Lineville Intermediate News
October 15, 2024
Main Line.............920-662-7871
Fax Number.........920-662-7822
LV Pool................920-662-7795
LV Nurse-
Katie Petasek.....920-808-5875
Oct. 22 & 24- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Oct. 25- No School
Nov. 1- End of 1st Quarter
Nov. 8- No School
Nov. 14- Fundraiser Pick up at Lineville
ATTENDANCE LINE (920) 662-7875
When reporting an absence, please call our school’s attendance line at 920-662-7875 prior to the start of each school day.
Unless an emergency exists, all absences that are for more than 1 full day and not related to illness or injury require the completion of a Pre-Excused Absence Form at least 48 hours prior to the absence. The link to the form is below. Please note that this form requires both the parent and teachers' signatures.
Hello Lineville Families!
We believe that our students’ successes are a direct result of the collaboration between home and the school. Parent/teacher conferences are a time for us to come together to collaborate and ensure our students are learning and growing. This communication serves to inform you of our parent/teacher conference format.
Parent/Teacher Conference Format Details:
Conference dates will be in the evenings on October 22nd and 24th. If you are unable to schedule a conference on one of those evenings, teachers will arrange a different time to meet with you. Our goal is to meet with all parents.
Please do your best to start and end each conference on time. Teachers have been encouraged to set a timer to proactively stay on pace.
All conference sign-up will be available through the HSSD website. SignUp Genius will be live from October 14th through October 17th. If you are unable to sign up during this time period, you can contact your child’s school after October 17th for assistance.
If you are unable to find a conference time, please contact the teacher directly to make arrangements for a mutually convenient date/time to conference.
As a school community, we are thankful for everything you are doing to support your child. Together, we will continue our commitment to nurture a quality education.
As we enter the WIAA fall playoff season, Bay Port is scheduled to host football on Friday night(Oct 25th at 7pm) and volleyball on Saturday night(Oct 26th at 7pm). Click here for all future playoff dates, times and locations.
TICKETS: Everyone attending, age 6 and older, will need a ticket that can be purchased on GoFan. All tickets for this week's playoff games will cost $6 + Processing Fee.. No Passes are able to be used during WIAA Playoffs. This includes: FRCC passes, student athletic passes, family passes, senior citizen passes and HSSD badges.
We ask students 8th grade and under come accompanied by an adult.
Game Entry: Students are not allowed to bring backpacks or bags of any kind into the stadium. No carry-ins are allowed.
Lineville Basketball 6th Grade Boys and Girls Skills and Drills starts on Tuesday, November 12th. Boys will practice Mondays and Wednesdays and Girls on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:15. A ride must be provided no later than 4:15. Please sign up and find the practice schedule by clicking on the links below or go to the “Involvement” tab on the school website and click on “Athletics”. This is separate from Bay Port Youth Basketball and there is no cost to participate.
Students and parents acknowledge that any after school activities assume the same expectations of the school day. If students are not following these expectations they may be asked to leave and future participation will be assessed by the supervisor(s) and building administration at that time.
Miss Navarro- katenava1@hssdschools.org
Mr. Petras - franpetr@hssdschools.org
Mrs. Schuette- jennschu@hssdschools.org
Ms. Utech - brenutec@hssdschools.org
We are looking forward to our annual Veterans’ Day Assembly taking place on November 11th at 1:30 PM. This assembly has become a beloved tradition at Lineville and we hope that any and all veterans and their families will consider joining us on that day.
If you are planning to attend, please fill out this form. You may be aware that we have a process for allowing visitors into our building during school hours. By completing this form we will know if you are registered in our system. If you are not, we will reach out to you and ask that you visit our office some time before November 11th so as to avoid lines on the day of the assembly. Due to the time constraints of the student day, we cannot postpone the start of the assembly. Processing identifications and ensuring that everyone is in our system will greatly reduce the amount of time it will take us to check people in on the day of the event.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at (920) 662-7871.
The PTO Fundraiser pick up is scheduled for Thursday, November 14th in the Lineville gym from 3:30pm until 7pm. If you are unable to pick up your items on this date, please email lvbvpto@gmail.com in advance to make arrangements. Please note that the PTO has very limited space to hold items (particularly freezer items) so please plan on picking up your items during the designated times. THANK YOU!
Dear Families,
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school! This is a great opportunity to connect with your child over the thrill of bringing home new books. Studies show that kids read more when they choose books for themselves. Fostering a love of independent reading leads to a variety of benefits—including academic success and improved mental health.
Here’s everything you need to know about the Book Fair:
Dates: October 22-24 (during the school day and at conferences)
Location: Lineville Roadrunner Room
Check out the Book Fair homepage for more information or to set up an ewallet.
Happy reading!
Volunteers Needed!
We are excited to announce that our school will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair! We need volunteers to make it happen.
If you’re available to lend a hand at this upcoming event, please use this Sign Up Genius to sign up! We need help from Tuesday, October 22- Thursday, October 24, during school hours and during parent teacher conferences October 22 and 24.
Thank you!
Please click on the link below for the Lineville Library News for the school year!
Hello Lineville Families!
