On the Trail for Mustang FAMILIES
Week of Feb. 10-14, 2025
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Rú xū fānyì, qǐng dān jī dǐngbù kuāng zhōng de “fānyì”, ránhòu xuǎnzé shǒuxuǎn yǔyán
Để dịch, nhấp vào "dịch" trong hộp ở trên cùng và chọn ngôn ngữ ưa thích ntawm "txhais lus" hauv lub thawv rau saum toj thiab xaiv hom lus nyiam
Monterey Trail High School Mission
The Learning Community of Monterey Trail High School Challenges ALL students to realize their greatest potential while preparing them for their future.
Happy Valentine's Day - we love our Mustangs!
Come watch our amazing Mustang Impulse Dance Company!
The Impulse Dance Company will present their 20th Annual Mainstage Production “IGNITE” at the Sheldon High School Performing Arts Center Thursday, February 27th - Saturday, March 1st. This anniversary show marks Ms. Howland's 20th year teaching dance and directing Impulse Dance Company at MTHS. Some members have gone on to dance professionally!
The Impulse Apprentice Company will be performing as well as the MTHS Poly Club and guest dancers. We have members from the original team of ‘05 coming back to dance in the crowd favorite alum piece!
Pre-sale tickets are now available for $12. Tickets will be $15 at the door.
In the past, the Friday and Saturday shows SOLD OUT at 700 capacity, and we are expecting that to happen again this year. (Saturday will most likely sell out Friday at lunch.) PLEASE GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY!! The show begins at 6:30pm on Thursday and 7:00pm on Fri./Sat.
“IGNITE” is a fantastic family friendly show and we really hope you can make it! You will be amazed at the professionalism and athleticism of our dancers! From breath taking choreography, hard hitting hip-hop, to exquisite technique…we truly have it all and you will feel all the feels! Come share an exciting evening with us!
Join us in Celebrating Black History Month this February
Key Contacts at MT ...
See who to contact below:
Key Contacts
All students should become familiar with two very important service providers on the campus –their Counselor and Vice Principal.
At many schools Vice Principals are viewed as the school’s disciplinarians. Although they do play a role in campus safety and security, their main function is to help provide for the personal and academic needs of all students.
Counselors and Vice Principals will always find time to assist students to improve academically, obtain scholarships, work to resolve student/teacher issues, resolve student conflicts, or other student needs.
Your student’s Vice Principal and Counselor are assigned based on your student’s last name OR program. Each student’s Counselor will be listed on their schedule.
*students work with all of us but the main Vice Principal and Counselor are based on the first letter of the last name/alphabetically and some special programs
Administration, Activities and Athletics
Lara Ricks, Principal
Charles Thatch, Vice Principal (alpha - A-F)
Vincent Payne, Vice Principal (alpha - G-L)
Anahi Perez, Vice Principal (alpha - M-R)
Elizabeth Villanueva, Vice Principal (alpha - S-Z)
Craig Grivel, Activities Director
David Coronado, Athletic Director
Hanh Tran, counselor (DATA and alpha A-At)
Hien Chan, co-lead counselor (ABSS and alpha Au-Fam)
Bai Zhen, counselor (ILS and alpha Fan-Lax)
Adrianne Simon-Carlson, counselor (PALSS and Lay-Mun)
Deisy Padilla, counselor (AVID and alpha Muo-N)
Jennifer Cooper, counselor (DHOH and alpha O-Son)
Elizabeth Ng, co-lead counselor (FLS and alpha Soo-Z)
Perla Gaines, counselor (MTHS College and Career Program)
It is best to contact us via Parentvue or Studentvue email - if you are new to EGUSD please contact the front office to get your account active
More info on the MTHS website...
Course Selection continues in extended advocacy
Great Job everyone! One grade level has picked their classes for next year and their alternates. We were able to hold a Career Technical Education Fair thanks to Ms.. Gaines and Ms. Simon-Carlson who were instrumental in helping create this new way for our 9th graders to see the various offerings.
