Lowell Lantern
Principal's message
Dear Lowell Families,
Parent/Teacher Conferences are being held on Tuesday, October 2 from 11:00am -7:00pm. These conferences are very important for all parents to attend! Students do not attend school on Tuesday. Parents should have received information about their scheduled conference time. If you are unsure of your time, please contact your child’s teacher or call the front office at 317-532-3900. Our goal is to meet with 100% of our parents; we value these conferences and hope that you will make every effort to attend. Report cards will be distributed at these conferences as well. We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, October 2!
Construction to our building has started. As some of you have noticed, demolition to the back part of the building has begun. Construction fencing has been up for over a week and is placed to ensure student safety and to eliminate access to the construction site. While this is an exciting time, I want to ensure all that student safety will always be the top priority throughout this process. I will continue to update Lowell families throughout the construction process. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding this process.
As a reminder, next week is our last week before fall break. It is important for students to attend next week as instruction continues through the start of break. Students will have their first quarter CORE Celebration on Friday, October 4. We are looking for parents to volunteer during the celebration. Please see the flyer for more information.
We hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy your time with family!
Mrs. Griffin
Thank you to all of our families that came to our UnderCOREstruction for a Bright Future Literacy Night on Wednesday! Lowell students and families had a blast!!
PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES are coming up on Tuesday, October 1. These are very important meetings with your child’s teacher. Please look for a letter coming home with your child(ren) that will give more information about conference times. Teachers will discuss student progress and performance as well as distribute report cards during these conferences. We ask parents to make every attempt to attend a conference with their child(ren)’s teachers.
Please make sure your child does not miss any school days due to lack of required immunizations. Exclusion date is Monday, September 16th, 2019. If your child is missing any immunizations, letters were sent home. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Nurse Deb at 532-3900.
Construction Updates
We are very excited that construction is beginning at Lowell! Please know that during this time, there will be some changes with traffic flow and building access. As always, we will put student safety above all things. There may be times when this may feel inconvenient; however, we are asking parents/guardians to understand that decisions made have been well thought out and in place because it is safest for students and families. If your child(ren) have access to a bus, please have them ride the bus to and from school daily. This will help lessen traffic at the busiest times of the day and is the best way to ensure that students are arriving to school on time. Please make sure if you are picking up or dropping off your child that it is important to move your vehicles to the farthest point along the front curb. Please do not stop in front of the entrance. We need to fill the front curb so that we can get the most students into the building at one time. Please listen to the teachers that are outside at car rider pick up/drop off and follow the directions given to ensure that everyone is safe. Thank you for your patience and for working together to keep students safe!
We need your input! Please take survey below!
MSD of Warren Township will be creating a comprehensive strategic plan based on community input that will ensure all students and staff have the conditions necessary to develop and apply Journey of a Graduate (JoG) skills. Click link to take survey. bit.ly/MSDWTSPS
September is National Attendance Awareness Month
Our September Attendance Contest has begun. Students who have perfect attendance for the month of September will receive a Lowell Leopard Squishie. Check out this website with some great information for schools and families on attendance. http://absencesaddup.org/
Your child’s daily, on-time attendance is critical to their success in school. And while some challenges to your child’s school attendance are unavoidable, it’s important to understand the impact of each absence.
A student is considered chronically absent if they miss only two days of school per month (18 days in a year), whether the absences are excused or unexcused. This is true for children as early as elementary school, when they are at a higher risk of falling behind in reading. Even one year of chronic absence can cause a child to fall behind academically and decrease a child’s chances of graduating from high school, which can have long-term consequences on their financial independence, physical well-being and mental health. The good news? Attending school every day increases a child’s chances of success in school and in life.
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Clothing donation for the Lowell Clinic
No Smoking
Please remember that our Lowell Campus is a smoke-free campus. There is no smoking allowed anywhere on Lowell grounds. This includes smoking in your cars while on the Lowell Campus. Please refrain from smoking on school grounds if you are picking your child up or dropping your child off at school. We appreciate your support with this policy!
Please make sure your child does not miss any school days due to lack of required immunizations. Exclusion date is Monday, September 16th, 2019. If your child is missing any immunizations, letters were sent home. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Nurse Deb at 532-3900.
Fro-Yo Friday!
Our students will REALLYappreciate it!!
