Maple Marquee
October 25, 2024
Halloween Party tonight
The Student Council will be having a Halloween Party for Maple students only on
Friday, October 25th. Tickets at the door on Friday night will be $5.00. Raffle tickets will be sold for 25 cents each or 5 for $1.00 for your chance to win a $50.00 Amazon Gift Card. At the party, there will be games, music, athletic activities, a haunted house, pizza, drinks, bake sale, raffle and more! Food and drink prices will be sent to your child’s email next week. The party will be from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Students should arrive at 6:00 pm and be picked up promptly at 8:00 pm. Students cannot arrive after 6:30
pm or be picked up before 8:00 pm for safety reasons.
Halloween Dress Up Guidelines
We are excited to see students in costumes on Halloween! In order to make the day a success, we want to go over a few guidelines. Most importantly, all costumes must be school appropriate.
The following items are not allowed:
Masks, face coverings or anything that impedes vision
Weapons of any kind (real or toy)
Anything that promotes drugs or alcohol
Anything that involves ethnic or racial stereotypes
Please remember that this is still a school day. Students are expected to fully participate in each class throughout the day. Students should bring a change of clothing, in case their costume is deemed inappropriate or becomes distracting to the learning process. We are looking forward to everyone following the guidelines, coming up with creative costumes, and having fun!
Upcoming events
Monday, October 28
- Q2 begins
Tuesday, October 29
Wednesday, October 30
Thursday, October 31
- No after school activities
Friday, November 1
Student Council honored by BOE
The District 30 Board of Education recognized the newly elected 2024-25 Maple Student Council during its meeting this week. Officers were inducted at a school-wide assembly October 4:
- President: Micah Kim
- Vice President: Ariela Cortesi
- Secretary: Altanzul Buyantogtokh
- Fund Chairperson: Max Choi
- Social Chairperson: Layla Shah
- Assistant Fund Chairperson: Maya Menezes
- Assistant Social Chairperson: Hazel Roh
Congratulation to the new officers and class representatives, and thank you to Ms. Reimer and Ms. Light for offering this wonderful leadership opportunity for our students!
Notice to all D30 families
Maple winter fertilizer application
Northbrook/Glenview School District 30 is partnering with Bertog Landscape to treat the grounds on and around the Maple School soccer field. On November 1, Bertog Landscape will apply 40-0-0 winterizer fertilizer. This is to help the turf store nutrients during the winter season to promote early spring growth. In the event the application cannot be applied on this date, the alternate date of application will be November 2. For questions, please contact District 30 Buildings & Grounds Coordinator Jason Borst at 847-400-8964.
Boys Coding Club
Maple's Boys Coding Club will meet on Wednesdays through December in the STEM lab from 3:45-4:30pm. Our October 23 meeting is for 6th grade boys, and our October 30 meeting is for 7th & 8th grade boys. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kristen Leverso at kleverso@district30.org.
Note: our "SheCanCode" club will begin in January.
Attendance matters for your child
Student attendance is a focus at Maple School this year.
1. Your student's attendance is crucial, as inconsistent attendance can affect them socially, emotionally, and academically. We aim to work together to ensure a successful school year for everyone. All the essential information about attendance is available in the Maple School Handbook.
2. Parents should be aware of the difference between 'excused' and 'unexcused' absences. For further details, please refer to the handbook.
3. At the end of each trimester, families of students who have missed six or more days (10% or higher) will receive a letter offering support to improve attendance. Maple’s administration and teachers are committed to helping students and families address attendance concerns. If you’d like to explore available support options, please contact the school principals.
Homework Grid parent resource
Help support your student with the Homework Grid. Click on the link below, then click on Homework Grid in the left hand column.
Calling all mathematicians!
Math Competition Team begins Nov. 4
The Maple Math Competition Team will participate in the MathCounts 2024-25 competition series, which includes both individual and team contests. This is a fun opportunity for students to improve their problem-solving skills and apply them to non-routine problems!
Practices will be Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:45-4:45 p.m. and will begin on Monday, November 4. The Math Competition Team is open to all Maple students, however only 14 will be selected to compete in the MathCounts series. Please contact Cora Byrne (cbyrne@district30.org) or Sarah Arends (sarends@district30.org) with any questions.
AMC8 test is Jan. 22
Maple will host the Mathematical Association of America AMC8 test on Wednesday, January 22 after school from 3:45-5:00 p.m. All Maple mathematicians are welcome to test! To register your student for the AMC8 test, please fill out the following form by Monday, October 28. More information to follow. For preparation, past contests and solutions visit the Art of Problem Solving website. Please contact Cora Byrne (cbyrne@district30.org) or Sarah Arends (sarends@district30.org) with any questions. AMC8 Registration Form.
Wrestling coach wanted
Wrestling Coach needed. If you or someone you know woud be interested in coaching Wrestling at Maple, please contact Athletic Director, Mrs. Jill Rathge. jrathge@district30.org
Parent volunteers needed for Career Day
Parent volunteers are needed for Career Day on February 21. We are looking for volunteers who are available to either conduct student interviews in the morning or present career opportunities to groups in the afternoon.
