Galindo Elementary School News
Weekly Information for our Grizzly Community 8.1.2023

Weekly news for our Galindo Community 9.15.24
Message from Ms. Barreto
Back to School night is a great time to create a connection between the school and home, which can help students succeed. Teachers will be going over routines and procedures and this is time for parents to ask questions and get answers to things you might be wondering about! It's also a perfect time to connect with other parents and meet your children's friends! We will have some community resources available as well! We hope to see you this Thursday from 5:30 - 7:00p!
Weekly Announcements
Announcements for the week of 9.15.24
Grizzly Groceries: We are so excited to announce that we are opening our new Grizzly Grocery Resource this week! While we are still getting some parts of this free food pantry up and running, we have started getting food deliveries from the Capital Area Food Bank so we want to open it up!! Our grand opening will be this Friday from 12:00 - 2:00. This is a completely FREE resource, just stop by on Friday from 12:00 - 2:00 and you can take some some free groceries home!!
Back to School Night: This Thursday from 5:30 - 7:00p!
GT Nominations: A gifted/talented student is a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who
- exhibits high-performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area;
- possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or
- excels in a specific academic field
If you would like to nominate your child, the Gifted and Talented Referral Window is Now Open and will close on October 7th.Use this link to refer a child. You can also find out more at this parent session.
Prime Time Teachers: Do you have a special talent that you would like to share with the students at Galindo Elementary? Would you like to teach a 1 hour class on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday? If so, talk to Monica Ramirez, Galindo TA about teaching and after school class and getting paid!
Recyclables: Jessi MacDonald, our Art Teacher, is collecting recyclables and any scrap crafting materials (paper towel rolls, yarn, fabric scraps, buttons, bottle caps, etc.) for the art room Maker Space. When there is free time in art class the students love to create freely, up-cycle, and make things out of leftover materials! Please drop any donations off to the office and mark them with Ms. MacDonald's name.
Vision and Hearing Screenings: Our nurse will begin vision and hearing screenings this month for any students new to AISD, Pre-K4, Kindergarteners, 1st graders, 3rd graders, and 5th graders. Please see this linked letter for more information.
5th grade girls Spinal Screening: Our nurse will also be completing the spinal screening for all 5th grade girls in September and October. Please review this letter for more information.
Acanthosis screening: The final screening our nurse will be completing is Acanthosis Nigricans for 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade students. This is a recognizable skin feature that can indicate high levels of insulin in the body. You can find out more in this letter.
New AISD Communication App: AISD has a new App to keep everyone updated!!! Here is what you need to do!
- Current Parents and Staff: Download the new AISD app and follow Galindo Elementary School to get all updates.
- Other Community Members: If you're a step-parent, grandparent, future parent, or simply interested in Galindo, download the app and follow us to stay informed.
App Features:
- Follow Multiple Schools: Once you have the app, you can follow all the schools your children attend.
- Customize Your Feed: You can set your preferred school as the default in the app settings, so you see updates from Galindo without being distracted by other posts.
Action Steps:
- Download the AISD app today. Look for the AISD apple with the white background.
- Follow Galindo Elementary School within the app.
- Set Galindo as your default school in settings
Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to keeping you updated through the new AISD app!
St. David's Dental Van: St David foundation mobile dental coming to Galindo to give free dental service for students aged Kinder to 5th grade!! To register, scan the QR code in the flier. If you need help register call Ms.Melanie 512-414-1756
Weekly Events
Bell Schedule
- 7:05 Doors Open
- 7:40 Instruction Begins
- 8:00 Parents must walk tardy students in to the office
- 3:05 Early Bell Rings for PK and Special Education Buses
- 3:10 Bell rings for end of day
Monday, September 16th
- Morning Assembly
- Earth Camp-Bernal & Esparza
- Earth Camp-Bernal & Esparza
- ARD meetings
Wednesday, September 18th
- Earth Camp-Bernal & Esparza
Thursday, September 19th
- Earth Camp-Bernal & Esparza
- Happy Birthday Kim Lorenz, 4th grade teacher!
- ARD Meetings
- 5:30-7:00 pm Back to school night
- Morning Assembly
- 9am Operation School Bell with Ms. Melanie
- 2:00 - 2:00 Grizzly Groceries Grand Opening 1
Email: natascha.barreto-romero@austinisd.org
Website: galindo.austinschools.org
Location: 3800 South 2nd Street, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: (512)414-1756
Facebook: facebook.com/galindoelementary
Twitter: @galindoelm