Congratulations Mustang Jazz Band
On Saturday the jazz band participated in the Woodcreek Jazz Festival and won 1st place in the intermediate division. Thursday, jazz band also performed at the Elk Grove Jazz Festival at Pleasant Grove HS. Our members had a great clinic with Dr. Steve Roach, director of Jazz Studies at Sac State. Students were able to apply what was learned on Thursday to our performance on Saturday.
Way to go Mustangs!
Still lookin for our next EGUSD Student Board Member - will it be a Mustang?
Applications due February 21 - workshops this week!
EGUSD Student Board Member page: responsibilities, board bylaws, etc. (applications will be available here in English and Spanish)
Student Board Member Timeline: key dates including application and interview workshops
Student Board Member video - highlights current Student Board Member Celine Qin and duties of the role
Closed Campus and No food drop offs
2024-25 - Breakfast and Lunch are free to ALL students - just have your ID with you (get your ID picture at Mustang GiddyUp - see below)
Free meals continue for all enrolled and attending students. CA legislation (AB130) established Universal Meals for all enrolled students until further notice. AB 130 requires that public school districts offer two meals (breakfast & lunch), free of charge, during each school day, to any enrolled child, attending school in-person, requesting a meal regardless of their free or reduced-price meal eligibility.
However, free does not mean a student can just come up and take anything. A free meal must still meet all the requirements of the National School Lunch or Breakfast Program. Our service model is called “offer vs. serve” which means students must take at least 3 items or components and 1 of those 3 must be a fruit or a vegetable, in order for their meal to be no cost. A student cannot come through and just get a juice nor can they get a second meal for free.
We have plenty of food and a variety so please ONLY use family lunch days to bring your student food (after following family lunch day policies). We will not be accepting food from families or from delivery services at any location on campus so please plan accordingly (same policy since the beginning of the year)
Closed Campus - students remain on campus at all times from arrival bell to dismissal bell. Lunches are free on campus (see above) and we do not allow students to receive food deliveries nor to go off campus for lunch time. Leaving campus without a proper early dismissal will be marked as a truancy and potentially have consequences in addition to missing instructional time. Food delivery attempts will not be accepted/will be refused and we will not be responsible for any charges to the person ordering.
Refer to conflict mediation & help resolve conflict
Gold Ticket Data
This week, we collected 415 Gold Tickets as part of our PBIS program.
42 students who hadn't turned in a Gold Ticket so far this year submitted one in the past 3 weeks.
**Gold Ticket Data: 1731 students (69.7%) have turned in at least one Gold Ticket this year. Last week our numbers were: 1689 of our students (67.9%)
Counseling, Career and College info
Questions about your schedule, academic needs, wellness needs, and beyond?
MTHS College Going Data - Class of 2024
This week on the Trail...
Governance on Wednesday after school in the library - all certificated staff
Monday, Feb. 10 HOLIDAY
No Classes - campus closed
Tuesday, Feb. 11
Regular schedule - Be in first period class before 8:30am followed by Trail Time period 2.
Wednesday, Feb. 12
Regular schedule - Be in first period class before 8:30am followed by Trail Time period 3.
Governance -library - 3:55-4:55
M. Basketball @ PGHS - 4:30/6/7:30
W. Basketball vs. PGHS - gym - 5/6:30
ALL tickets must be purchased on GoFan (online or on the app)
*for regular season home games, students with the ASB sticker purchased do not need a ticket but must not be on the no activities list
- Students on No Activities list cannot attend and NO refunds if ticket was purchased
- No food/drink in the gym - water is ok (if you buy food at a snack bar you will need to eat outside - NFHS can be purchased individually for any streamed games if you desire)
- No coolers
- No large items that block the view of others
- No boomboxes, speakers, etc.No incendiary devices, alcohol, drugs, smoking, vaping, weapons, tobacco or other substance allowed on campus including the parking lot (adults/students included)
- No animals allowed
- Staff and student must have ID (digital ID accepted on studentvue or 5star)
- MTHS HS Students will have ID scanned for spirit points, ASB and no activities list
- Please pick up student no later than 15 minutes after the game
At some games we have specific visitor and home entrances so please follow signs as that occurs.