Important Dates
October 1-- No School--Parent/Teacher Conferences 11am-7pm
October 7 - 18 -- Fall Break
October 21 -- Return from Fall Break/Full Day
Birthday treat policy
While we love to celebrate, please remember there is a "no birthday treats" guideline. To access fun and helpful resources for healthy celebration ideas, please visit:
Thank you for understanding and adhering to this policy!
Good Attendance = Academic Success!!
Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. Every school day counts in a child's academic life...A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn. The effects of lost school days build up one absence at a time on individual students. Please ensure that your child understands the importance of good school attendance and is at school every day. Every day matters! Every day provides important learning opportunities! Set your child up for success by developing these good habits now!
Adult lunch information
* adult lunch costs $4.00 cash
* please have exact change
* no charge
* no debit
* no checks unless you have an account set up.
Cell phone protocol at Lowell
Useful Links Chartwells/Warren
* If your child will be absent due to illness or late due to a doctor's appointment, please call the front office at 317-532-3900 to report the absence or late arrival. This helps to ensure your child's safety. Please bring a doctor's note to document the excused absence.
* Dismissal is at 3:05pm. If you are picking up your child from school, please follow our car rider procedures.
* When arriving at Lowell, please make sure you stop first at the front desk. All visitors MUST sign in and put on a Lowell Badge while in the building. Safety is our top priority for our students. This process allows us to ensure every child's safety during the school day. Thank you for your cooperation.
* Parents are always welcome at Lowell! If you would like to visit your child's classroom, please call or email your child's teacher or Mrs. Griffin so we can make arrangements and ensure that the students will be in the classroom at the time of your visit. We encourage you and welcome you to always be a part of your child's learning, and we truly value your involvement!
* Please remember that our Lowell Campus is a smoke-free campus. There is no smoking allowed anywhere on Lowell grounds. This includes smoking in your cars while on the Lowell Campus.
School Safety
Dear Lowell Families,
I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how excited the Lowell Elementary family is about the start of the school year and to share our process for emergency preparedness. In an effort to make sure our students and staff understand and know what to do in the case of emergencies, we plan practice drills throughout the school year. Some of these drills include procedures we practice monthly, like fire drills, and some we practice only a few times during the year, like wind/tornado drills.
We wanted you to be aware of the types of drills that we practice together in the event of a school safety concern so that you can talk with your students about these situations if they should come home with questions.
Fire Drills – Students and staff evacuate their classrooms and exit the building. All classrooms report to a designated location outside of the school building. During these drills, cars entering campus will be stopped by staff until our perimeter is clear of students and staff.
Wind/Tornado Drills – Students and staff report to designated locations in the building away from large windows and doors with windows. During this drill, our exterior doors will be locked so that all office staff can participate as well.
Lockdown Drills – Our buildings are secured internally and externally. Students remain with staff and wait for directions. During these drills, if you visit campus, you may see law enforcement agencies like Warren Police, parked on our campus supporting this practice.
Bus Evacuation Drills – Students practice exiting the bus using emergency exits upon arriving to school. During these drills, cars entering campus will be stopped by staff until our perimeter is clear of students and staff.
It is important to note that your student’s focus and cooperation during our drills is paramount. When drills are conducted, all individuals on our campus must participate, and that number can be upwards of 600 people. Paying attention, being alert and following directions allows for the best learning experience during the drills. Please reinforce this at home. Also, please know that if you are in the building when these drills are being practiced, you will be asked to practice with our school.
I appreciate your support and ask that you reach out with any questions.
Kim Griffin, Principal
The occasion may arise when the school district wants to recognize your child or your child's school. This may include your child's photo, your child's name or your child's work in district publications, newsletters, on school district websites, and in electronic/ social media or in staff training videos. We may also want to tell the media (including newspapers, television, and radio) about your child's achievements. We never knowingly release information about a student to anyone who wants to use it for commercial/ political purposes. However, we will honor your request to not include your child in these types of recognitions if you notify your child's school office in writing that you do not want this type of information released.
Student Success Handbook 2019-2020 School Year
Lowell Elementary School
Contact Us
Kim Griffin -- Principal
Tasha Reedus -- Dean
Website: lowell.warren.k12.in.us
Location: 2150 South Hunter Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-532-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/LOWELLLEOPARDS
Twitter: @LowellElementa1