Bluejay Bulletin
GACC High School Happenings -Sept. 20 - 26
Football Tailgate starts at 5:30 TONIGHT
Congratulations to the GACC 2024 Homecoming Court
The Homecoming Coronation will take place approximately 30 minutes AFTER the end of the Homecoming football game on Friday, September 20, at the Dinklage Building on the Cuming County Fairgrounds.
The Homecoming Dance for freshmen through seniors will follow the Coronation.
Parents - Sophomore Retreat Forms are due MONDAY
All Sophomore Retreat permission forms are DUE on Monday, September 23.
EDGE forms are due MONDAY
Parents and students - all EDGE forms are DUE on Monday, September 23. If you have misplaced your form, go to the GACC website and click the link to download a new form.
Homecoming Week - Decades Day
The juniors represented the 1990s. Pictured from left are Isaac Guenther, Blake Engelmeyer, Joelle Peatrowsky and Ava Nixon.
The sophomores gave their best 1980s impressions. Pictured from left, front row: Charli Wesche, Jessa Luebbert, Candela Abellan Alloza, Alaina Eames, Emma Ebel, Ava Minnick
back row: Sam Hass, Elijah Steffensmeier, Gavin Kjolhede, Colin Smith, Haidan Hakel.
The freshmen put on their groovy 70s threads. Picrutred from left, front row: Tia Strehle, Emma Engelmeyer, Addison Kaup, Marie Wardyn, Anna Meiergerd, Hannah Roede;
Back Row; Avery Kaup, Emma Cohee, Bailey Gerths, Emerson Baumert, Hailey Kreikemeier, Jena Schlecht, Abby Kreikemeier.
The eigth graders got into the Homecoming spirit with their 1960s attire. Pictured from left, front row: Ally Larson, Alli Ritter, Finley Kaup, Bailey Knobbe, Tucker Steffen, Keyden Throener, Jonathan Karnopp;
back row: Kinley Bradfield, Charlotte Ridder, Bradey Kindschuh, Harper Dinslage, Ethan Eisenmenger, Riley Wegner, Nevaeh Kreikemeier, Mason Strehle, Anthnoy Jansen, Joseph Eames, Kutter Prinz, Ethan Gentrup, Kaidyn Strehle, Meg Reeson, Damys Diaz.
The 7th graders pulled out the poodle skirts for the 1950s. Pictured from left are Mia Johnson, Harper Lofgren, Bella Doescher, Katelyn Bradfield, Chloe Bovill, Kensi Rolf, Molly Bracht, Quinn Dinslage, Greeley Marr.
Time Change for First Friday Benediction
Our next First Friday K-12 grade Mass, Adoration, and Benediction service will be on October 4, 2024. We previously extended the day by ten minutes to ensure that all of our students have an opportunity to participate in Adoration and Reconciliation throughout the day. However, we can now move the Benediction service back to 3:15 p.m., and then dismiss from the church at 3:30 p.m., returning to our regular dismissal time. This means you will no longer need to worry about late dismissals from school.
Also, this first Friday falls during the week of The Feast of The Guardian Angel. To help celebrate this, Father Weeder and the entire school will have a Eucharistic Procession on Friday, October 4, after Mass at around 8:50 a.m. We will walk around the campus, bless both school buildings, then the K-6 will return to class, and the 7-12 will process back into the church to begin Adoration.
We invite GACC families to this Mass, all-day Eucharistic Adoration, and 3:15 p.m. Benediction service. We hope to see you there!
Homecoming Week - Celebrity Day
7th Grade Celebrities included Brianna Nesladek, Grace Guenther, Emory Woodbury, Chloe Bovill, Rowen Dinslage, Taylor Schold, Mia Johnson, Harper Lofgren, Clayton Thiele.
Haidan Hakel was the King of Rock & Roll.
Portraying their favorite celebrities are, from left, Cody Hass, Ava Minnick, Kate Jansen, Mrs. Jansen, Josie Ritter, Ashley Ruskamp and Jessa Luebbert.
Homecoming Week - Tug O' War Champs
The annual Tug O' War contest took place at the tailgate after the Homecoming Mass on Wednesday night. The House of Rocco won this year's Tug O' War. The champs included, from left, Grace Guenther, Bailey Gerths, Gavin Kjolhede, Elliot Reeson and Chase Smith.
3rd Annual Jay Run fundraiser starts strong
Our Jay Run fundraiser is already off to a great start with a little more than $4,200 raised so far!
The 3rd Annual GACC Jay Run will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 2 at Neligh Park in West Point. This annual event is fun for students, and is also a fundraiser to support on-going maintenance for the Activity Center and athletic fields.
