Gooding Community Newsletter
January 2025; #83
Gooding Basque Center 1st Friday Dinner
Gooding Community Blood Drive
Friday, January 3, 2025 at the Gooding County Fairgrounds
Most people don't plan on NEEDING blood... but when they need it, we want it to be there.
We want them to have another birthday, to see another sunrise, to get another hug.
But there is an ongoing shortage of blood, including in our own community.
So when we say "we need you", we aren't just blowing smoke.
We. Need. You.
And I can't say this enough, if you aren't able to donate blood (FOR WHATEVER REASON), but still want to help, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
You can make your appointment at the site below or text Diana at 208-961-0224.
Gooding Senior Center Meal & Event Calendar
Breakfast is open to the public! Where can you find a great breakfast for only $6?!
Gooding Senior Center is Looking for Volunteers
The Gooding Senior Center is looking for volunteers. If you are able to help, contact Kathy Molt at Below is the list of events that need volunteers.
- First Saturday cook and dishwasher
- Someone to lead the fall & fit exercises on Monday's & Wednesday's from 10:30 am - 11:30 am
- Someone to help set up tables
- Someone to put deliveries together on Monday - Thursday from 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Gooding Chamber General Meeting & Membership Drive
Ladie's Luncheon "The Gift"
Gooding Springs Women's Ministry would love to invite you to their winter luncheon. The cost is $10 per person. Luch will be provided along with worship and a message from Zandra McArthur.
Gooding Public Library Events Calendar đź“š
Time to Get Enrolled & Involved!
- January 18, 2025 - State Livestock Skill A Thon, Jerome
- January 30, 2025 - Large Animal Overnight Camp, Rupert
- February 8, 2025 - Beef Cattle Judging Contest, Twin Falls
If you would like to participate or have questions, contact Cindy Kiner or Sara Jones at (208) 934-4417
🌳 Wood River Soil & Water Conservation Dist. Tree Sale 🌲
Gooding Historical Society Timepiece
Heating Assistance Program
Watch for Scams!
Chief Fisher received a call from a guy saying he had a young girl there that was in an accident and wanted to talk to her father. A female voice crying in the background then said "Dad it's me". The guy then asked him for his daughters name. Chief Fisher's daughter was home with him at this time. He asked what the girls name was and the caller wouldn't say and wouldn't let him speak to the girl. When Chief Fisher refused to give any information, the caller hung up. He was able to check the police dispatch records and there hadn't been any current accidents in our area.
Chief Fisher recommends that if you don't know who is calling, or are not expecting a call, to not answer it. If it is important, they will leave a message or text. If you answer, don't volunteer information to people that you don't know. Don't say yes to anything! Keep your personal and business information secure.
There has also been a scam going around lately, a phone call from GOODING CNTY OF. This phone call informs the person that they were an innocent passenger in a car accident and their compensation hasn't been delivered. When asked who you can call to get more information on this accident, the caller then hung up.
Please be aware of who you are giving personal information to!
Message from Fire Chief Steven Bishop đźš’
Happy New Year Everyone! As we start off the new year, our Fire Inspectors will be going around to all the local businesses to do fire inspections. When they are out inspecting, they will also talk to the owners or managers and educate them on the importance of Knox Boxes. These boxes are built like a mini safe, they go on the outside of the business near the doorway. They can only be opened by fire personnel in case of an emergency. Knox Boxes will allow us to gain access through the doorway or be able to contact someone so we won't have to force our way in if there is an emergency. Our inspectors will explain the benefits and what is needed in the box if you choose to buy one.
Just a reminder as the weather gets colder, if you haven't already, please have your gas or electric furnace serviced by a licensed technician.
1. Get the equipment serviced and inspected yearly.
The best way to keep your heating system in tip-top condition is to get it maintained by a professional once a year. The ideal time for this service is right before winter (or right before you intend to start using the furnace). While cleaning, lubricating, and tightening up the equipment, the technician will also inspect the furnace’s critical areas for safety issues like incomplete combustion or carbon monoxide leaks.
