for almost everything we do at Doyle. Below are some highlights of what the PTA pays for your students each year at Doyle. None of this would be possible without families like yours contributing to the PTA. Our Jog-a-Thon must raise over $45,000 this year to ensure that the Doyle PTA can continue to pay for all the good things it has in years past, including:
$15,000 split between grade levels for “extras” that the school district doesn’t pay for. Here’s some of what has been purchased or planned so far:
UTK - pumpkins, santa hats, scholastic magazines
K - pumpkins, Scholastic magazines, butterfly kits, SeaWorld field trip
1st - History in a Trunk, San Diego Junior Theater tickets, Zovargo presentation
2nd - Studies Weekly Social Studies Curriculum
3rd - Tempera paint sticks
4th - Studies Weekly Social Studies Curriculum
5th - Time for Kids and Storyworks magazines
$8,000 to have library weekly (without the PTA’s contribution it would only be every other week)
$5,700 in additional funds were supplemented to the art grant we received so that all students could get 4 full lessons by a teaching artist for each class
$3,600 BrainPop software license for the whole school
$250 for each classroom teacher’s supplies (28 classrooms = $5,600)
$230 for 1 bus for each classroom for field trips (28 classrooms = $6,440)
$3,000 for PE & Recess equipment (including balls, hula hoops, jump ropes, etc.)
$2,000 for Student Support Services needs
New books for teacher’s classroom libraries and new books for the Doyle school library
We purchase red folders for the whole school, and planners for 4th/5th grades each year
California Reads Reading Program prizes, medals, and supplies
Red Ribbon Week supplies and giveaways
School beautification and school garden items, supplies and materials
Family events, school assemblies, and movie nights
UTK and Kindergarten Playdate refreshments and supplies
We provide an all school Staff Appreciation Luncheon every year
Smore software for the school and the PTA to ensure that all families can see information in their preferred language
Website software and hosting to help keep families informed and up to date
Refreshments and supplies for Parent Coffee
Fliers, banners, and bulletin board materials
The Doyle PTA provides volunteer support for the school, our programs, events, and fundraisers, and this year we expect to spend over $72,000 in various ways at Doyle. Without solid support from our community at our Jog-a-thon this year, the PTA will need to reduce the amount it spends on the above items during the next school year.
Please consider contributing to our cause by donating and encouraging families and friends to donate to our Jog-a-thon – there is no better cause than our children’s futures! Many San Diego area employers offer corporate matching, including Illumina, Pfizer, Sempra, Apple, Qualcomm, Johnson & Johnson, and more! Please check if your company participates in corporate matching, it can double your donation! If you have any questions, you can always reach us at info@doylepta.org
Debranique Mensah, President, Doyle PTA