Oak Leaf News
River Oak Charter School
News from the Principal 8-3-2021
Changes, Changes
I have made the difficult decision to leave River Oak after much soul searching, and we are actively seeking a new administrator to lead this next year. I'll be working with the charter council, faculty, and staff to launch the school year and transition out with as much support as possible. I'm excited to be joining the Educational Services department at Mendocino County Office of Education to serve the whole county in a different role.
School Drop-off & Pick-up Details
We still have to limit access to campus, so we'll be continuing to ask families to drop students off at the front of the school. Kindergarten will likely be different, but we wanted to let you know that all students will be entering through the main gate, there will be yard supervision as early as 7:50am, and that all 1-8th grade students should be dropped off in front. The rear gate from the church parking lot will also be open for 7th and 8th grade students only.
Mask Policy and Information
We will be following the CDC and CDPH guidelines requiring masks inside at River Oak. It is important for families to understand that this is not a local decision, and that all students will be required to comply. Read the guidelines here. Only students wearing masks will be allowed to enter the gates. Thank you for your part in keeping school open and all students and staff healthy.
Yearbooks Available in Office!
There are a few extra yearbooks available for purchase in the office for $20. Please come by if you'd like one.
More Back-To-School information will be published by next week, and we'll be asking for your feedback about unanswered questions. Thank you for your patience as we get back in the fast lane!
School Starts August 18, we look forward to seeing you soon!
River Oak Charter School
Email: eselim@riveroakcharterschool.org
Website: www.riveroakcharterschool.org
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: (707) 467-1855
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riveroakcharter