CVU Celebrations
September 17, 2022
*CVU is experiencing a critical shortage of paraprofessionals to support student learning. Consider joining our team. The work is meaningful, fun, and important. Contact Jess Hoskins at to apply!
Dear CVU Community: We are all one context away from being struggling learners. Imagine the activity, area of study, or past-time in which you experience the least confidence. For some people it may be public speaking, for others it may be athletics or analyzing literature or explaining mathematical reasoning or singing. Place our normally capable and somewhat-confident selves in that context and we begin to exhibit thoughts and behaviors that aren't quite us. We make jokes at our own expense; we laugh nervously. Maybe we become a bit short tempered. Maybe we just withdraw.
I invite you to join me in this thought exercise for two reasons. One, the above behaviors perfectly described me last weekend right before I attempted to dance the tango in a local Dancing with the Stars Fundraiser; two, my discomfort reminded me of how students can feel every single day in school. Honestly, one of the joys of working in a school is witnessing the courage that is on display daily as our students push themselves to learn--often quite publicly--in contexts they find uncomfortable. So families, if you see some odd behaviors, remember to approach those behaviors with a sense of curiosity. As the opening of the year gives way to more complex work in academics, social networks, and co-curriculars, Mid-September is time to be on the lookout for those signs of overwhelm. We're here to help embrace that complexity.
Upcoming Events
Another Sample Paragraph
Please make sure to complete your health forms on Powerschool. You can find the link, here. Students will not be eligible for field trips until they are complete! (Make sure you don't check yourself as an "emergency contact" or you won't receive most communication from the school.)
Family-Teacher Conferences will be on October 6 and 7 in in-person and online formats. Keep a look out for invitations.
Student Celebrations
Snelling PA working on teamwork with a little group jump rope!
Ready Set Go! Good tunes and CVU Shout Outs hosted by Garrett Richardson, Ayden Drown, and Daniel Lyons, compliments of the Media Factory in Burlington. Check us out every Sunday night at 6:00 either on 99.3 or at this Link. Just click Listen. This week features shout outs to or by: MacKenna Riggs, Nate Haviland, Maddy McDade, Sue Jipner, Adam Bunting, Lish Kroll, Anne Muessel, Xander Walker, Ella Ahrens, Lindley Picard, Luke Mincar, and Asher Winsten Pinel. Got a song you would like to hear, or a shout out you would like to, well, shout out, send Daniel Lyons an email at or find me in the Learning Center.
Drawing II students shared their still life art with me in the hall on Friday. Thank you, Natalie Scriver (drawing on the left), for explaining the assignment!
The RoboHawks attended the new season kick off event this past Saturday held at U-32.
Several area teams were in attendance and a huge brainstorming marathon took place. This year’s challenge theme is PowerPlay and will involve moving cone shaped game elements to create “circuits”. In addition to preparing for the new robot competition season, the RoboHawks have been busy preparing to start FIRST Lego League teams at each sending school in the CVSD district. We are excited to announce that this year we will also be running a JV Robotics Team. This team will meet after school every Tuesday from 3:15 to 5:00 starting September 13th! If you are interested in coding, engineering, design, or digital media please contact and come check it out the fun! We recently published a newspaper article with more information about our team! If you are curious about any aspect of robotics at CVU, don’t hesitate to contact us at Come check out the RoboHawks at the Shelburne Farmers Market on Sat. October 8th!
I found some of our athletes celebrating volleyball, field hockey, soccer, and football wins (and one tie) in Parkside. Great to see all of the positive fan support!
Faculty/Staff Celebrations
While we could celebrate so many members of our faculty and staff every week, I would like to highlight all of our special educators and paraprofessionals. They are working double time to ensure students receive the education they deserve. I'm so proud of and thankful for this team!
Okay, Frankie isn't on staff...yet...but he should be. He hosted a behind-the-scenes walkthrough of Amelie--our fall musical production. Stacy Chadwell, our inspiring director, tolerated me in the studio as Ken and Gary live-streamed our Advisory Celebration of the Arts!
Community Celebrations/Notes
Access is back in action with another semester of amazing enrichment options for both in-person and online learners. The Fall/Winter 2022 season runs from September – January, and the majority of classes take place at CVU High School, with the exception of online classes offered through Zoom. Class descriptions and details are listed on our website and can be sorted by category, month, week, or online. With over 200 class options and 89 fabulous instructors, there is something for everyone at Access!
ENROLL TODAY! Popular classes fill quickly, and low enrollment leads to canceled classes. To view the complete list of classes and to enroll online, visit our website (or Google, ACCESS CVU). For questions about classes or to enroll via email or phone, contact us at / 802-482-7194.