The Friday Flyer
From Boone Meadow Elementary School
From the Eagles' Nest:
I learn so much from these kids each day, when I take time to notice.
In our moment of pause to honor our guests at Boone Meadow, Luca Ranalli gave some subtle reminders of civility and priorities.
Thank you, Luca, for your reflective words about our Stars and Stripes.
American Flag
by: Luca Ranalli (age 8 at time of writing)
He salutes the American flag.
The 13 stripes as long as a blue whale,
the blue cloth protects the 50 white stars.
The stick, like a spear to protect the flag.
As silky as the softest blanket
The flag goes flap
flap in the wind.
Showing us the song of liberty's beat.
A night sky with 50 stars,
Daytime - the sun's rays, red, white 13 times.
flap goes the flag.
The American Flag
We honor it.
We respect it.
We love it. He stands tall.
He helps us remember -
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Gobbles
Veterans Day 2016
Food Drive Update
Thank you very much for helping with local food hunger!! We had a wonderful turnout for the food drive this week. Final count as of Friday is over 1,520 donations between all grades at Boone Meadow!
The overall winner (and bragging rights to Mr. Gobbles) belongs to Mrs. McGuire’s third grade classroom! These students collected 142 food donations. Second place was close with Graham’s classroom coming in at 133. Third place was ironically a tie between Lamaster and Proctor with 101 food donations each.
The Zionsville high school football team will be arriving Monday morning to collect all the food and deliver.
THANK YOU for helping us tackle local hunger together!
Lifelines for the Month of November:
Upcoming Events
November 17th - STEM Night (see below for more details)
November 19th - Dad's Club Doughnuts & Dodgeball (BME Gym 9:00-11:00 AM) More info to come
November 23rd-25th - Thanksgiving Break
December 8th - Boone Meadow Voices Concert (BME Cafe 7:00-8:00 PM)
December 23rd-January 6th - Winter Break
STEM Night – “STEM is Fun and Games”
Please come on out and join us for STEM Night next Thursday, November 17th from 6-7:30 PM. STEM Night is a time for parents and children of all ages to work together enjoying family challenges, math games, and STEM tasks of all kinds. Our teachers have put together lots of fun and games for your family to enjoy together. You won’t want to miss the Giant Jenga, gauging your speed with the radar gun, stepping through an index card, and more! Please RSVP at this link so that we can plan to have enough materials. We hope to see you there!
Community Events
Tech University
What: ZCS Parent Tech University Night
When: Wednesday, November 16, 2017 6:00-7:00PM
Where: Zionsville Educational Services Center
900 Mulberry Street
Zionsville, IN 46077
Lunch Money Reminder
Please remember these key steps when sending lunch money to school:
-Put the cash or check (made payable to BME Cafe) in an envelope
-Write your child's first and last name on the envelope, along with the teacher name
-Include the lunch pin either on the envelope or on the check
Thank you!
ZEF Update
Many thanks to all who joined us for the first ever ZEF Barn Bash! From the wild mechanical bull ride to MC Ray Cortopassi’s lively Live Auction to the engaging Hunter Smith Band, the ZEF Board and volunteers thank everyone for a successful night. Be looking in your inbox for a stakeholder survey – we need input from our friends who did attend as well as those could not join us. We need your insight to make next year’s fundraiser even better!
If you do not receive ZEF emails, you can join the list by filling out the form here.
School Safety
School Visitor Check-Ins at ZCS
Please be aware that we use a visitor management system known as SafeVisitor. SafeVisitor is a 30-45 second check-in process that cross references against all national sex offender registries and prints a visitor badge. Please be prepared to scan a government issued ID (Driver License) when arriving to campus as a visitor or volunteer. The printed badge should be visible at all times while in the building. Thank you!
Please note: Full background checks are still required field trips. Full background checks cost $15.95 and take at least 7-10 days to process. Limited background checks are still required for lunch visits, volunteering in a supervised area, etc.
**Bullying Video**
All volunteers in our district are also required to complete the bullying module, consisting of a short video and a digital signature as proof of watching the video. This video must be watched for either level of volunteer (Full or Limited). Please click here to visit the BRAVO/Volunteers page where all of these items can be completed.
Smart 911
Boone County has shifted from NIXLE to SMART911. This is a free service that allows you to receive emergency notifications from the county which may include severe weather warnings and traffic alerts. The program will ask for optional personal information that could be used in the event of an emergency situation in your home. Boone County citizens are encouraged to create their Safety Profile with Smart911 today. To create a safety profile and sign up for updates, go to www.smart911.com
Contact Us
Email: mcunningham@zcs.k12.in.us
Website: http://www.zcs.k12.in.us/bme/
Location: 5555 S Main St, Whitestown, IN, United States
Phone: 3178732226
Twitter: @ZCSBoone_Meadow