The "WEE"kly Warrior Update
February 10, 2025
What WEE Are Striving Towards:
2024-2025 School Improvement Goals
By June 2025, WEE will have an increase in overall grade level proficiency and subject grade level proficiency by 5 percentage points, Overall from 78.7 to 83.7, reading from 71.8 to 76.8, math from 83.3 to 88.3, and Science from 84.9 to 89.9 as measured by NC EOG tests.
By June 2025, West End ES will continue to exceed overall expected growth in all areas with a minimum growth index of +2.14, increase the overall growth index for math from -0.29 to +2.01, and maintain a growth index for reading of a minimum of +2.01 as measured by EVAAS.
School Improvement Updates:
Would you like to stay up to date with the School Improvement Team? The School Improvement Plan and minutes for each meeting are easily accessible by following the steps listed below.
As required by North Carolina General Statute and Moore County Schools Board Policy, each School Improvement Team has collaborated on the creation of a school improvement plan for the next two academic school years. Each respective school staff has voted to approve their plans before finally being reviewed and approved by the Board of Education. Full Text of NC G.S. 115C-105.27 The school improvement plans can be found on the NCStar web-based tool that guides a school team to manage the continuous improvement process. All visiting community members can use a guest login to review school improvement plans.
Login Page - https://www.indistar.org/
WEE Guest Login: GuestS16886
Character Trait of the Month: Friendship
Quotes of the Week for February
Week 1: “Be the one who makes others feel included.” – Unknown
Week 2: “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Week 3: “Don’t be mean. Be meaningful.” - Kid President
Week 4: “People who make the world better for other people are some of the best people.” - Kid President
Principal's Corner
Hey Warrior Families,
Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Who are you pulling for tonight, the Chiefs or the Eagles? As I told the students on Friday, I'm just here for the snacks! Regardless of who wins, I hope you all have had a great weekend and are enjoying this beautiful weather.
We have a jam-packed week with many opportunities for our WEE Warriors to shine.
This week is Bus Driver Appreciation Week! Make sure to tell our amazing Bus Drivers how much you appreciate them!
Mrs. Cieri and our 2nd-grade Warriors will host a fun folk dance night on Tuesday evening. Students will have the opportunity to teach their families all the folk dances they have been learning over the past few weeks.
Wednesday is the 100th day of school! I can't believe we are already this far into the school year. Many classes will have fun dress-up opportunities for our students. Please contact your child's teacher if you have questions about how his or her class is celebrating.
The Hispanic Family Academy will be held at WEE on Thursday evening.
Friday is a required teacher workday so students will not attend school.
Thank you to our amazing PTA for sponsoring the Valentine-Gram program this year. They hand-wrote and assembled over 1500 Valentine-Grams!! They will be delivering these on Thursday.
As a reminder, the window for making a student transfer or discretionary admission request for the 2025-2026 school year is February 1-28. Moore County Schools is again implementing an online process this year. Student transfers and Discretionary Admission MUST be applied for and approved annually for ALL students attending a school outside of their domiciled attendance area. For more information and a link to the online application please visit MCS homepage at www.ncmcs.org and see “2025-2026 Student Transfer/Discretionary Admission Requests” under “Latest District News”.
We are looking forward to another successful week!
And, as always, let's make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today!
See you soon,
Mrs. Lockamy
We are Warriors! WEE believe you can, so WEE will!
Need To Contact Mrs. Lockamy or Mrs. Nixon?
Mrs. Lockamy and Mrs. Nixon do not use the chat function on Class Dojo.
Mrs. Lockamy: klockamy@ncmcs.org
Mrs. Nixon: lnixon@ncmcs.org
School number: 910-673-6991
Good Things
This Week's Important Dates:
- 2/10/25-2/14/25: Love the Bus: Bus Driver Appreciation Week
- 2/11/25: 2nd Grade Hosting Family Folk Dance Night (Call Time for students 5:45 pm), Performance: 6:00 pm
- 2/12/25: 100th Day of School
- 2/13/25: Hispanic Family Academy 6:00 pm
- 2/14/25: Required Teacher Workday/Valentine's Day
Did You Know......