The aim is to improve our 8th-graders’ interview skills and broaden their career perspectives.
Morning interviewers will be expected to kindly and professionally lead students through a series of 20-minute mock interviews. For many of our students, this will be their first experience interviewing. We are looking for people who are eager to offer thoughtful feedback and encouragement. If you are able to participate between 8:00 a.m. and noon on February 21, we would love to have you.
We are also looking for enthusiastic and dynamic presenters for our afternoon sessions. Volunteers should plan to present two or three 20-minute presentations to rotating groups of students between 1:00-3:30 p.m.. If you are interested in talking about your career, what it entails, and the steps it took to get to where you are today, please consider volunteering for the afternoon session.
As you know, our students are excited to engage and learn. If you're able to participate, please complete this form.
In District 30, we strive to create meaningful and rich experiences for our students. We appreciate you considering this opportunity to contribute.
From District 225 - for 8th-graders
Wanderlust from Classroom to Culture: Discovering Deutsch
Join an exciting evening of cultural exploration and learning as students from the Glenbrook Academy of International Studies present insights from their four-year study of the German language and culture.
This event is a unique opportunity for eighth-grade students considering the Academy program, and anyone interested in global learning to hear firsthand about the students' experiences abroad. Topics include: studying German has opened doors to a deeper understanding of European history, language, and traditions.
Date: Monday, November 18
Time: Doors open 6:30 p.m., Presentations starts at 7 p.m.
Location: Lakeview Room at the Glenview Park District
D.C./Chicagoland information follow-up
Thanks to all who attended!
We appreciate everyone who could join us on October 1. For those who missed the meeting, you can watch the recording here.
Registration for the Washington, DC trip is now open!
- Trip ID 217820
- Click here or the button below, or call WorldStrides at 800-468-5899 to register.
Please note that itineraries and permission slips for both the D.C. and Chicagoland trips will be available as we approach spring.
Positive Postcards program
A kind word can brighten someone's day.
A simple "thank you" or a personal note can really make someone's day. Would you like to send a positive postcard to a teacher or a staff member? Please follow these steps in this short presentation, and if you have any questions, please contact Jeanie Moran from the Tech Team.
Schoology parental access
Please follow these steps:
1. Login to Parent Portal
2. Click on Forms on the left-hand side
3. Under General Forms, click on this form: 2024-25 School Year Information
4. You will see a Schoology Access Code along with the guide on how to sign up.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to Jeanie Moran at jmoran@district30.org
Join us for our next dine out day.
See our flyer for Dengeos on Wednesday, October 30
Details on running for Board of Education
Northbrook/Glenview School District 30 will have three school board seats to be filled at the Consolidated Election on April 1, 2025. Candidates who are elected will fill four-year terms expiring in April 2029.
Candidates for the office of the school board can now circulate nominating petitions for signatures. The period for filing nominating petitions concludes November 18, with November 12 being the first day permitted to file a petition.
A candidate for the school board is required to file the nominating petitions, Statement of Candidacy, and receipt for filing their Statement of Economic Interests with the applicable county election clerk and not with the school board secretary or the administrative offices of the school district. The county clerk may have petition forms available, or blank petitions may be downloaded from the State Board of Elections website, elections.il.gov.
Find events in our community!
Want to know what's going on around the community? District 30 uses a "Virtual Backpack" to share community information while saving paper, costs, and lightening the loads our students bring home. Please click the button below to view upcoming Community Events.
Safe2Help Illinois
Any time a student feels unsafe, any adult in their school can help!
But sometimes, students or parents wish to reach out for help in a different way or after school hours. Safe2Help Illinois offers students a safe way to share information 24/7 that might help prevent any threat to school safety, including bullying, self-harm or other serious concerns.
The goal of this program is to get students to “seek help before harm;" it is not intended to suspend, expel, or punish. Safe2Help Illinois also offers a Mental Health Toolkit that provides resources for parents and educators reinforce the components of this program.
Safe2Help Illinois offers around-the-clock help via:
- Hotline: 844-4-SAFEIL
- Text line: 72332
- Email HELP@Safe2HelpIL.com
- Plus a website full of resources for young people seeking help for themselves or a friend. Its Ways To Get Help page is a directory of specialized hotlines, and other sections of its website provide practical steps for dealing with depression or helping a distraught friend. The checklist called "20 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Feel Like Giving Up" can help older children overcome a bout of anxiety or depression.
Useful Links
Maple School
Maple School is part of Northbrook/Glenview District 30, which exists to create an inclusive community that inspires learning, fosters resiliency, and cares deeply for every child. We honor childhood and foster intellectual, physical and social-emotional growth. District 30 serves more than 1,200 students in pre-K through 8th grade across Willowbrook, Wescott and Maple Schools.
We prohibit harassment and discrimination of all forms within our district and follows all policies and procedures to ensure a safe environment for all.
Main Office: 847-400-8900
Health Office: 847-400-8908Location: 2370 Shermer Road, Northbrook, IL, USA
Website: district30.org