Mark Smith, your new Superintendent here! Please consider this my personal invitation for you to attend Stronger Together, a three-day community conversation where all voices are heard.
The purpose of the event is to develop a clear strategic direction for the future of HSSD. It will be facilitated by Drew Howick of Howick Associates Inc. who has facilitated community conversations for hundreds of Wisconsin school districts.
Attendance at all three dates is strongly recommended. Each day covers different topics and is essential to the overall process.
December 12 from 5-9 p.m.
December 13 from 5-9 p.m.
December 14 from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Bay View Middle School
1217 Cardinal Ln.
Green Bay, WI 54313
Other Notes
Food and refreshments will be provided.
Childcare will be available. (Details in RSVP below.)
Transportation can be provided. (Details in RSVP below.)
Ready to commit? We are grateful! Click here to RSVP.
Please visit our website to learn more about Stronger Together. Contact me with any questions you have.
Stronger Together,
Mark Smith, Superintendent
Construction on Lineville Road has continued throughout the summer and will continue well into the school year. All traffic updates can be found on the Brown County Construction website.
The current project will be taking place through November. What you need to know:
You cannot turn right out of the driveway onto Cardinal Lane.
The Cardinal Lane/Lineville Road roundabout is closed.
For kids walking to/from school, please cross by the cross-walk in front of Lineville.
Lineville Road in front of Lineville and Bay Port is now open.
The Belmont Road and Rockwell Lane roundabouts are now open.
Weekly updates can be found here.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off Instructions
Due to construction, you may need to determine an alternate route to and from school.
All drop-off and pick-up should take place in front of Lineville in our main parking lot, entering from Cardinal Lane. We realize that there are other entrances and access to our school grounds. For everyone's safety, please use the Cardinal Lane entrance/exit only when dropping off or picking up.
Students may be dropped off at Lineville beginning at 8:15 AM. Please keep your child in your vehicle prior to that time as there will not be supervision on our front sidewalk.
It will be critical that you either park your vehicle or pull ahead as far as possible when dropping off and picking up your child. When we do not fully utilize our parking lot and drop-off/pick-up zones, traffic will back up on Cardinal Lane.
Students are dismissed at 3:08 PM. If you arrive and there are spots available in the main parking lot, please leave the pick-up line and park your vehicle. Again, the more people who utilize the parking lot, the less likelihood that we have backed up traffic on Cardinal Lane. All students who are to be picked up will be waiting on the front sidewalk, in the main parking lot.
Additional information regarding drop-off and pick-up can be found here.
We understand that the road construction is an inconvenience. We kindly ask for your patience as the construction projects continue throughout the school year.
If you have not completed your "Returning Student Registration" in PowerSchool for this school year, which includes approving field trips and technology, please do so as soon as possible! The link to register is below. If you need help with your username or password, please call the office at 920-662-7871.
To better meet the needs of our students, through a collaboration with Unity Grief and Education Center, Lineville Intermediate School is pleased to offer our students the opportunity to participate in a School Grief Support Group.
School Counselors, Jessica Beauleau and Kyle Vanderheiden, with a Unity Grief Counselor will be leading a six-week grief support group designed to provide students the opportunity to explore their grief through activities and conversation, while learning about grief and developing coping skills. Through participating in this group, we hope students gain insights into their own grief experience as well as make connections with peers who have also experienced a loss while in a safe, supportive environment.
The group is open to any student who has experienced a death regardless of when the death occurred. The experience of grief is unique, and a grief support group may not be suited for everyone. Please know that Unity Grief and Education Center has grief support services available for individuals and families.
The group will be held on the following dates from 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM:
- Tuesday, November 5, 2024
- Tuesday, November 12, 2024
- Tuesday, November 19, 2024
- Tuesday, November 26, 2024
- Tuesday, December 3, 2024
- Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Please discuss this opportunity with your child and return the attached permission slip to Jessica Beauleau or Kyle Vanderheiden by Monday, November 28th, should you wish to participate.
Please reach out Jessica Beauleau or Kyle Vanderheiden at (920) 662-7871 should you have any questions regarding this group or reach out to Unity Grief and Education Center at (920) 339-6700 should you want further information on the grief support services offered to our community.
Caring Together,
Lineville Intermediate School and Unity Grief and Education Center
Happy 2024-2025 School Year! I am Bobbi Nowaczyk, your Lineville School Social Worker.
Continuing from last year, our school social workers will update an online newsletter (Smore) a fantastic summary of school and community resources. Please contact me if/as/when needed. I can be reached via email at bobbnowa@hssdschools.org; or my cell phone: 920-714-1437.
As always, if you are in need of assistance, support, or coaching from a school social worker, we are here for you every step of the way!
Basic Needs Brown County Community Resources
Below is a link for a booklet with descriptions and contact information for service providers for persons who are looking for services to meet their basic needs. Includes food, shelter, childcare, employment, medical, transportation, etc.
Brown County Community Counseling Resources:
Below is the link for a list of counseling providers with information about services offered and payment types accepted (Medicaid, Medicare, sliding fee scale, etc.).
“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.”
