Weekly Wrap
October 29 - November 4, 2023
Principal Notes
Hello, BHS students and families!
The Quarter 1 Marking Period ends this Thursday! Please review grades in Infinite Campus and contact teachers with questions or concerns.
School will be closed this Friday in observance of Veterans Day.
As always, contact us if we can be of any help or support.
Michael Pincelli
Brockport High School
Ph: (585) 637-1877
Fax: (585) 637-1867
Capital Improvement Project Vote
There will be a 2023 Capital Improvement Project vote on December 12, from 6am to 9pm at the TTC on the BCSD campus in Room A.
PTSA Apparel Sale!
Brockport PTSA apparel sale is going on now!
Hurry, order deadline is November 15th!!
All orders will be picked up at Ultimate Sports and Apparel when they are completed. Orders take approximately
3 weeks from ORDER DEADLINE and you will receive an email when you can pick up!
Orders will be ready before the holiday break. You will receive an email when the order is ready to pick up at the store!
All items are custom made to order so there are no returns or exchange for size.
Questions? Contact us at 350-9137
Counseling and Support Services
Brockport High School Food Pantry
The Brockport High School Food Pantry serves anyone living withing the district and can be any household. Please not, it is not a requirement that the household have a student that attends any of the BCSD schools.
Orders are received and processed during school days/hours.
Use the QR Code below to place an order.
BCSD Food Pantry
Donation boxes can be found in the Main Office and the counseling office!
WEMOCO CTE Expo Night 2023!
Food Service
Upcoming Events
11/07 - Senior Superlative Event
- BOE Meeting 6pm
11/09 - Grading Period Ends
- HS Musical 7pm
11/10 - Veterans Day- No School
- HS Musical 7pm
11/11 - HS Musical 1pm & 7pm
11/13 - BEST Meeting
11/15 - HS Jazz Concert 7pm AUD Department Meetings 2:20 p.m.
- BOE Meeting 6pm
11/17 - Q1 Grades in Campus Backpack
11/21 - BOE Meeting 6pm
11/22-11/24 - Thanksgiving Recess- No School
12/5 - BOE Meeting 6pm HS Band, Orchestra & Choir Concert 7pm
12/8 - Class of 2024 Movie Night
12/11 - BEST Meeting 6pm Grading window opens
12/15 - Quarter 2 Interim Ends
12/19 - BOE Meeting 6pm
12/22 - Q2 Grades in Campus Backpack
Contact Information
Brockport High School: (585) 637-1870
Principal: (585) 637-1877
Assistant Principal Benzan: (585) 637-1870
Assistant Principal Combo: (585) 637-1870
Assistant Principal Iacchetta: (585) 637-1870
Attendance Office: (585) 637-1871
Attendance Office email: att.high@bcs1.org
Counseling Office: (585) 637-1873
School Nurse: (585) 637-1872
Email: michael.pincelli@bcs1.org
Website: http://bhs.bcs1.org
Location: 40 Allen Street, Brockport, NY, USA
Phone: 585-637-1877
Twitter: @BrockportHS