Dragon News
October 29, 2024
Important Notice to Parents:
Please direct any email regarding student absences and/or student dismissals to your child's teacher AND to our CPS office staff, Bobbie Weymouth (bweymouth@rsu18.org).
Upcoming Important Dates
November 2nd
45th Annual China PTO Craft Show
November 5th
Lifetouch Retake Day
November 7th @ 8:15
Veterans Appreciation Assembly - see flyer attached
November 7th
Parent Teacher Conferences
November 8th
No School - Workshop
November 11th
No School - Veteran's Day
Down Syndrome Awareness Assembly
🎃 October 31st will be Pajama Day at CPS 🎃
🎃🎃 After discussing with CPS staff, we have unanimously decided to wear pajamas to school on Halloween.🎃🎃
🎃 Families : There's a lot of time and effort put into Halloween costumes. We want to make sure that they are intact and ready for the evening festivities. We work and play hard at school, and it would be unfortunate if something happened to the costume.
🧥 Safety: We are asking that students wear their regular footwear to school.
🐒 Pillows, blankets and stuffies: Please leave them at home.
📷 📷 📷 We will get class photos and post the week after in our Dragon News! 📷 📷 📷
Lost and Found Items
Cooler weather has arrived! Our students go outside for recess every day unless the temperature is below 10 degrees so please help your child be prepared for recess with appropriate gear for playing outside including boots (and sneakers for inside especially on PE days), jacket, ski pants, hats and mittens/gloves. We do not keep items on hand for daily usage, as we would prefer these items come from home to maintain hygiene and reduce the items in our lost & found.
Updates from our PTO
Come see us at the Erskine Trunk or Treat on 10/31 5-6:30PM - If you’d like to join us at the trunk to hand out candy, email us!!
The Craft Show is this Saturday, November 2nd from 9:00-3:00! We are still taking basket raffle donations. See below for each grade's theme. Didn't have time to shop? It's not too late to help! Send a donation through Venmo or PayPal @ChinaSchoolsPTO and we will do the shopping for you! We appreciate all donations, as they help make the raffle a success, ensuring that we can do our thing which is funding field trips and events for all grades.
Mark your calendar for our Craft Show at CMS on November 2nd and follow the Facebook event for updates! https://facebook.com/events/s/45th-annual-china-maine-craft-/407340992164432/
Volunteers needed for the Craft Show. Sign up here:
Next meeting is Thursday, November 14th at 6pm on Google Meet! Make sure to check out the meeting minutes from our October meeting posted on our Facebook group
Want to stay in the know? Add the PTO public calendar to your phone! It has all the important school dates and events for CPS and CMS, and PTO happenings. Check out this post for how to add it or a PDF copy if you prefer: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/egVxio2x5BrF2thB/?
Show Your School Pride
CPS swag now available through Elliot Office Products! Link here!
Substituting! - TEACHERS - NURSES - ED TECHS
We, in RSU 18, are always looking for excellent substitute teachers, nurses, and education technicians. Please reach out if you have interest or questions about this. You can see our current openings by visiting https://www.applitrack.com/rsu18/onlineapp/jobpostings/view.asp