Morton Ranch Elementary

Students, staff and families:
We are ready for the cool weather! We have a great four day week planned at the ranch.
- Our school counselors will host their first parent workshop of the year: "Coffee with the Counselors." Please RSVP if you'd like to learn more about bullying prevention in elementary school.
- Unity Day: We encourage all Mavericks to wear and share ORANGE! Send a visible message of building commUNITY through kindness, acceptance and inclusion to prevent bullying.
- Spirit Night (all day) at La Machaka Tex-Mex on Morton Ranch Road
- Please Mention MRE PTA as 15% of all proceeds will go to the organization.
- Hours are 11 am-9 pm
- K-3rd will walk to Morton Ranch High School for Junie B. Jones Performance
- Popcorn Subscription Deliveries by PTA
Looking ahead: Next Tuesday is CLASS PICTURE DAY:
- If you would like to purchase a classroom group picture, please visit this link.
- Students who missed September's individual picture day or need to RETAKE their photo may dress appropriately to have their picture taken on the same day as class photo day.
Have a great week, Mavericks!
The Y makes the most of a child’s after school time by offering active learning opportunities designed to engage and expand young minds. Housed in local schools, YMCA After School Care gives children the opportunity to participate in active play and collaborate on fun projects. But YMCA After School programs are more than child care. They offer a path with a purpose. Students engage in a variety of structured activities that promote positive social interactions, indoor and outdoor play and reinforce academic learning concepts, as well as lessons in empathy, inclusion and service learning.
Click here to sign up for the Y Before/After school program at Morton Ranch Elementary.
PTA is looking for volunteers for Trick or Treat
Lessons are designed to educate our Katy ISD students about being safe online and when using devices. While we encourage digital citizenship throughout the year, each class receives a lesson designed specifically for their grade level when they visit the library. Click here for more information.
Elementary students will learn about their digital footprint, cyber kindness, media balance, and digital literacy.
Targeted Audience: Parents of students in grades 1-11
Key Topics: Characteristics of a Gifted Child; Screening/Identification Process; Referral Process
Date: October 16, 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m.
English Presentation: LINK
TEAMS Meeting ID: 280 658 188 364
Passcode: cgzvji
Looking ahead...
October 16th
- Unity Day (Wear Orange)
- Coffee with the Counselors
- Legacy Parent Academy "Campus Safety" Webinar 7-8 pm
October 17th
Spirit Night at La Machaka Tex-Mex
Hosted by PTA
October 18th
Kinder-Third Walk to MRHS for
*The café will be providing sack lunches for all students in grades K-3.
October 21st
Parent Teacher Association Silent Auction Begins
October 22nd
Class Picture Day
Retakes (for Individual Pictures from Sept.17th)
October 25th
- 50th Day of School
- GT Parent Checklist Due for Grades 1-4
- Evening : Trunk Or Treat (Sponsored by PTA)
October 31st
During School Hours: Book Character Parade (INDOORS)
Students & Staff Only
(Students may dress up + bring book to match costume)
November 1st
Campus Professional Learning Day-No School for Students
November 4th
60th Day of School
November 7th
MATH Title I Night for Students & Families
Build-A-Mav Experience during Title I Night
November 15th
Volunteer Work Day in LGI
Important websites are linked below!
Morton Ranch Elementary
Website: https://www.katyisd.org/campus/MRE/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 2502 North Mason Road, Katy, TX, USA
Phone: 281-234-0330
Twitter (X): @MREMavs