CHS August Newsletter
A way for families to connect with CHS & The Community
Freshman Orientation Day: Thursday, 8/22/24
School Begins for ALL Students: Monday, 8/26/24
School Closed for Labor Day: Monday, 9/2/24
Back to School Night: Thursday, 9/5/24 6pm
A Note from Principal Tyler
Dear Students and Parents / Guardians,
On behalf of the staff of Chesapeake High School STEM Academy, it is my pleasure to welcome everyone back for the 2024 – 2025 school year. As principal, I am excited to welcome both our new and returning Bayhawk families. I hope that you have enjoyed a relaxing and fun summer.
Our school mission is to provide rigorous, relevant, responsive and accessible academic and extra-curricular experiences through a STEM based culture that fosters 21st century skills. We are committed to every student engaging in a stimulating learning environment as well as accessing extracurricular opportunities that align with their interests and goals. All students must be college and career ready by the end of their four years. Please remember to participate in these activities, students must be academically eligible. Please encourage your student(s) to regularly attend school and utilize the available staff support. Students will continue to have access to academic support sessions with teachers.
The first day of classes for all Baltimore County students is Monday, August 26 and Back to School Night at CHS is Thursday, September 5 at 6pm..
Our school newsletter is packed with important information that will help support your child's success this school year. Inside, you'll find updates on upcoming events, important deadlines, and valuable tips for helping your child thrive academically and socially. We encourage you to take a few moments to read through the newsletter and stay informed about what’s happening at school. A newsletter will be shared every month.
Please enjoy the remaining days of summer and stay safe. We look forward to welcoming everyone!
Mrs. Amy Tyler
Students are assigned an administrator and counselor based on their last names:
Principal, Mrs. Amy Tyler
Assistant Principal, Mrs. Holly Kern - Last Names A-F
Assistant Principal, Mr. Mike McWilliams - Last Names G-O
Assistant Principal, Mr. Logan Belinda - Last Names P-Z
Ms. Lindsey Withrow - Last Names A-D
Ms. Jillian Ganley - Last Names E-L
Ms. Sarah Miller - Last Names M-R
Ms. Michelle Bell - Last Names S-Z & Department Chair
Follow us on Instagram to keep up with all things CHS!
Information for the 24/25 School year
Attendance / Early Dismissal / Lateness Expectations
Attendance: Regular school attendance has a direct impact on a student’s academic success. It is the key to high school graduation and college and career readiness. Research has proven that students who regularly attend school and are on time are more likely to read on grade level, less likely to drop out of school, and more likely to attend all classes that have been assigned to them.
If a student must be absent from school, the student must present an absence note to the Main Office within 3 days after returning to school. The note must include the student's name, grade level, date of absence, the reason for the absence and must be signed by a parent or guardian. If a student is absent for more than three consecutive days, a doctor/physician's note must also be presented.
Early Dismissal: Requests for early dismissal should be brought to the Main Office before 7:45 AM. The notes must be signed by a parent/guardian with the time and date to be excused, a parent contact number, and the reason for the early dismissal. Unplanned early dismissals must be arranged by the nurse or the Main Office. Students must sign out in the Main Office before leaving school property. Anyone who signs the student out must have a valid ID and be on our list of those who have approval to pick up the student. Therefore, we must have correct contact information on file yearly.
Lateness: To maximize instructional time, it is important that students arrive on time to school. For a student to be counted as present for a full day, the student must be in attendance four hours or more of the school day. All students who arrive after 7:45 AM must sign in at the late check-in desk in the main lobby to pick up a late pass before being admitted to class. A signed note from a guardian explaining the reason for the lateness is required at the time of arrival in order for the lateness to be excused.
Arrival and Dismissal
The school building will open for student entrance at 7:25 a.m. Upon dismissal at 2:30 pm, students must exit the building promptly unless they are under the direct supervision of a staff member. If they are to be picked up by a parent, please be mindful they will be directed to wait outside.
All schedules were available on August 11th and can be accessed by logging into FOCUS. On the first day of school, we will also have 1A location posted for students to verify and report to their 1A where they will receive a physical copy of their schedule as changes may be made due to staffing/room changes.
Directions to find Class Schedule and Classroom Numbers in Focus:
· Log into Focus: https://baltimore.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/
· Click on the box that reads “Sign in with your BCPS account”
· Enter your BCPS email (username@bcps.org) and click “Next”
· Enter your BCPS password and click “Sign In”
· Select if you want to stay signed in.
· On a computer, from the menu on the left, click Class Schedule.
· On a phone, click the 3 menu lines at the top right and select Class Schedule.
Suggested School Supply List
Free and Reduced Meals
As a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school, meals are available to all students at no cost. An application does not need to be completed. Breakfast and Lunch well be provided each day.
Menus can be found at: https://bcps.nutrislice.com/menu/bcps-weekly-menus
Purchase your Chesapeake PE T-Shirt Uniform in time for the start of the 2024-25 school year!
All students in any PE class MUST wear a blue CHS PE Shirt for PE class and all freshman are enrolled in PE. That means if you are in Weight Training, Team Sports, or Fitness Foundations you will need a CHS PE Shirt! Sizes are Unisex, so please be sure to select the correct size! Only one t-shirt is needed but you may purchase more. Students can bring their own athletic shorts, leggings or sweatpants. Students must wear shoes that are suitable for indoor and outdoor activity, no slides, crocs, sandals or boots.
Shirts can be purchased for $10 from the online store linked below before August 31st, and will be delivered to the school 2-3 weeks after the store closes.
Please email Chad Goodnight, PE Department Chair, at cgoodnight@bcps.org with any questions.