Parent Tech Tip
It is important to note these are for informational purposes only and MCS does not provide support for issues related to these tips or personal devices
Discord is a popular voice and text chat app, originally designed for gamers to communicate in real-time, particularly for massively multiplayer online games (MMOs). While still popular with gamers, it's now used by non-gamming communities as well. Users create accounts with usernames, add friends, and join servers via invite codes or friend referrals. Discord supports direct messaging, group chats, and voice channels.
Check out this guide from Discord on how to set content restrictions for your student including:
Explicit Image Filter
Direct Message (DM) Settings
Friend Request Settings,
Deleting an Account.
This is not an endorsement of any other content on the CommonSenseMedia.org site. It is linked here as a potentially useful guide for interested parents.
Transfer and Discretionary Admission Requests
As a reminder, the window for making a student transfer or discretionary admission request for the 2025-2026 school year is February 1-28. Moore County Schools is again implementing an online process this year. Student transfers and Discretionary Admission MUST be applied for and approved annually for ALL students attending a school outside of their domiciled attendance area. For more information please click on the link below.
Kindergarten Registration
It's Yearbook Time!
WEE Are Hiring
News From Our Warrior Cafe
25/26 PTA Board Nominations
WEE Spirit Rock
PTA Music Bingo Night
Volunteer Opportunities
In the Community
West End United Methodist Church Summer Reading Program
Warrior Information Center:
MCS Parent/Student Handbook
WEE Parent/Student Handbook
MCS Curriculum Information
Infinite Campus Parent Portal Information
Infinite Campus Absence Changes
Infinite Campus calculates attendance based on instructional minutes. Most schools have 390 instructional minutes each day. Therefore, in order to be counted present for the day, a student must be in attendance 196 minutes or more. At the elementary school level students must be signed in by 10:45 am.
Student Arrival Procedures
Please do not park in the tennis court parking lot to drop off your child. Parents should drive all the way around to the first available spot in the morning carline. Do not stop in front of the cafeteria to drop of your student if the line is empty in front of you. This causes our AM carline to back up and move slower. If you child needs assistance getting out of the car please put on your flashers. This will cue staff members to help your child.
Please do not drop your student off prior to 7:05 am. Students will go directly to their classrooms unless they choose to eat breakfast.
Students eating breakfast will eat in the cafeteria then move to their classrooms. The cafeteria will be open for breakfast from 7:05 am-7:25 am.
Early Dismissal Procedures
Early Dismissal
There are occasions when students need to be picked up early from school. Classroom instruction continues until 2:30 each day so limiting early dismissals prevents students from missing valuable classroom time. Students who are checked out early must be signed out through the front office before 2 p.m. Students will not be released from the front office after 2 p.m. All vehicles must be cleared from the front parking/bus lot by 2 p.m. Any person picking up students must be approved on the student information card. IDs will be checked for student safety. We are not allowed to release your child to any unauthorized person.
New Bus App
MCS is using a new bus tracking app this school year called Bus Quest. Please see the information linked below for download directions.
Student Medicine Administration Policy
If your child requires medication during the school day, you must sign it in with the Nurse or Front Office. Please email Nurse Spivey at mspivey@ncmcs.org with any questions. More information about medicine administration at school can be found at the link below. Please do not send any medication to school with your child.
Student Dress Code
As we begin a new school year, please review the dress code for all MCS students. Please note the dress code states students must be covered from chest to mid-thigh. More details can be found at the link below.
School Fee Process
The District is in the process of transitioning from OSP for online school fee payment to Infinite Campus. If you paid your child's school fees using the old system, your payment will be accounted for; however, each one must be entered manually. We ask for your patience during this transition period. Thank you!
The WEE Warrior Way
At WEE, we live by a motto that we recite each day. "Make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today". Each day is a new opportunity to do better, try harder, and make a positive impact on those around you. This is something students AND staff embody. We also live by our WEE 3. WEE are respectful, responsible, and ready to learn. All Warriors (students and staff) must show respect to each other and the school community, take responsibility for their own learning and behaviors, and come each day ready to learn something new.
