Spring 2025 Newsletter
In this update:
- JRCOE IT Syllabus content
- JRCOE class presentations
- Classroom Updates
- Lab updates
- ESports Facility Tour
- JRCOE iPad Progam updates
- JRCOE IT Lab Assistant opening
- AI Best Practices Flyer
- JRCOE IT Contact Info
JRCOE IT Syllabus Content
Please feel free to use the following in your syllabus and/or on your Canvas page.
JRCOE IT is based in the Sandra O’Brien Collaborative Learning Hub (CollabLab), which is located on the 2nd floor of Collings Hall in room 244 (from the 2nd floor landing on the main stairs take the first right through the glass door and the lab is at the end of the hall). The Collab Lab is open when Collings Hall is open. Lab spaces have powered tables and are available for group work and screen sharing, as well as an area for quiet study. Use the WEPA printer in the lab for color and B/W printing and document scanning, and limited printing using the poster printer. All JRCOE students get $15 a semester in WEPA credits (form here: bit.ly/3YUcEnL). We also have Loaner tech, Maker Space and Ed Tech available to checkout – find the list and reserve items at this link: bit.ly/3ZeTOsQ. All sophomore and above JRCOE students get a free iPad to keep at graduation, and as part of this partnership with Apple all students can earn their Apple Teacher Certification (info here: bit.ly/3YP7A40).
JRCOE Class visits
JRCOE IT are happy to present to your class with a customized presentation on how JRCOE IT can help your students succeed in your class and at JRCOE!
We can come to you or host you in the Collab Lab. Please email JRCOE_IT@ou.edu to schedule!
Classroom Updates
All centralized classroom now have keyed locks instead of the keypads. This is for standardization and security. The rest of the classrooms in the building should have keys rather than keypads by the end of the semester. If you experience issues accessing a classroom please contact Kim Goodman.
Thanks to the support of Dean Reeder all centralized classrooms now have AppleTVs. This is an upgrade from the OU classroom standard. All non-centralized classrooms continue to have AppleTVs.
After a long wait room 237 has finally been fixed. The wall control panel is now fully functional. Available connections include appleTV, cables on the conference table, and DVD. There is no in room hard drive in keeping with the OU standard classroom setup.
Lab Updates
There have been lots of updates to the Sandra L. O'Brien Collaborative Learning Hub since summer!
- Updated Collab Lab hours: the lab will now be open when Collings Hall is open so that evening and weekend students can have access to the printer and collaborative spaces.
- Student assistants are scheduled most evenings and Saturdays to assist with classroom issues
- JRCOE has been gifted an additional poster printer housed in the Collab Lab - email jrcoe_it@ou.edu to schedule printing
- Students can now copy and scan documents using the WEPA printer
- A repurposed and upgraded smart board has been added to pod E
- Online form for students to request WEPA credits
- Online checkout and reservation system for loaner items including educational technology, laptops, VR goggles, and OWL cameras
JRCOE IT Tour of OU ESports Facility
ESports is an emerging field of engagement for K12 and University students. Over Winter Break JRCOE IT (Anna, John and Lab Assistants Daniel, Aaron and Gabe) was able to tour the OU ESports Facility, which houses Community Labs, Content Creation and Intercollegiate Competition Teams. The Director of Esports & Co-Curricular Innovation, Michael Aguilar is open to collaboration and would be happy to give any classes a tour.
Gaming is for everyone, everyone is welcome!
JRCOE iPad program updates
JRCOE IT handed out 55 iPads at the Fall Undergraduate Orientation. This year's iPads are managed which allows us to push apps/links to the ipads, including premium note taking apps. If you have an app you would like pushed to the iPads please fill out iPad App Suggestion Form. This management system also allows us to pull usage stats from the devices which shows us that 85% of the deployed iPads are used on a regular basis. Spring 2025 Undergraduate Orientation including iPad Handout is scheduled for Jan 31.
Did you know that the iPads print to the on campus WEPA student printers? This adds a layer of student functionality and appeal to the iPads!
JRCOE IT Lab Assistant opening
JRCOE IT is hiring a JRCOE IT Lab Assistant to replace Daniel Li who graduated in Dec 2024 with a Computer Science Degree. Best of luck to Daniel who is applying for jobs with OU IT and is also working as contract support for a law firm in OKC.
We are in the process of hiring an IT Systems Support Administrator for the K20 Center. We look forward to having onsite support for all our colleagues at the K20 Center.
JRCOE IT Contact Info
Collab Lab: ECH 244
email : JRCOE_IT@ou.edu
Collings Hall 238
Anna Moore, MLIS
Technology Strategist & Director of IT
Email: laemoore@ou.edu
OU Mobile Phone: (405) 889-2103
Google Certified Project Manager
Google Certified Technology Support
Apple Teacher
John McGaha
Technology Support Analyst
Email: mcgaha@ou.edu
Office Phone: (405) 325-0777
OU Mobile Phone: (405) 830-1690