Newt News 1/27/25
The periodic newsletter for the Linworth Experiential world
Soup, Please
Thanks to the initiative of Junior student Rae, Linworth is collecting soup for the Broad Street Food Pantry.
Any canned soup would be much appreciated! There is a box in the Big Room where donations should be placed.
Donations will be accepted through the end of February.
Ever wonder what a Walkabout at Queen's University in Belfast looks like?
Seniors (and families), send me your Walkabout pics to share.
Phyte Club Update
It was a great week in the garden this week! Phyte Club didn't meet this week due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday, but we held a winter sowing workshop at the Worthington Science Day on Saturday, Jan 25th where we helped many of our neighbors start native plant gardens even in the middle of winter. Shout out to Brian Geniusz and the Worthington City Schools for putting on a great event. Thank you for letting us share in all the learning! On Monday the 27th, Phyte Club will meet again to work on our season extension projects and get ready for spring planting. There are only 13 more weeks until the last frost!
Phyte Club meets from 3:15- 4:15 every Monday. We gather in the Big Room and everyone is welcome. Join Us!
For more information, check out our website at linworthschoolcommunitygarden.org.
TWHS and WKHS Class Scheduling Requests
Main campus course registration is happening now on Infinite Campus.
Here are the windows:
WK: Jan 24th at 4pm to Jan 31st
TW: Jan 22 to Jan 29
Volunteer Opportunity
One of the Worthington schools is looking for someone to do music with students who have special needs.
Are you looking for community service hours that love music and working with elementary students? If so, see Chris.
Parent Volunteer Needed
Worthington Connects
Worthington Connects is a community-driven organization dedicated to supporting local families in need year-round. We partner closely with schools to identify families who could benefit from assistance and rely on generous donations from the community to make our efforts possible. Every contribution helps us provide meaningful support to those in need.
If you would like to donate or get involved, please visit https://www.worthingtonconnects.org Families seeking assistance are encouraged to reach out to their school counselors, who work with us to connect resources to those who need them most. Together, we can make a lasting impact in our Worthington community!
Direct donation: https://www.worthingtonconnects.org/giving-page-3
Meet the Linworth 2024-2025 DEI Champion
Worthington Schools is dedicated to fostering a safe, inclusive, and equitable learning environment for all. At Linworth, science teacher Ian Sample serves as our Building DEI Champion, leading efforts to ensure every member of our community is valued and supported. Learn more about Ian and our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion here.
Annual Worthington Job Fair
Worthington students 16 years and older are encouraged to attend the Annual Worthington Job Fair on Friday, March 21st. This event is held at the Worthington Education Center in the morning and bus transportation will be provided to and from the main campus high schools. Stay tuned for additional details as the time gets closer, but for now, keep this in mind as an option during the Friday of Interim Week if you would like to fold this opportunity into your meaningful week of experiential learning!
National Association for College Admission Counseling College Fair
We encourage all Linworth students interested in learning about diverse college opportunities and connecting with admission representatives to attend NACAC's annual National College Fair. Over 600 colleges will be represented at this event held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on February 2nd, 1:00-4:00. Register using this link: NACAC.
State-funded SAT for Juniors
Worthington Schools will register all juniors for the state-funded Digital SAT. This will be administered during the school day on March 11, 2025. Students have the opportunity to prepare for the assessment at any time using the resources listed in the informational flyer linked here. If you have any questions, please contact your school counselor.
FAFSA Reminder for Seniors and Guardian:
A friendly reminder for seniors planning to attend college are encouraged to complete this free financial aid application with your guardian:
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
A helpful resource for completing the FAFSA: Financial Aid Process, '24-'25
Schoology Accounts
Parents may create their own Schoology accounts and link them to the Schoology account of their students in grades 6-12. More information about this process can be found at the Schoology Parent Guide.
To recover your Schoology Access Code (necessary to connect to your student's Schoology account), login to Infinite Campus Parent. Click View your Students various IDs from the Parent Access Links section.
A Schoology Access code will populate only for students in grades 6-12.
Important Dates
Friday, January 31-Worthington Education Foundation Event (see above)
Wednesday, February 5-Linworth Open House, 7:00 (for 8th grade families interested in Linworth)
Monday & Wednesday, February 10 & 12- Conferences
Monday, February 24-The Linworth Forum
Every Monday after school until 4:30--Phyte Club
Teacher Email Addresses
If you have any questions for Linworth teachers, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Jamie Mackin jmackin@wscloud.org
Jen Kubina jkubina@wscloud.org
Lilly Yap lyap@wscloud.org
Ian Sample isample@wscloud.org
Rosanne Nagel rnagel@wscloud.org
Mark Shannon mshannon@wscloud.org
Amy Bowman abowman@wscloud.org
Josh Stegman jstegman@wscloud.org
Emily Valdez evaldez@wscloud.org
Laura Zelch lzelch@wscloud.org
Amy Kargiotis akargiotis@wscloud.org
Chris Hasebrook chasebrook@wscloud.org
Tim Hetrick thetrick@wscloud.org
Jocelyn Trout jtrout@wscloud.org
Linworth Experiential Program
If there is an emergency and you need to see or talk to someone right away, please:
- Talk to your parents or another trusted adult.
- Call Nationwide Children's Hospital Crisis Hotline (17 & younger) at 614-722-1800
- Call Netcare Crisis Hotline (18 and older) at 614-276-2273
- Call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or
- Text the Crisis Text line by sending a text message to 741741. (If you text “4hope” you should automatically be connected to someone in Ohio, but you can text anything - even just hello to get the conversation started.)
- If you are having an immediate emergency, please call 911.
All of these options are available 24/7/365.
Website: http://www.linworth.org/ or https://linworth.worthington.k12.oh.us/
Location: 2075 West Dublin Granville Road, Worthington, Ohio 43085, USA
Phone: (614) 450-6900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LinworthAP?fref=ts
Twitter: @LinworthAPNewts