2. Install carbon monoxide detectors in your home.
Any device that burns fuel produces carbon monoxide. Therefore, your gas-burning furnace also creates this toxic gas. When your heating system functions correctly, carbon monoxide and other fumes are vented outside your home, where they can’t hurt you. In the event of a leak, carbon monoxide detectors will alert you so that you can leave your home before being poisoned. Remember, carbon monoxide is impossible to detect by sight, smell, or taste.
3. Never store items on or next to the furnace.
Your furnace might be located in an area that you use for storage. Even so, don’t be tempted to lean items against it or use it as an extra shelf. Crowding your furnace can decrease its efficiency. Even more importantly, fabric, cardboard, paper, and similar items can catch fire if the equipment gets hot enough.
4. Keep flammable materials away from your furnace.
Keep in mind that your furnace contains fire and a lot of heat, so you should avoid keeping anything flammable near the equipment. That includes cleaning solutions, paint, paint thinners, gasoline, oil, acetone, and similar volatile substances. If these liquids reach their flashpoint, they will ignite.
Message from Public Works Director Larry Bybee
River Wall
The City of Gooding will be hosting an open house presented by the United States Army Corp of Engineers soon, hopefully in January, to allow the United States Army Corp of Engineers to present the plans for the replacement of the rock wall that channels the Little Wood River through town. The wall was constructed in the 1930's and early 40's by the “Works Project Administration”, a program created by Franklin D. Roosevelt to help the unemployed during the great depression. The program is reported to have employed more than 8.5 million people between 1935 and 1943.
The Walker Center, 605 11th Ave E., has graciously and tentatively allowed us to hold the meeting at their facility due to an anticipated large number of citizens interested in the project. Please be on the lookout for date and time. There will be an opportunity following the presentation to ask questions.
Water Facility Planning Study
The City has been working with its Engineers, Keller Associates, for approximately a year and a half to gather data and study the immediate, as well as long term ability to provide a safe and adequate supply of drinking water to the community. Rising costs for operation, maintenance, and replacement construction means we need to make sound decisions about where to make improvements.
A public meeting is being planned to show you the results of the study and gather your input about our vision for necessary future water system infrastructure projects.
Lead and Copper Survey
The City has spent the last year researching historical records, reviewing construction plans, and physically inspecting all the City’s water service lines looking for the presence of lead service lines. We are relieved to report that we did not find any! However, we are working with the Twin Falls Regional Office of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality to see how they want us to proceed next. You may have seen in the news that the country is committed to removing lead water services from all communities. In the Western United States, we are more fortunate than in the East, comparatively there is very little lead service lines found in the West.
The city will be working with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality for a schedule to conduct testing of its sources.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Public Hearing
The City will be hosting a Public Meeting at 6:15 PM on January 21, 2025, regarding the recent upgrades to the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Message from Mayor Diane Houser
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. The snow was magical and made it feel like Christmas. I enjoyed seeing all of the decorated homes, whether the house was fully decorated or if they had a simple candle in the window.
The meeting that was scheduled with the Army Corp of Engineers to discuss the river wall on January 8, 2025 has been postponed. We will be letting citizens know when it will be rescheduled.
Thank you to everyone that participated and supported the Chamber of Commerce Christmas parade & tree lighting. This event is growing and becoming a great community event. The winners for the best use of lights (a tie) was Kayl McHenry and Jensen's Old Tractor & Wagon. The winners for the best of show (a tie) was D&D Transportation and Gooding City Public Works Crew. Thank you for Santa, Mrs. Claus, the Grinch and Cindy Lou for being there! Hope to see you all there next year.
Please be mindful of the conditions of the roadways before leaving home. We would like to remind citizens to keep their sidewalks clear of snow and ice. We know it's not easy when the snowplow comes by. If you have elderly neighbors that may need help with snow removal, try to give them a hand.
Today is New Year's Eve, please remember to enjoy yourselves but to be careful and to drive safely! May God bless you and keep you and your family safe through the New Year.
The Gooding Community Newsletter is a publication designed to shar the positive happenings in our community. If you have an event or news item you would like to share, please send along your information to Should you have an idea you think could improve our community, we encourage you to bring those ideas to the city council with plans on how we can work together to make our city even better. Thanks for listening and sharing.