Patriot Post
September, 2024

Homecoming Football Game and Halftime Show
Friday, Sep 13, 2024, 07:00 PM
Tustin High School, El Camino Real, Tustin, CA, USA
New Student Luncheon
On Tuesday, August 27th, our Beckman Link Cru Student Leadership Team hosted our New Student Orientation (NSO) for all 9th - 12th grade students who have transferred to Beckman High School from another school/outside of the district. We had almost 200 new Beckman students attend with 58 junior/senior student mentors who led student groups in fun activities to get to know each student and help them get connected to Beckman. Overall, our mission was successful in welcoming our new students and helping them find their place at Beckman High School. Food/refreshments for all students was provided by our amazing Beckman PTO so thank you to all of the PTO parent volunteers who served and to all of the Beckman families who support PTO each and every year!
Homecoming Promo Video
Homecoming Court
Check out our Link Cru Freshman Orientation!
Our freshmen were introduced to Beckman through an amazing day of fun! Check out all they did in the video below!
Neon Nights Dance
Our Neon Nights dance is the first dance of the school year. The dance serves as a fun and safe way to welcome kids back to campus. IT also gives kids a little taste of what the Homecoming Dance will look like on September 14th.
Wish Your Student a Happy Birthday on the Marquee!
Does your child have a birthday coming up? Maybe a friend is about to turn 16? Wish them a Happy Birthday on our digital marquee! For $25 you can say Happy Birthday and let everyone know about that special day. All proceeds go directly to PTO and benefit students in need.
Submit request here