Take Flight 🦅
West Leyden Student Activities

🦅 October 18, 2023
Make a Difference in October!
One of the biggest volunteer events at Leyden is almost here! Make A Difference Day is the largest national day of community service in the United States. This annual event aims to inspire people to step up, take action, and make a positive difference in their communities. Leyden students celebrate this day by completing various service projects in the Leyden community.
Leyden sports teams, clubs, and individuals can sign up to participate in Make A Difference Day.
If YOU are interested in participating, talk to your coach or club sponsor to volunteer!
Excellence Award
West Leyden's Red Ribbon Week Spirit Days
More Volunteer Opportunities
To see more ways YOU can volunteer, visit the Leyden volunteer webpage. There you can learn about a variety of volunteer opportunities, sign up to volunteer, and log your service hours after an event.
Northlake Public Library Trunk or Treat
When: Saturday, October 28th
Time: 11:30am - 3:30pm
Where: Northlake Public Library District parking lot, 231 N. Wolf Road, Northlake
What: Volunteers will decorate their car, fill their trunk with 500 pieces of candy, and stay for the entire event to pass out candy. Certain guidelines apply; see sign-up form for details.
⬅️ Want to volunteer? Click on the image!
Northlake Boofest
When: Tuesday, October 31st
Time: 5:00pm - 8:15pm
Where: Grant Park, 44 W. Golfview Drive, Northlake
What: Volunteers will help with the haunted trail, run the children's games, and hand out hot dogs.
Want to volunteer? Click on the image! ➡️
Village of Franklin Park Breakfast with Santa
When: Saturday, December 2nd
Time: 8:30 am - 11:00am
Where: North Park, 10040 Addison Avenue, Franklin Park
What: Volunteers will help serve breakfast, and help with crafts, Christmas-themed games, Santa pictures, and clean-up. 7-10 volunteers are needed.
⬅️ Want to volunteer? Click on the image!
Schiller Park's Annual Winter Wonderland and Tree Lighting Ceremony
When: Saturday, December 2nd
Time: 3:30pm - 7:30pm
Where: Schiller Park Community Center parking lot
What: Volunteers will wear character costumes, assist with running holiday-themed games, and be line attendants for the hayride. 10 volunteers are needed. This is an outdoor event; dress accordingly.
Want to volunteer? Click on the image! ➡️
Village of Franklin Park Polar Express Event
When: Saturday, December 9th and Saturday, December 16th
Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Where: Franklin Park Metra Train Station , 3148 Rose Street, Franklin Park
What: Volunteers will help with check-in and train boarding, serve milk and cookies on the train, assist with the caroling program, and ensure that the event runs smoothly. 6 volunteers are needed each day.
⬅️ Want to volunteer? Click here for December 9th and here for December 16th!
Club Spotlight - Service-Based Clubs!
Student Activities Webpage
Want to see what clubs West Leyden has, who the club sponsors are, and when the clubs meet? Check out the Student Activities webpage! You can get there from the Leyden website > Activities and Arts > Clubs - West. You can search clubs alphabetically by name or categorically by type. Get involved!
We Are... Awards
We Are... Awards nominees can qualify to receive Javaccino (students) / Gold and Bold Café (staff members) gift cards. In addition, students may be recognized at Student of the Month breakfasts and staff members may be recognized at staff meetings.
To nominate a student or staff member, you need to fill out this We Are... Awards Google Form.