East Early Childhood Center
October 2024
We are planning to have our annual Fall Party primarily outside on Thursday, October 24th. Our families are invited to be a part of a Trunk or Treat Experience. We would have room for up to 20 vehicles to participate and prizes will be awarded for the best dressed vehicle. To participate you would need to bring your dressed vehicle ready to go at 9:00 (AM classes) or 1:15 (PM classes) and 175 pieces of candy for the AM students or 125 pieces of candy for the PM students. The first 20 people to sign up will be able to participate. Please sign up by 10/11/24. You would need to be present by your vehicle to pass out candy during this time. Please sign up below if you are interested!
The students will be able to Trunk or Treat, eat a snack, and enjoy time playing with their friends on the playground. If you would like to donate candy for this party experience we plan to invite the Jackson school community members to be present as well to hand out candy and would appreciate this donation! Students will also be able to wear simple costumes to school that day. Please note the following for our Early Childhood costumes...
- No make up
- Teachers will not be able to change costumes during their class time
- Students need to be able to use the restroom unassisted (or as they typically would)
- No weapons or super scary costumes
- Wear these costumes at your own risk! Sometimes kids play hard here at school!
- If students are staying at school for Extended Day they may change into their spare clothes in the PM.
Thank you for your help making this an enjoyable experience for all!
AM Party Time: 9:45-10:45
PM Party Time: 2:00-3:00
Google Form Sign Up for Trunk or Treat is below...
This event is weather permitting. If it is raining and must be canceled or another plan be put into place, an email will be sent as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the event, please contact the EC office. Up to two family members will be able to join their child this day for this experience. No siblings please, we are planning enough candy and snacks for our students.
This event is weather permitting. We will try to be inside if it raining and will send out information ASAP if we need to rearrange this evening.
We would like to collect family pictures for our next lobby bulletin board. Please send a picture of your family to jhadler@jr2mail.org We would like to have pictures submitted by October 27th. Thank you so much!
Dance a Thon Fundraiser Sponsor Type
Dance a Thon Fundraiser 50 State Challenge
Inclusive Musical Equipment for our Playground
This is unbelievable! You raised a total of...
$14,240.25 profit for our Early Childhood program! We raised money in 22 states and you can see who helped us raise our money above as well!
COMING TO AN EC NEAR YOU! We surpassed all expectations and can do some amazing things through PTO for our school! We will be purchasing more classroom rugs shortly and we will also be looking at some of our other projects like starting our outdoor musical trail! THANK YOU to everyone that participated! Please check out our pictures on Facebook of our Dance a Thon event and the classroom carpets we have replaced! This fundraiser will also cover the expenses of the amazing things that PTO is already committed to doing for our school as well.
Here’s a shout out to the following classes for their exceptional participation and we’ll have another round of prizes heading home tomorrow…
Mrs. Alyssa’s AM Class had the highest number registered at 90%! Mrs. Danielle and Mrs. Heidi’s class is next at 85%! Followed by Miss Lily’s class at 73%!
Mrs. Larissa’s AM class has the most shares at 81, followed by Mrs. Noel's and Mrs. Alyssa's PM class tied at 44!
Mrs. Rianna and Mrs. Nikki’s PM class has the highest earning class having raised $2025, followed by Miss Noel’s AM class at $1,520 and then Mrs. Alyssa’s AM class at $1515!
FUNDRAISERS FOR 24-25: We have only two more fundraisers this school year.
- World's Finest Chocolate (Candy Bar) Fundraiser (November 4-15). See the flyer for this Fundraiser below
- BINGO Night/Online Auction in Spring (February-ish)
PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE MEALS: On November 14th and 19th there is another opportunity to treat the educators in Early Childhood. PTO and the Bank of Missouri will be providing the main meal on these evenings, but we will be asking parents to contribute desserts, sides, paper products etc. Our teachers and staff are fabulous, so let's treat them to a great meal on these two long nights. I'll send a sign up next month!
by ‘Ms. Jill’ Hadler
In September, we have been learning about listening and focusing attention during our counseling center time. We have learned that our whole body can help us listen and focus our attention. Snowy, Ms. Jill’s owl puppet, even used her neck to help her listen! In addition, we are learning about taking deep breaths when we have a BIG feeling. We call those deep breaths, belly breathing.
You can help your child with their listening/attending skills by:
Before you give directions to your child, ask them if they are using their listening eyes, or quiet voice.
Practice using their listening skills by playing games like Red Light/Green Light, I Spy, Mother May I, or Simon Says.
You can help your child with their emotional development by:
Teaching feeling/emotion words—Emotion words can be learned by direct labeling. “You feel really mad when your sister takes your toy away.”
Talking about reactions (and the consequences of actions)—”You threw the toy when you couldn’t get it to work. That toy seemed to really frustrate you; however, now the toy is broken. Next time, you can ask for help or use your calm down tools.”
Modeling appropriate feelings/reactions—Let your child see you take deep breaths when you have a big feeling. “Wow, I am feeling really frustrated today. I think I will take a deep breath to help me calm down.”