All fans are expected to enjoy the game from the bleachers, including our youngest fans.
Please follow staff directions so all can enjoy the high school games and respect the calls of the referees.
Thursday, Feb. 13
Late Start -Gates open at 9:20 - Be in first period class before 9:50am followed by advocacy
Instructional Rounds Group A
Extended Advocacy today - course selection for 2025-26 school year
School Site Council - career center - 6-7
Friday, Feb. 14 Happy Valentine's Day
Regular Schedule - Be in first period class before 8:30am followed by Trail Time period 4
Last day to purchase Prom tix
SaddleUp Luncheon #3 - both lunches
W.. Basketball @ Franklin - 5/6:30
Wrestling - Div. 1 Championships - TBD
M. Basketball vs. Franklin - gym - 4:30/6/7:30
ALL tickets must be purchased on GoFan (online or on the app)
*for regular season home games, students with the ASB sticker purchased do not need a ticket but must not be on the no activities list
- Students on No Activities list cannot attend and NO refunds if ticket was purchased
- No food/drink in the gym - water is ok (if you buy food at a snack bar you will need to eat outside - NFHS can be purchased individually for any streamed games if you desire)
- No coolers
- No large items that block the view of others
- No boomboxes, speakers, etc.No incendiary devices, alcohol, drugs, smoking, vaping, weapons, tobacco or other substance allowed on campus including the parking lot (adults/students included)
- No animals allowed
- Staff and student must have ID (digital ID accepted on studentvue or 5star)
- MTHS HS Students will have ID scanned for spirit points, ASB and no activities list
- Please pick up student no later than 15 minutes after the game
At some games we have specific visitor and home entrances so please follow signs as that occurs.
All fans are expected to enjoy the game from the bleachers, including our youngest fans.
Please follow staff directions so all can enjoy the high school games and respect the calls of the referees.
Saturday, Feb. 15
Wrestling varsity - Div. 1 Championship - TBD
NO Classes and campus not open Feb. 17th due to holiday - Enjoy!
Save the Dates!!
Feb. 17 - No School - Holiday
Feb. 19 - Leadership
Feb. 20 - Interdisciplinary PLC
Feb. 20 - Extended advocacy course selection for 25-26
Feb. 20 - ELAC meeting
Feb. 21 - Future Mustang Shadow Day (new format)
Feb. 22 - EGUSD Recruitment Fair @ Valley HS
Feb. 22 - Jr Prom
Feb. 24-28 - Department meetings
Feb. 27 - PLC
Feb. 28 - MTHS BSU Black History Month Community Extravaganza
Feb. 28-30 - MTHS Impulse Mainstage
March 6 - Staff meeting
March 6 - Monterey Trail Regional Equity Coalition
March 7 - Black light Rally Schedule
March 13/14 - Final Exam Schedules
March 17-21 - Spring Break - no school
March 24 - reverse minimum day start to term 4 AND WASC virtual visit
March 26 - Leadership (may be moved to after school March 24 for WASC report)
March 27 - PLC
March 27 - Instructional Rounds Group B
March 28-April 2 - dept meetings
March 28 - MTHS/EHMS Spring Carnival in evening for community/staff/students/families
April 1 - CAASPP testing begins
April 19 - Senior Ball
April 24 - Mandatory Senior Parent Meeting
(see meeting schedules, website calendar, parent/family opportunities calendar for February and beyond - dates subject to change)
Note: All holidays were listed in the summer newsletter for your reference
Last day of school is May 30, 2025.
Check out information about Athletics, Clubs and ASSETs on our website
Core Value Awards - Great Job to all of you!
Suggestions and Thank you's
Each week click on the button below and submit a shout out or a suggestion as we value your voice
Bell Schedules
Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. regular schedule
Thursday late start
Follow us on social media
Twitter (MontereyTrailHS)
Facebook (MontereyTrailHS)
Instagram (MontereyTrail)
YouTube (MontereyTrailHS)
Keep updated on all of the great things happening on The Trail.