― Fred Rogers
The Giving Tree will be starting to register families for our December Holiday Store. Please reach out to your school social worker if you think your student may benefit from assistance with The Giving Tree. For our generous community, look for information in future district communications about donating to our Holiday Store and volunteering!
This month we are collecting canned soup. Please feel free to send donations with your students to put in the collections bins/carts near the main office of school. Items can also be dropped off during school hours. The Giving Tree appreciates the community support in helping ensure food is not a barrier to a student’s education
Find out more information about The Giving Tree on our website.
Youth mental health is a topic of utmost importance, and we believe that by working together, we can create a supportive environment where our children can thrive. As we start the new school year, we want to remind you of the invaluable resources available community.
The Howard-Suamico School District is committed to the health, safety, and well-being of our students, staff, and families. We are proud to announce our continued partnership with CareSolace to support our ongoing commitment. If you or a family member are looking for help with mental health or substance use, Care Solace will quickly connect you to community providers matched to your needs. Call 888-515-0595 at any time or search on your own at caresolace.com/hssd. Care Solace offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you and your child with appropriate community-based providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need. Please contact any of the Lineville Student Services Staff below with any questions, and/or help connecting to Care Solace:
Bobbi Nowaczyk, School Social Worker: bobbnowa@hssdschools.org; 920-714-1437 (call or text)
Sydnee Milis, School Psychologist: sydnmili@hssdschools.org 920-662-7800 (call)
Jess Beauleau, School Counselor: jessbeau@hssdschools.org
Kyle Vander Heiden, School Counselor: kylevand@hssdschools.org
2024-2025 PTO DATES
THE PTO IS STILL LOOKING FOR A VICE PRESIDENT TO JOIN THEIR TEAM! If interested, please email Cindy McDonough at csteske@gmail.com!
PRESIDENT: Cindy McDonough
SECRETARY: Christy Pheiffer
TREASURER: Amanda Mleziva
November 4, 2024- Bay View
January 13, 2025- Lineville
March 3, 2025- Bay View
May 5, 2025 - Lineville
Community Clothes Closet located in Hope Community Church at 1021 Hillcrest Heights, Green Bay.
https://www.hopeingreenbay.com/community-clothes-closet/ Open the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month from 2-6pm. The Community Clothes Closet provides gently used clothes for FREE to those who need them. Contact Denise McGinnis if you have questions Denisemcginnis@hotmail.com Phone: (920) 471-3858.
Girl Scouts wants you to join them for a rocking good time! At this FREE event you can create your own DIY Guitar, make a musical stress ball and learn more about joining! Tuesday, October 8th from 3-5pm. Weyers-Hilliard Library.
Y Nights are for students in 4th-6th grade and run on Fridays during the school year. It is a great opportunity for kids to hang out with their peers and try something new. Each week there are new activities and games for the kids to play. This opportunity is free for Y members and only $7 for the general public. Learn more.
The Howard Suamico Lions Club wants you to join them for a Halloween Hoopla!! There will be a dance party, a costume contest, games and more!! Thursday, October 24th from 6-8pm at the Howard Commons Activity Complex.
The Bay Nordic Youth SKI Program introduces the youth to the joy of winter! It supports kids ages 3 to 12 years old. Meets will be from 6 to 7 on Saturday or Sunday Sessions at the Reforestation Camp.
New Zoo Adventure Park is holding their annual family-friendly, spooktacular event…. Zoo Boo!! Open Fridays 4-8pm and Saturdays 2-7pm starting October 11th and 12th. Cost is $15 per person. Kids Under 3 are FREE.
Lambeau Field is having their FREE Spooktacular Community Event on Saturday, October 26th from 9am to 3pm! Experience the thrills and chills of Halloween with entertainment, face painting and crafts! Located in the atrium.
Help us spread the word!! Join us for the Bay Port Dance Team’s Holiday Craft Fair!!! It will be held on Saturday, November 2nd from 9 AM-3 PM located at Bay Port High School. Admission is $5 (ages 10 and under free).
Greater Green Bay YMCA recently opened their Suamico branch on Lineville Road! One great feature of the Suamico location is they offer a space for kids ages 8+ that is FREE for members, called “The HYPE” . This space offers homework help, arts/crafts, games, and more. It's really a safe space for kids to come hang out together with some supervision.
Bay Port Wrestling has now opened up registration for Youth & Middle School age students. Please see the filer for more details and links on how to register!
Hilly Haven Golf Course is excited to announce a new program for Juniors called Junior Golf Academy. The program will take place after school hours. Please click on the link below for more information and how to sign up!
This year's Lineville Intermediate school representative to the School Board is Rachelle Paulsen.
Our Board is committed to graduating lifelong learners who are well equipped with the knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of an ever-changing global society.
Please reach out to me with any questions about Board Policies.
Email: rachpaul@hssdschools.org
In addition to District Social Media, local TV/Radio stations and the District Website, HSSD will also send weather-related delays and cancellations via text message.
Website: https://lineville.hssdschools.org/
Location: 2700 Lineville Road
Phone: 920-662-7871
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HowardSuamicoSchoolDistrict