Noticing feelings on faces- “You are crying and your mouth is turned down. Are you feeling sad?”
Books about Feelings:
Glad Monster: Sad Monster by Ed Emberley
In My Heart: The Book of Feelings by Jo Witek
My Friend is Sad by Mo Willems
The Boy with Big, Big Feelings by Brittany Winn Lee
The Color Monster by Anna Llenas
The Feelings Book by Todd Pair
The Way I Feel by Janan Cain
Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes
When Sophie Gets Angry–Really, Really Angry by Molly Bang
Fun at Home with Feelings:
Draw feeling faces on the sidewalk with chalk
Play feelings charades–Show a feelings face and ask your child to guess the feeling
Make a poster/book/picture about things that make us feel happy/sad/scared/mad
Mirror-Mirror Game—I look in the mirror and what do I see? I see a happy (sad/scared/mad) mommy looking at me!
Need to Talk to the School Counselor?
I am here to help. Please contact me if there is anything I can do to help your child or your family.
Phone: (573) 243-5347
Email: jhadler@jr2mail.org Or, you can visit Ms. Jill’s Virtual office by using the QR code
We appreciate everyone keeping their child home when sick!
Please continue to screen your child before school, and keep your child home if they are sick. Remember, our policy is 24 hours free of vomiting, diarrhea, and fever (without fever-reducing medication in 24 hours). Other symptoms need to be improving in 24 hours before your child can return. Try not to give Motrin/Tylenol (when they are not feverish) because it can mask a fever (the medication takes the fever away so it is unknown whether your child had a fever). Jackson R2 considers a temperature of 100.1 or higher as a fever.
If you are questioning whether your child has Covid/Flu you can contact your healthcare provider for further instructions. Symptoms of Covid: cough, difficulty breathing, loss of taste/smell, fever (100.1 or higher), congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, pains. Please contact tborgfield@jr2mail.org or aboss@jr2mail.org if your child tests positive for covid or flu. Reminder: We are not contact tracing for covid (if a close contact please monitor for symptoms)
Don’t forget to clean those water bottles daily (hot water and soap) to prevent strep infection! and continue to WASH YOUR HANDS (that is the BEST way to prevent infection)!!!
More important information:
On Monday, October 16th, the Cape County Health Department (CCHD) will be at East in the morning (only) to give Flu Vaccinations. They will only have shots (no nasal mists). Early Childhood students will need to have a parent/adult with them. Consent forms will NOT be sent home this year. If you are needing a paper copy please let us know. Otherwise, please see the attached CCHD letter and use the QR code. The cost is free for students (with or without insurance). *All flu vaccination forms (IF USING THE PAPER FORM) need to be completed and returned by Oct. 9th at 8am for CCHD to review. Only students with a completed permission form will get the vaccination.
Here are the following links to the CCHD letter/forms if you would like them now:
Flu shot permission form (paper copy if needed)
LICE!!!!! We wanted to make sure everyone was aware that IF you would receive a notice, the dreaded lice letter, in your child's backpack to please check their head. Furthermore, it is also a good idea to periodically check your child for head lice (the earlier lice is discovered the easier it is to get rid of!). What if your child has it? Please alert the nurses, Tosha and Angie, so we can help! We want to prevent the spread of lice, and we can only do that if we are aware that your child has it.
Thank you,
Nurse Theresa Stearns and Nurse Tosha Borgfield
Our PM students will get to participate in Nutrition classes hosted by University of Missouri Extension. We will send out information after each visit starting next week! Below is information about this program.
- Please make sure your child is here by 8:00. After this is becomes difficult to secure a breakfast for your child and make sure they get to class in a timely manner. After 8:00 they are also considered tardy and should check be checked in at the office. We have a growing number of students arriving after 8:00 and this is causing a concern. Thank you for your help!
- Payments for Little Indians and Extended Day are due by the 10th of each month. Late fees will be assessed after the 10th. Families that have not paid for their child's programming will not be able to continue these services after the 11th of the month.
- Please make sure you are labeling jackets and coats at school. It is very easy for our students to misplace them when they take them off and other children may have the same coat, jacket, etc. We very much want to get the correct outerwear with each child. Please note we may use masking tape for your child's outerwear if we can't find a label.
- Our Early Childhood Shirts/Hooded Sweatshirts should should be in on October 10th. As soon as they come in we will send them home with your child!
Power Packs is a program provided to many families each week that include food items that help give students and their family nutritious and kid-friendly foods to help get them through the weekend. Some food items include cereal, canned soups, oatmeal, macaroni and cheese, and other similar items. By clicking this link, filling out the information requested, and submitting the form - your child can begin receiving these packs each Friday. For further questions, contact Morgan Hoffman, school social worker at 573-243-5271.
Staff Favorites for Families
October 10-Fall Family Fun Night
October 24-Fall Party
October 25-No School
November 1-Professional Development-No School
East Early Childhood Center
Email: buchtman@gmail.com
Location: 455 North Lacey Street, Jackson, MO, USA
Phone: 573-243-5347