Wattles Gazette
Back to School 2024-2025

Wattles Gazette 01.06.25
Letter from the Principal
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you well and that your family enjoyed a joyful and restful holiday season. As we step into this fresh chapter, it’s an ideal time to reflect, reset, and reestablish routines that will help our students thrive in the months ahead.
The return to school after the holidays can be both exciting and challenging for students. As they readjust to their academic schedules, reestablishing consistent routines at home can make a significant difference in their success and well-being. A few key habits to focus on include:
1. Prioritizing Sleep: Consistent bedtimes are essential for students’ physical health, emotional regulation, and academic performance. Research shows that children and teens need 8-10 hours of quality sleep each night to stay focused and engaged in the classroom. Please join us in encouraging a nightly routine that supports ample rest.
2. Preparing for School Days: Mornings are smoother when preparations are done the night before. Laying out clothes, packing lunches, and reviewing the next day’s schedule can reduce stress and set a positive tone for the day ahead.
3. Arrival Reminders: Just a reminder that students need to be in seat by 8:39 AM. Students arriving later than 8:39 AM will be marked tardy. ALL late arrivals MUST be walked into the school office by a parent even if you still see buses in the parking lot.
4. Enriching Learning Outside the Classroom: Learning extends beyond school hours, and enrichment activities can be a wonderful way to support your child’s interests and growth. Whether joining a sports team, taking music lessons, participating in STEM clubs, or engaging in volunteer work, these opportunities help build confidence, develop skills, and foster a sense of community.
Our teachers and staff are excited to welcome students back and to support them in achieving their academic and personal goals for the new year. As always, we value the partnership we share with you in nurturing and educating your children. If you have any questions or need assistance in exploring enrichment opportunities, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our school community. Let’s make 2025 a year of growth, discovery, and success for all our students.
Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy, and fulfilling New Year!
Your partner in education,
Amy Wallace
Important Dates
This Week
A Look Ahead
- Monday, January 13 - Grade 5 Festival of Choirs 7:00 PM Athens High School
- Friday, January 17 - Talent Show Interest Due (see flyer below)
- Monday, January 20 - MLK, Jr. Day No School (see flyer below)
- Wednesday, January 22 - 1/2 Day of School
- Thursday, January 23 - 1/2 Day of School
- Friday, January 24 - End of Card Marking 1/2 Day of School
- Tuesday, February 4 - Virtual Parent Training 5:00-7:00 PM (see flyer below)
- Wednesday, February 12 - Talent Show Auditions 5:30-7:30 PM
- Monday, February 17 & Tuesday, February 18 - Mid-Winter Break: No School
- Wednesday, March 12 & Thursday, March 13 - Parent/Teacher Conferences: 1/2 Day of School
- Friday, March 14 - Teacher Professional Learning: No School
- Thursday, March 20 - Talent Show 6 PM
- Monday, March 24 - Monday, March 31 - Spring Break: No School
- Wednesday, April 9 - Kindergarten Information Night 6:30 PM Wattles (Parent Only Event)
- Friday, April 11 - International Fun Fair
- Friday, April 18 - Good Friday: No School
- Monday, May 26 - Memorial Day: No School
- Friday, May 30 - Field Day
- Wednesday, June 4 - Friday, June 6 - 1/2 Day of School
- Thursday, June 5 - 5th Grade Promotion
Building News
Under Construction!
Shelter Donations
Mrs. Gordon, literacy specialist, and her family, are collecting items for a local shelter. As the weather gets colder, the shelter has some specific needs. If you can donate any of the items below, please send them to school labeled "Mrs. Gordon."
District News
Cold Weather Guidelines
Please see the flyer below for specific information regarding outside recess during the cold winter months.
Preschool Enrollment
Kindergarten Enrollment
TSD December Inclusive Newsletter
Please click on the link for the TSD Inclusive Newsletter.
Parent Corner
Fill the Fridge!
Thank you for filling the fridge for our wonderful Wattles' teachers! Click on the link below to donate.
Join the Wattles PTO
Please consider joining the Wattles PTO! We need all parents to participate in some capacity. Use the QR code to sign up for specific events.
Time to Renew the PTO Bylaws!
We are looking for help revising the PTO Bylaws. If you are interested, please contact PTO president, Becky Henry, at beckyhenryschool@gmail.com.
Virtual Learning
Student Directory
Want to connect with other Wattles' families? See the information below for step-by-step directions.
Student Enrichment Opportunities
Gifted Thinking
Consider signing your child up for this unique after-school class with our very own, Mrs. Angela Clemence to deepen their thinking.
Chess Wizards
Begins January 31st
Youth Pickleball
Begins January 18th
Mister Pickleball
Begins January 18th
Tennis for Tots
Begins January 13th
Talent Show
Community Corner
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Creative Contest
TSD students are invited to participate in the upcoming MLK Day Creative Contest! Reflect on a time when you made a positive difference in your community and consider how that experience impacted you and those around you. Share your reflection through a video, essay, poem, or a portfolio of visual artwork. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, January 1, at 11:59 p.m. For more information: https://www.troy.k12.mi.us/student-life/2025-mlk-day-student-contest-submission-form
TSD is Hiring!
Looking for work? Join the TSD team!
Parent/Student Handbook
Helpful Links
School Information
Phone Numbers
- Attendance Line: 248-823-3401
- Main Office: 248-823-3400
School Hours
- Full Days: 8:39 - 3:37
- Half Days: 8:39 - 12:29 (no lunch service)
School Address
3555 Ellenboro Avenue
Troy, MI 48083