Tiger Times
Sunset Hills Monthly Newsletter
April 12, 2024
Attendance Line/Main Office
Club 66/Early Childhood Center
1-5 Spring Break-NO SCHOOL
9 Community Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, Library
16 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00 pm-9:00 pm
26 Carnival
26 Spirit Day
29-Professional Learning-NO SCHOOL
2-3 6th Grade Outdoor Education
4 District Big Band Dance, 5:30 pm
7 Community Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, Library
9 Taco Ride, 6:00-7:00 pm
17 All School Picnic/ Field Day 12:30-3:30
21 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00-9:00 pm
24 Last day of school-NOON DISMISSAL
*Please note that all dates and times are subject to change. Thank you for your flexibility
Yearbook Pre Order
Designed with the help of our 6th graders, the yearbook is a great way to commemorate the end of the school year. Yearbooks will be handed out on the last day of school.
Please contact Mrs. Cordle or Ms. Patterson if you are in need of financial assistance.
Community Club Events
The Sunset Hills Carnival is scheduled on Friday April 26th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Apologies for any inconvenience on the date change.
Wristbands for the Carnival and food tickets are available to purchase today through the 25th. They will also be available at the door on the 26th. $15 wristbands include all games, bounce houses, obstacle course, and temporary tattoos.
Please join us for fun on the 26th - open to all - students, siblings, friends, neighbors, etc.
Purchase Carnival Food Tickets
Today is the last day to purchase Field Day T's. Please note: all students will receive a t-shirt on field day.
Spring Clubs
The Community Club is excited to offer CLUBS this spring!
Sign up on the Community Club website: https://sunsethillscommunityclub.membershiptoolkit.com/
Unleash your artistic spirit in our Art Club! Express, create, and collaborate with fellow students. Ignite your passion for creativity now!
Wednesdays, 3 - 3:45
Session 1 - K-2nd - March 13, 20, 27
Session 2 - 4th-6th - April 10,17, 24
Explore the world with our School Map Club! Navigate, discover, and chart new territories with fellow map enthusiasts. Join the adventure today! Please sign up for 1 session only.
Thursday 3:30-4:15
Session 1 - March 21, 28 April 11, 18
Session 2 - April 25, May 2, 9, 16
Open to Students - Grades 2-6
Join the Rubik's Cube Club! Solve, challenge, and master the iconic puzzle. Sharpen your mind and share the thrill of twisting, turning, and folving together.
Thursday 3:30-4:15
Session 1 - March 14, 21, 28
Open to Students - Grades 3-6
Immerse in creativity at our school LEGO Club! Build, innovate, and connect with fellow enthusiasts in this vibrant space for all things LEGO fun and learning.
Thursday 3:30-4:15
Session 1 - April 25, May 2, and May 9
Open to Students - Grades K-4
Robotics Club Information Coming Soon!
For Further Questions about Clubs contact Tiffany Norton at norton.tiffany22@gmail.com
Lego League
The Sunset Hills Cyber Tigers completed their rookie year March 15-16 at the State First LEGO League competition at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. For the competition, the team built LEGO robots, learned and mastered coding to complete tasks, developed a technology-based Innovation Project presentation, and competed in timed rounds against 76 teams from across Nebraska and parts of Iowa. Congrats to the Cyber Tigers!
Photo: Sunset Hills Cyber Tigers: Taylor W., Alec G., Ben W., J H., Chad B., Olive K., Alice H. Not pictured: Blake S. Volunteer Parent Coaches: Mike Boyle, Randall Hallett, Andrea Hewitt
Book Fair
A big THANKS to all our parent volunteers for making the Sunset Hills spring book fair so fun! We appreciate your time!! And, thanks to all our shoppers. Your purchases at the book fair not only put new books in the hands of our budding readers; but also provides proceeds to assist in purchasing other library items.
Crystal Schneekloth & Diana Hiatt, Chairs
Specials Schedule
Day 2: Music or Library •Strings
Day 3: Art or PE •Band
Day 4: Art or PE •Band
Morning Arrival
Wednesday Dismissal
This includes:
•Late Arrival-include lunch preference
•Absence-include reason for absence
•Early pick up/appointments
•Change of pick up arrangements
If your student is not in their classroom by 8:30 am they must come to the main office to sign in or they will be counted absent. Students coming or going during the day for appointments, illness, etc also must sign in and out through the main office.
After School Plans
Please remember that after school plans should be made in the morning. Students are expected to be off school grounds by 3:45 pm (3:15 pm on Wednesdays). Each child should know what the after school plan is. Students going home with another child after school should make plans ahead of time.
