ROE Kindergarten - Week Nov. 18
We Are Better Together!
Greetings Kindergarten Families
We had a fun week working and learning together! Thank you to all who were able to join students for our Thanksgiving lunch! We are looking forward to kicking off clubs! If you signed up for a club, a calendar and information will be sent home shortly. We are in need of some parent volunteers for running club. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Barrett.
Following are some important reminders to keep in mind for this school year:
- School hours are 7:20-3:05. If you are dropping your child off after 7:20, please park in the front parking lot and sign your child in at the front office. If you are arriving after 3:30pm for pickup, please park in the front parking lot and walk to the office with your car tag.
- Transportation changes need to go through the office. Please call 972-617-3523 before 2:00 pm for any transportation changes.
- Contacting your child's teacher: If you call or email your child's teacher, they will respond within 24 hours as our focus during the day is your students.
- Lunch with your student: Parents are welcome to visit during lunches of scholars on any day of the week.
- Birthday treats: Birthday treats will only be served on Fridays. You may drop off treats in the office and they will be delivered to the classroom.
Toys for Tots
If you and your family need assistance this upcoming holiday season please fill out the application.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Barrett.
Native American Heritage Month
Take some time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and acknowledge the important contributions of Native people. This is also an opportunity to educate ourselves about the tribes and general awareness about the unique challenges Native people have faced both historically and in the present.
What We Are Learning
We will continue to read, write and represent numbers through 20 and begin comparing numbers up to 20.
Social Studies and Science
Social Studies: We will learn about cultures and celebrations.
Science: We will learn about seasons and the weather.
Suite 360: We will learn about 'caring reactions'.
Dates to Remember
Monday, November 25 - Friday, November 29 -- No School, Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 4 – Coffee Talk with Supt. Brenda Sanford @ 7:45 a.m.
Monday, December 9 -- PTA Tip Top Holiday Shop
Wednesday, December 18 -- Polar Express Day
Friday, December 20 - Tuesday, January 7 -- Winter Break
Ideas for Learning at Home
Read, Read, Read
Read with your child every day. Have your child spy some of our sight words in the story: to, the, of, at, is, like, said. Practice name writing in shaving cream, salt or using a variety of writing tools. Remind them only the beginning letter is capital.
Math activities
Be a scientist
Order Your Yearbook Today!
See the attached flyer to order your yearbook.