Our fundraising goal for this year's Jay Run is $20,000. We are again using a web-based fundraising system that makes it much easier for you to request pledges from your family and friends, and for them to make secure credit card donations online. October 1 is the final day for online donations and paper pledge forms to be turned in and counted toward prizes.
Please download the pdf below for complete information on HOW TO DONATE, prizes and race day schedule.
If you have family members who would prefer to donate using a paper pledge form, instead of donating on-line, download the .pdf below for a paper pledge form. ALL paper forms need to be returned to the school office by October 1.
2024 GACC Football Team
Members of the 2024 Guardian Angels Central Catholic football team are, from left, front: Tristan (Buck) Steffen, Luke Guenther, Trevor Steffen, Sam Hass, Thomas Toline, Landon Schuetze;
middle: Luke Hagedorn, Isaac Guenther, Ryder Anderson-Ray, Maverik Smith, Dylan Schinstock, Dominic Johnson, Chase Smith, Gavin Kjolhede, Dylyn Gentrup;
back: Trey Schlecht, Jordan Timmerman, Alejandro Perez, Cody Hass, Henry Wooldrik, Carter Bramlet, Hayden Throener, Barrett Steffen and Hudson Bramlet. Photo courtesy of Mike O'Brien/West Point News.
GACC football team focused on forward momentum
"The Bluejay football team is 3-0 on the season and working hard to focus on ourselves and improve every day," said Head Football Coach Matt Schlaebitz. "We are led by a strong senior class and everyone is contributing to the success of the team. Always forward, Never back!" he added.
GACC Capital Campaign Update
As of Sept. 4, we've raised $ 3.4 million (and collected $ 1.2 million of that)! We’ve had 124 unique donors (of 107 contacts made by committee members), including a grant of $100,000. In order to reach our ultimate goal of $9 million by 2028, we desire more widespread participation and hope to eventually have 800 unique donors. The campaign will be successful if all give some, not some give all. Any contribution is appreciated and meaningful!
One hundred percent of the donations go directly to the school, which is a nonprofit 501(c) corporation. Neither the Archdiocese nor any other professional or outside organizations take a part of the money. As you evaluate your end-of-year financial status, and possibly sell grain this harvest season, please remember that your donation toward the campaign could have a significant tax deduction for you, while equally benefitting the school. If you can’t donate, consider helping as a volunteer!
Additional information to know: The campaign is contributing $98,000 toward staff salaries this school year. Bids were approved for the new HVAC system for the elementary and gym buildings, with the work scheduled to be started in the spring 2025 and finished by the start of next school year! GACC continues to grow and has had a net gain of 19 students since May 2024. We are eager to see more financial progress so that we can add more space!
Contact the school administrators or any campaign members with campaign questions. Donations can be sent to the rectory or school, labeled “GACC Capital Campaign.” The school website also has a page with all the campaign information. Beginning this week, GACC alumni will receive a mailing with campaign information. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS!
Homecoming Week - Inside Out Day
Students dressed as their favorite character from the movie "Inside Out" for Inside Out Day. Pictured are Addison Baumert (left) and Anna Hugo.
From left are 10th Graders James Hunzeker, Samuel Hass, Barrett Steffen, Buck Steffen, Jessa Luebbert, Madie Thiele.
Pictured from left are 9th Graders Hailey Kreikemeier, Landon Schuetze, Bailey Gerths, and Abby Kreikemeier.
Pictured are 7th and 8th graders, from left, Danielle Pieper, Mia Johnson, Harper Lofgren, Finley Kaup, Owen Eby, Carter Gentrup, Clayton Thiele.
GACC staff joined the Inside Out fun too: from left, Mrs. Doernemann, Mrs. Jansen, Ms. Lemus, Mrs. Borchers and Mr. Wardyn.
Parents - You are invited to attend...
All GACC parents are encouraged to attend this dynamic FREE workshop:
Click the link below to take the FREE Temperament Assessment prior to the workshop. Screenshot your results and bring it with you to the workshop on October 2.