Please notify the school if there is an unexpected change of after school plans for your child. If you know in the morning, a note to the teacher and main office is always appreciated. We appreciate your cooperation in making sure your child is safe.
District Approved Snack List/Birthdays and Celebrations
Kindergarten Enrollment
Kindergarten enrollment for District residents for the 2024-25 school year is open. Please check our website at westside66.org to start your enrollment online.
Children entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2024. Parents may wait to enroll their child(ren) in kindergarten for an additional year. However, Nebraska law requires that child(ren) who reach the age of six prior to Jan 1st of the then current school year must be enrolled in school.
For questions about enrollment, please contact the Westside Welcome Center at 402-390-2100 or enrollment@westside66.net
Children of District residents who wish to be tested for early entrance to kindergarten must turn 5 years old between August 1 and October 15, 2024.
For further information regarding early entrance testing, please contact Early Admissions at 402-390-2142.
Summer Show Choir Camp
Westside Middle School is excited to host their WMS Summer Show Choir Camp June 3-7. Our leadership team for the week is Hunter Boe, Casey Allen, Ben Schrank, Liz Fritton, and Kail Townsend. So pumped to have this amazing group of instructors on board for this year's camp! Over 100 students are already signed up! Come join the fun & excitement - SING - DANCE - SHINE! Click the following link to get registered today! https://forms.gle/5WxJYQRDuN5kMooT9
Digital Dozen Award
The Digital Dozen award is presented to WCS students who earn 12 of the digital badges from the EY Website (ey.westside66.org), which is available to students district-wide.
It takes self-motivation, grit, and determination to earn these badges, and
these star students should be proud of this accomplishment!
Medication at School
For your child’s safety and for the safety of others, all medication, even cough drops, must be kept locked in the health office, it must be in the original package and brought in by a parent or guardian. All medication, including cough drops, needs to be accompanied by a medical authorization form (see link below) signed by the parent or guardian, all prescription medication forms must be signed by the doctor. Whenever possible, the medication should be administered at home.
Student Illness
Office personnel will notify parents/guardian when a student needs to be sent home from school due to illness. Conditions requiring a student be sent home include: temperature greater than 100.4°F, vomiting, diarrhea, unexplained rashes, or on determination by the school nurse that the child’s condition prevents meaningful participation in the educational program, presents a health risk to the child or others, or that medical consultation is warranted unless the condition resolves.
Parents should complete the online Returning Student Registration for each child every year to verify that emergency daytime phone numbers are current so that parents can be reached if their child becomes ill or is injured while at school. Parents should also inform the School Nurse or Health Assistant of health-related information they feel is important for each child’s safety and success at school.
Sunset Hills Community Club
If you had signed up last year you will need to review and update your account to re-activate it, you will be able to use the same login.
Access the site here & be sure to bookmark it:
Community Club Volunteers
We're still in need of volunteers for classroom parents and helpers for various grade levels. This is a great way to get involved and support your child's class. Please use the following link to sign up
Breakfast/Lunch Information
Free Meals, Free/Reduced Applications Available
CLICK HERE to fill out your application.
Advantages of using MySchoolBucks:
- View your student's meal purchases
- See current account balance at a glance
- Automatic reminders when student or staff balance gets low
- Schedule recurring payments and never worry about lunch money again
Click on the link to access: www.myschoolbucks.com
Getting started is a simple three-step process!
1. Download the app or visit the MySchoolBucks homepage and click on “Sign Up Free”.
2.Create a user profile with your email address, establish a password, and set up your security questions.
3. Add a Student to your account using the student’s name, date of birth, and/or student ID number. (Some schools and districts may require either the student’s date of birth or student ID number. If you need assistance with your student's ID, please contact their school.)
Now you’re ready to make payments!
MySchoolBucks Parent Support
Don & Millie's Night
•Please mention Sunset Hills when ordering.
Tuesday, Apr 16, 2024, 04:00 PM
Don & Millie's, 10727 W Center Rd, Omaha, NE 68124, USA
Need Additional Support?
Download the Westside Community Schools App!
The Westside Community Schools App is now available in the Apple Store and Google Play! Search Westside Community Schools, and you will see the Starman logo, signifying our app!
This is a free download for anyone with a smart phone or device. It draws data directly from Powerschool and our new websites, to compile all kinds of information for our families from lunch menus to news items and information, to calendars and posts from our social media.
Sunset Hills Elementary
Email: patterson.michelle@westside66.net
Website: https://sunsethills.westside66.org/
Location: 9503 Walnut Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: (402) 390-6480
Twitter: @SunsetHills66