TVEA Today
October 11th, 2023
Message from TVEA President Edgar Diaz, November 9, 2023
Superintendent Selection
Let’s address the big news for today. The TVUSD Board of Trustees has placed the approval of a superintendent contract at its next regular meeting on Tuesday, 11/14. While this would be a great time to celebrate the leadership that is to lead TVUSD into the future, where is the process?
For six months the process to collect applicants has been moving forward and without warning the TVUSD Governing Board is to convene at an unscheduled meeting on Monday at 9 am to interview applicants. At their regular meeting the next day, a contract is on the agenda for an applicant they met the day before? Is TVUSD leadership an afterthought? Does the board value the input from the parents, community and staff enough to hold panels and collect real data about what is important to the TVUSD learning community in the future superintendent? After this series of events, we have an answer. NO!
TVUSD staff was not alerted of this Special Meeting. Board members were not included in the planning of the meeting. CSEA and TVEA were not invited to participate in the process. A parent and community representative was not either.
The TVUSD majority board plans in backroom deals to implement their decisions and “faithfully” vote on each other's interest in open meetings or decide in Brown Act violating meetings and communications to come to a majority decision on the controversial procedures they decide to implement.
When the previous superintendent was fired without cause in June, the majority board promised a transparent process to select a leader for our district, but they failed to live up to their own words. Transparency and parent/community input are used in the most shallow and self-serving way. Is a notification of a board meeting to interview candidates before a long weekend a transparent process? Is extending a contract the next day indicative of individuals who will carefully consider the application, experience, and personal demeanor of a candidate they met the day prior?
With the weight of this decision, you would expect a longer process between meeting candidates for the first time and hiring a superintendent.
TVEA Mission Statement
TVEA Secretary Amy Eytchinson initiated a process to develop a TVEA Mission Statement and brought the text for a first read to the Leadership Council of TVEA for adoption in December. The Mission Statement will come to a vote for discussion and adoption at the December LC meeting. Linked is the document they used to prioritize components of the proposed mission statement.
Through the strength of our collective voice, Temecula Valley Educators Association advocates for the continuous advancement and improvement of teaching and working conditions for the educators and support professionals of the Temecula Valley Unified School District, fostering personal and professional growth for members and increasing opportunities for student success.
TVEA Budget and Dues increase
Due to the increase in compensation over 14% the last 2 years, the TVEA member dues need to increase to keep pace with the amount that TVUSD needs to be reimbursed for the TVEA President release and increased cost of carrying out TVEA business.
Executive Board recommended and Leadership Council approved a TVEA monthly dues increase of $5 for the general fund, and $2 for the TVEA PAC Fund.
The additional $5 will not only cover the increase to the president release due to the recent bargained wage increases, but also support TVEA initiatives as supporting new educators and organizing around member and site issues. TVEA also prioritized developing leaders in curriculum, leadership, and advocacy through professional development opportunities, the increase will continue to support increased opportunities for our members.
The TVEA PAC pass through dues will fund the budget on an ongoing basis to allow TVEA to respond to political pressures moving forward. The pass through dues will generate an estimated $22,000 each year to support initiatives and candidates that are public education friendly.
Members have the opportunity to Opt-Out of your dues dollars going to the TVEA PAC Fund and designate the $2 dollars to stay in the TVEA general fund. Click here to access the TVEA Political Action Committee Fund Opt Out.
Bargaining Update
On October 23, TVUSD brought forward the majority board’s illegally sunshined Article 2 proposal to eliminate TVUSD’s contribution to the fairly bargained TVEA Presidential release in the TVEA Collective Bargaining Agreement. TVUSD along with the retained attorney Dean Adams initiated to bargain the impacts and effects.
Your TVEA Bargaining Team heard their request and TVEA moved forward with filling a Public Employment Relations Board Unfair Practice Charge.
TVEA is also looking into providing an enhanced health and welfare benefit to individuals who have no dependents on an insurance plan. TVEA has composite health benefits that provide a structure where all dependents are covered by an employee's coverage. Neighboring districts who are tiered provide different levels of health benefit contribution depending if the employee is single, has one dependent, or more. Your TVEA Insurance Advisory Committee and TVEA Bargaining Committee are investigating if it is fiscally possible to implement a reverse implementation where individuals receive an enhanced contribution by TVUSD to lower the cost for health coverage for a single user. This work will move to a subcommittee to bring forward a recommendation.
TVEA and TVUSD are to memorialize the Health and Benefits Retirement Bridge enhanced eligibility in Article 7.5 of the contract.
Evaluation Tool Pre-Meet
TVEA and TVUSD will coordinate dates for subcommittee meetings.
Assistance plan
The current evaluation procedures has language for an Assistance Plan. There is no language in the contract to support the consideration, implementation, or outcomes of said plan. TVEA and TVUSD will consider options in January.
Social workers
District is seeking further information in preparation to go to a subcommittee.
Athletic Stipends Ad-Hoc
Brian Balaris, Bargaining Chair, along with Eric Morten (GOHS), Richard Mey (TVHS), and Don Forhane (CHS) met with TVUSD most recently on November 11th to develop a recommendation to the bargaining teams on athletic stipends. A component of the recommendation is to initiate an added layer to the stipend structure to encourage on-campus coaches from current teachers and consider longevity steps for athletic stipends. Other areas are assessing middle school intramural stipends and increasing sporting event pay scales.
Calendar of Events
11/10 - Veteran's Day Holiday
11/13 - Special Governing Board Meeting 9:30am
11/14 - Governing Board Meeting 6pm
11/20-11/24 - Thanksgiving Break
11/30 - Executive Board Meeting 4:15pm
12/4 - Negotiations Session
12/7 - Leadership Council of the TVEA, Margarita Middle School 4:15 PM
12/12 - Governing Board Meeting 6pm
12/21 - 1/5 - Winter Break
Committee Meetings
11/13 - Equity and Human Rights, TVEA Office 4pm -
11/15 - Special Education, TVEA Office 4pm -
11/30 - TVEA Stipends Subcommittee, DO 9am -
12/4 - Negotiations Session, DO 9am -
12/7 - LCAP Committee, TVEA Office 1pm -
12/11 - Insurance Advisory, TVEA Office 4pm -
12/12 - Grievance Committee, TVEA Office 4:15pm -
12/13 - Special Education, TVEA Office 4pm -