Your Warrior Leaders and I are excited to see how our WEE Warriors grow in these areas this school year.
WEE is a CEP School!
WEE has been identified as a CEP school for the 24/25 school year. This means all students will receive free breakfast and lunch (please see information below). If your student will be eating breakfast at school please ensure they arrive in enough time to be in class by 7:30 am. The carline will open at 7:05 am.
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a meal service option that allows the nation’s highest poverty schools and districts to provide breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL enrolled students without the need for household applications.
For the 2024-25 school year, our district has identified 15 CEP schools:
Elementary Schools: Aberdeen, Cameron, Carthage, Highfalls, Robbins, Southern Pines, West End, West Pine, and Westmoore.
Middle Schools: Crain's Creek, Elise, Southern, and West Pine.
High Schools: North Moore and The Community Learning Center at Pinckney.
ALL students at these schools will receive free breakfast and lunch for the 2024-25 school year and will NOT need to submit a free and reduced meal application this year.
If you have children at multiple schools, it is possible that one child may be at a CEP school, which will provide free meals to all students, while another child may be at a non-CEP school, which will require payment or an application for free and reduced-price meals. Follow this link for more information.
If your student is allowed to purchase snacks and/or extra drinks, you can add funds to his/her account at the link below. Reminder: breakfast and lunch are free.
Important Dates
This is a preliminary list and is subject to change.
- 2/17/25: President's Day Holiday: No School for Students
- 2/20/25: SIT meeting 3:00 pm
- 2/20/25: PTA Family Game Night 6:00-7:00 pm
- 3/03/25: Class Group Picture and Individual Spring Picture Day
- 3/06/25: PTA Meeting 6:00 pm
- 3/11/25: 3rd Grade Found Sounds Concert (Call Time for students 5:45 pm), Performance: 6:00 pm
- 3/13/25: Hispanic Family Academy 6:00 pm
- 3/14/25: PTA Duty Free Lunch for Staff
- 3/17/25: St. Patrick's Day
- 3/20/25: SIT 3:00 pm
- 3/20/25: Books and Basketball Event 6:00 pm in Gym
- PTA General Membership Meeting 5:45 pm in Gym
- 3/21/25: Early Release for Students
- 3/28/25: Kindergarten Registration for 25/26
- 3/30/25-4/11/25: Penny Wars Warrior Challenge Fundraiser
- 4/01/25: K-2 presenting E-I-E-I-)Oops (Call Time for students 5:45 pm), Performance: 6:00 pm
- 4/03/25: PTA 6:00 pm
- 4/04/25: Report Cards
- 4/07/25: 4th Grade Recorder Concert (Call Time for students 5:45 pm), Performance: 6:00 pm
- 4/07/25: SBI Internet Safety Parent Session Location and Time TBD
- 4/08/25: 5th Grade SBI Internet Safety Presentation TBD
- 4/09/25: Quarter 3 Awards Ceremonies (K-2: 8:00 am; 3-5: 8:45 am)
- 4/10/24-4/11/24: Puberty Classes 4th-5th Grade
- 4/10/25: Hispanic Family Academy 6:00 pm
- 4/14/25-4/21/25: Spring Break: No School
- 4/122/25-5/23/25: iReady EOY Testing Window (K-5th grade)
- 4/24/25: SIT meeting 3:00 pm
- 4/25/25: Robotics Showcase
- 5/01/25: PTA 6:00 pm
- 5/01/25: Hispanic Family Academy 6:00 pm
- 5/05/25-5/30/25: mClass EOY Testing Window (K-3rd grade)
- 5/05/25-5/9/25: Staff Appreciation Week
- 5/06/25: School Lunch Hero Day
- 5/15/25: SIT meeting 3:00 pm
- 5/26/25: Memorial Day Holiday: No School
- 5/29/25-6/11/25: EOG Testing Window
- 6/05/25: SIT meeting 3:00 pm
- 6/09/24: Fun Day
- 6/10/25: 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony 9:00 am
- 6/10/25: K-4 EOY Awards Ceremony 1:30 pm
- 6/11/25: Last Day for Students: Early Release