Upcoming Events
20 Homecoming football game Tailgate, serving starts at 5:30 p.m.
20 Homecoming Coronation, approximately 30 minutes after the end of the football game, at the Dinklage Building
21 SPA Paper Trailer, 8-10 a.m.
25 Sophomore Retreat at River Crest, Fremont
25 Edge, 7-8:30 p.m.
25 SPA Drive Thru Supper, GACC cafeteria
2 Staff School of Faith -NOON DISMISSAL
2 Jay Run
2 Metanoia Catholic Temperament Workshop, 7 p.m. in the Cafeteria
2 Grs. PS - 12 wear Life Runner Tshirts with uniform bottoms
9 K-12 Parent Teacher Conference - NO SCHOOL
10-11 Fall Break - NO SCHOOL
14 2nd Quarter begins
19 SPA Paper Trailer, 8-10 a.m.
23 Freshman Retreat at St. Leo's, Snyder
29 PS - 12 Picture Retakes
30 Edge, 7-8:30 p.m.
Life Runners T-shirt Day
Starting on Wednesday, October 2, students may wear their Life Runner t-shirts on the first Wednesday of the month, with uniform bottoms.
Space is limited, so Reserve Your Ticket NOW before they are all gone!
The tickets are FREE. To reserve your ticket, use the QR code on the poster and it automatically does it. If you register through the GACC website, you will need to enter the code "westpoint".
Teens & Parents invited to attend Presentations on Nov. 13
On Wednesday, November 13, Guardian Angels Central Catholic will host a Double Feature Event with Jason Evert featuring two talks: "Purified" and "Gender & the Theology of Your Body." The presentations are FREE, but a ticket is required to attend. Scan the QR code in the poster above to receive your ticket.
This family-based event invites parents, teens, and all adults to learn about God’s plan for love, and to consider what is the meaning of sex, gender, and the human body? It combines two of Jason Evert’s presentations, "Purified" and "Gender & the Theology of Your Body," with a time of prayer and adoration for everyone, as well as with the sacrament of Reconciliation available.
Free resources will be distributed to every attendee, so that every member of the family can take items home to help them discover how their body as a man or woman reveals their identity and calling, and to live a life of purity.
Homecoming Week - Country vs. Country Club Day
Pictured from left are seniors Isaac Wooldrik, Jaxson Brunsing, Izzy Kreikemeier, Adyson Luebbert, Kate Jansen and Grace Hunzeker.
From left are sophomores Ava Karnopp, Jessa Luebbert, Ashley Ruskamp, Colin Smith and Haidan Hakel.
Pictured from left are freshmen Jena Schlecht, Hailey Kreikemeier, Marie Wardyn, Abby Kreikemeier, Bailey Gerths, Kara Ridder, Emerson Baumert, Emma Cohee, Tia Strehle.
Pictured from left are 7th graders Rexton Stratman, Owen Eby, Emory Woodbury, Mia Johnson, Grace Guenther, Danielle Pieper and Brianna Nesladek.
Extra Yearbooks for Sale
There are extra 2023-2024 yearbooks for sale. The cost is $65. See Mrs. Thoene if you would like to purchase one.
Counselor's Corner
Seniors will get a monthly email of state and national scholarships they can apply for; while the odds are not as good as they are for our local scholarships, students should still apply. The payoff could be big! Here are a few scholarships due first semester:
- Growing Together Career Scholars Program (Cooperative Education Scholarship): Due Dec. 1
- NHS Scholarship: Due Dec. 1 at 1 p.m.
- Nebraska Poultry Education Scholarship: Due Dec. 15
- Hagan Schlorship: Due Jan. 15
Is your junior or senior child considering UNK? Here are some visit days:
- Loper Preview Days - Oct. 4, Oct. 18, Nov. 15
- Educator Explorers Day - Oct. 8 (more details to come)
- Pre-Law Day - Oct. 28
- Criminal Justice Day - Oct. 30
- UNK Science Day - Nov. 26
Career Opportunities & Professions Seminar
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Lifelong Learning Center
If you are a high school student and have an interest in the field of Criminal Justice (Corrections or Law Enforcement) this is the best time to visit Northeast Community College!
This year's event will feature rotating presentations from federal law enforcement agencies including:
• ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms)
• ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement)
• U.S. Marshall Service
• U.S. Secret Service
• Federal Prisons
• Federal Probation
Lunch is provided.
Space is limited to 50 students. Register by clicking the link below:
Attending seniors have the opportunity to WIN a $1,000 Northeast tuition waiver.
Application Fee Waiver Aug. 1–Nov.1
Our application for admission is open! First-year students from Nebraska can use the code "HUSKER" to apply for free through November 1. Students who apply for admission by Nov. 1 will be notified of their scholarship awards on Feb. 12. Seniors are encouraged to consider applying to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln for Fall 2025!
Nebraska is test-optional for admission and test-preferred for full scholarship consideration. We encourage students to take the ACT/SAT and submit their test score to maximize their scholarship consideration. Click the link below to apply to UNL.
