Goliad Update
Card My Yard Signs
Goliad Office Hours for Next week
We will have office staff from 9-1 at Goliad if anyone still needs to pick up school supplies left at school or drop off any devices that were checked out. We ask that you pull to front and call the school and we will come out and meet you.
Returning Students
Update - We are aware of several issues regarding our new online registration process. We apologize for these issues as we work out the kinks in a new system.
Issue 1 - Withdrawal Forms - Several users have reported that a withdrawal form is required for all new registrations. You can safely skip uploading this document if your student has not attended school elsewhere (e.g. new PreK students or Kindergarten students who did not previously attend school). These students' registrations will not be delayed or placed on hold for failure to submit this document.
Issue 2 - Snapcodes - Several users have reported not receiving their child's snapcode for returning student registration. We have been told that there have been some delays in the sending of those emails. Some users have reported those emails going to Spam or Junk folders. Please check those folders first. Emails are being processed and will be delivered as soon as possible.
If you still do not hcw or cannot find the code please email... Erika.DeLosSantos@saisd.org
English Returning student form
New to SAISD Student Registration (including Kindergarten)
Online New Student Registration - English
How to contact the School
- Call the school at 659-3660 - listen to prompt and leave a message
- Emergency--- a phone number is given at the end of the prompt to call
- Email - zachary.ramirez@saisd.org ; judy.knight@saisd.org
- Home access link - https://www.saisd.org/Families/HomeAccessCenter.asp