Prestwick STEM Academy
Prestwick Profile Community- Vol. 26
Making a Difference One Coin at a Time
Our learners were more than generous as we collected "pennies for patients" to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Every coin will make difference! Stay tuned for totals! Thank you for your support and if you have any questions or are interested in how you can continue to make a difference in this way please contact our school nurse, Julie Buchanan @
K-5 Valentine's Day Celebrations
All visitors will check in at our front offices.
Friday, Feb. 12th
K- 2:05 pm
1 - 2:15 pm
2 - Field Trip day :)
3 - 2:00 pm
4 - 2:40 pm
5 - 2:30 pm
Candy Gram for Grades 6-8
NJHS will deliver purchased Candy Grams on Feb. 12th
Incoming 6th Graders - Let's choose classes for next year
2016-2017 6th Grade Important info
Week of 2/8 - 6th Grade Course Selection Begins - Hard copy of forms are coming home Monday.
How do we do this?
You may login with student focus login to do so from home OR come to Prestwick for assistance. Please send in your forms after completed for us to keep on file. We are happy to help you!
Need help?
Thursday - 2/11 Selection Night for 6th families needing assistance @ PSA 5:30-6:30 pm
Students MUST bring charged chromebooks to this event.
Resources to help you with this include course selection pages and course catalog. What you need:
- Course selection page for 6th Grade to help you plan out your 7 periods
- Directions/click sheets for logging into FOCUS to make your selections
Final Checks before you can check this off your list as completed?
- Have you selected 4 core classes? (Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies_
- Have you selected 3 electives? (Tech Apps will be selected for you- it is required)
- Have you verified that if you chose a semester elective you have another to match up with it?
- Have you chosen alternatives in case your first choice options are not available?
- Did you save and turn in your selection planning page?
(If you attend Brent, Chavez, Hackberry, Lakeview or Oak Point Elementary you may turn these in to your child's teacher and we will collect. Or you can bring with you on 2/11 for us to assist you.)
Important date for incoming 7th and 8th graders
2/15 Forms to incoming 7th and 8th
Thursday - 2/18 Selection Night for incoming 7th and 8th @ PSA 5:30-6:30 pm
Incoming 9th graders- stay tuned for more information
Algebra Benchmark Testing
Benchmark Testing
Prestwick will give benchmark tests to students in Algebra I.
Testing Date
Thursday, 2/11
Algebra I
A few reminders for these testing days for your learner:
- Students should arrive on time. Please do your best to make sure there are not any conflicts with out of school appointments on these days for your student.
- Get a good night’s rest in order to feel alert and ready to focus.
- Eat a healthy breakfast either at home or at school.
- Have a positive send off for your student in the am. Students should feel supported by you as well as confident that they are prepared. We know some nerves are typical and healthy. Again we will assure students that all the hard work until this point of the year is their preparation.
We want to remind parents and students that on testing day all cell phones and/or electronics must be turned in to teachers during the test for test security reasons. Cell phones will be taken care of and returned as soon as testing has concluded. Thanks in advance for reminding your student to do so.