Expanded Student Visit Opportunities
The best way for students to get a preview of all they can accomplish at Nebraska is to experience it for themselves! During a visit, they will see the spots on campus where they'll spend time studying, living, collaborating, building friendships and making core memories. Plus, they'll learn more about student involvement opportunities and important admission, scholarship and financial aid information.
Husker Weekdays are available Monday-Friday. This option allows students to tour campus with a current Husker and meet with a representative from the college of their choice.
Red Letter Days allow students to tour campus with a current Husker, eat lunch in a dining center, learn about engagement opportunities and explore resources for success.
- October 11
- October 18
- November 1
- November 15
Student and Family Virtual Visit Week
Students and their families are encouraged to attend any of our Virtual Visit Week webinars from September 24–26 to learn about important admissions topics. We'll have sessions for in- and out-of-state scholarships, financial aid and academic sessions with various colleges and the University Honors program.
The Cornhusker Connection event on Friday, October 4 is a half-day visit during Nebraska's homecoming week that allows students to visit college open houses, tour the campus, and browse a "Get to Know You" fair featuring various organizations, offices, and college representatives.
Nebraska's Pre-Health event Monday, October 7 is a can't-miss opportunity for high school students who are seeking a career in the healthcare field to learn more about what Nebraska has to offer, specific program information and how to prepare for success.
Paying for College
The Nebraska First Responder Pledge demonstrates the University of Nebraska–Lincoln's commitment to Nebraska law enforcement officers, firefighters, firefighter-paramedics, and their dependent children by waiving in-state tuition after calculating other scholarships and grants.
Nebraska Promise
The Nebraska Promise covers tuition—not including housing and meals—for students with family incomes of $65,000 or less (AGI) or those who are Pell Grant-eligible. Students will automatically be considered once they submit their complete application and the FAFSA Form. Students should file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Form as early as December, and by June 1, 2025, for consideration.
Supplemental Scholarship Application
Admitted Huskers can further maximize their scholarship consideration by submitting the supplemental Scholarship Application, which opens October 1 in MyRED under the "Financial Aid" tab. The supplemental Scholarship Application is your students' key to be considered for departmental, leadership and service scholarships.
Ag Day
September 25, 2024
click the link below to register
Careers in Manufacturing & Engineering Day
October 22, 2024
click the link below to register
Want to visit another day?
Check out all of the ways to visit Southeast Community College!
click the link below to register
Hawk Visit Days
Northeast Community College is hosting Hawk Visit Days once a month this year! This year's dates include morning sessions only (9:30 am - 11:15 am/11:45 am if eating in the cafeteria).
• Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024
• Thursday, November 21, 2024
• Tuesday, February 20, 2025
• Wednesday, March 5, 2025
• Thursday, April 1, 2025
Each session will include a tour of campus and our residence halls, a student panel, a Next Steps presentation, and lunch in our Hawks Point dining hall!
Registration is limited to 150 students per day on a first-come, first-served basis.
** Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024 **
9:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
**Hawk Visit Day - Applied Technology Focus **
This Hawk Visit Day will focus on the Applied Technology programs with lab tours led by faculty and current students. Limited space available.
FAFSA Will Open Dec. 1
EducationQuest puts out very informative videos and webinars that can help you understand the process. Plus, lucky viewers will win scholarships for watching.
EducationQuest will host virtual events throughout the fall semester focused on financial aid and college planning. Financial Aid Program webinar attendees will have a chance to win one of six $500 scholarships!
Webinars require advance registration. All times are Central.
11 Webinar: Financial Aid Program at 6:30 p.m.
16 Webinar: Financial Aid Program at 6:30 p.m.
18 Spanish Webinar: Financial Aid Program at 6:30 p.m.
20 Webinar: Financial Aid Program at 1 p.m.
23 Spanish Webinar: Financial Aid Program at 6:30 p.m.
25 YouTube Livestream: Your Senior To-Do List at 7 p.m.
2 Webinar: Financial Aid Program at 6:30 p.m.
16 YouTube Livestream: Scholarships…How to Score Big! at 7 p.m.
The Walter Scott, Jr. Career Pathway Scholarship
The Walter Scott, Jr. Pathway Scholarship supports students pursuing up to a two-year degree in approved skilled and technical fields of study. This scholarship covers full tuition and fees, plus room and board for up to four consecutive semesters. Download the .pdf below for more information.
GACC High School
Email: justin.wardyn@gaccbluejays.org
Website: www.gaccbluejays.org
Location: 419 East Decatur St., West Point, NE 68788