Freshman Orientation Day: Thursday, 8/22/24
For all incoming 9th grade students and all students new to Chesapeake High School, we invite you to join us for an Early Entry Day on Thursday, August 22. This will give students the opportunity to meet their teachers, make connections with peers and learn the building before the first day of school.
Orientation Day Details:
- The schedule for the day is 7:45-11:30AM.
- Bus transportation will be provided to bus riders – information will be provided prior to 8/24.
- Car riders and walkers, please be sure to arrive no later than 7:45AM.
- Lunch will be provided.
Families should also receive details via email.
Get Connected in FOCUS & Schoology
BCPS encourages families to set up daily or weekly “Parent Digest” notifications from Schoology to monitor your student’s activity in each class. Directions for setting up notifications can be found here.
FOCUS and Schoology are the tools BCPS has for students and parents to stay up to date on student grades, attendance, schedules and allows access to online report cards. It is important for families to not wait for the report cards to check in about grades, you can check daily or weekly.
Please make sure you have an active parent account. This will provide access to the following information: transportation, student schedules, registration, report cards and attendance.
BCPS parents, staff, students, and community members can now download the Team BCPS-Focus App for Android and iPhone users. The Team BCPS-Focus app will allow users to view information in Focus, our Student Information System, based on their role in the system.
Directions for parent access to FOCUS are on the main page of the BCPS website, bcps.org and below.
Stay informed!
If you are not already signed up for BCPS text notifications, now is the time to do so to be ready for the school year. Text "Y" or "Yes" to 67587.
We need your updated enrollment documents!
All Residency Documents must be turned in prior to the start of school or your child cannot start.
Transitional Residency (coming from Middle School to CHS):
Baltimore County Public Schools’ policy requires that all students transitioning from Grade 5 to Grade 6, and from Grade 8 to Grade 9 verify residency prior to the start of the 2024–2025 school year. Information for student enrollment and attendance are outlined on page 6 of the Board of Education Policy and Superintendent’s Rule 5150, STUDENTS: Enrollment and Attendance.
To verify your residency you must provide the following five (5) documents no later than August 15th, or your student will be withdrawn. All documents must be from the parent/guardian and must reflect the same address.
Residency Documents Needed:
1. Copy of full lease, mortgage statement, or deed.
2. Three current documents, dated within the past sixty (60) days, verifying your domicile at the Baltimore County residence. Examples are: BGE, Cable, Credit Card Statement, Car Insurance, etc
Photo identification for parent/guardian. Examples are : State ID, Drivers License, Work Photo ID
If you have recently moved...
A parent must notify Chesapeake High School of any change in domicile or hardship condition as soon as the change occurs. Failure to notify the school within fifteen (15) business days of occurrence may result in the student being withdrawn from school and the parent or guardian may be financially liable for tuition, BCPS Rule 5150.
To update your address, a parent/guardian must provide:
1. Current full lease, mortgage statement, or deed.
2. Three (3) current documents, dated within the past sixty (60) days, verifying your domicile at the Baltimore County residence.- BGE, Cable, Credit Card Statement, Car Insurance, etc.
- State ID, Drivers License, Work Photo ID
Have you moved and are leaving the Chesapeake High zone?
A withdrawal packet is required when your child transfers to another school or district. Please contact our Records Secretary, Michele Bailey, at mbailey8@bcps.org. Please allow 72 hours to process.
Shared Domicile Renewal:
Some families may be in a shared domicile situation, where the student is in the custody of a parent or legal guardian who lives in Baltimore County, but in a home where the deed or lease is not in parent or legal guardian's name. Your child's enrollment must be renewed each year if you live in a shared domicile arrangement.
Shared Domicile students will need to verify their domicile for the 2024-2025 school year by providing current residency documentation prior to the start of the 2024–2025 school year or your child will not be able to start.
1. A completed Shared Domicile Disclosure Renewal Form signed and dated by the parent/guardian and the homeowner/lease holder:
- This document was mailed home on April 18th and provided to students on April 26th on bright yellow paper.
- BGE, Cable, Credit Card Statement, Car Insurance, etc.
3. Photo identification for parent/guardian:
- State ID, Drivers License, Work Photo ID
We look forward to working with you on your student’s continued enrollment in Baltimore County Public Schools for the 2024-2025 school year. Reach out with any questions, to the Records Secretary at Chesapeake High School, Ms. Bailey at 443-809-0103 or mbailey8@bcps.org.
Helpful tools
Join Groups in Schoology to stay up to date on CHS events!
Schoology groups are created to share information outside of courses for specific groupings. AP Students, Graduation Cohorts, CHS Hub (School wide) , and various clubs all have different groups where they share info. To join groups once you have logged into Schoology, click Groups at the top, and then click the My Groups link on the top right corner, on the next page click join group on the right and enter the join code.
The CHS Hub is where all the School wide news, events, and information is posted. To join the CHS HUB on Schoology, use join code WMTMX-CXF6X.
Each Graduating Class also has their own group to discuss class events and class dues and fundraisers, The join codes for those are listed below in bold:
Seniors - Class of 2025: DX56-SDWD-6KQZB
Juniors- Class of 2026: S4HF-SS5W-QF24W
Sophomores - Class of 2027: MWBM-K6TF-HHGZ8
Freshman - Class of 2028: KFN4-4HRS-BVF42
Stay Connected with your child's teachers with Talking Points!
BCPS has purchased a new tool to help connect families and teachers more directly. Teachers can text the primary contact in focus and it will translate to the contact's native language, automatically. We hope this will help increase two way communication with all families and improve student achievement.
Download for Iphone App Store here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/families-talkingpoints/id1320244591
Need help tracking where your student's bus is?
Student bus information will be updated in FOCUS prior to the start of the school year, usually a few days before we begin. In the 2023/24 school year, the Office of Transportation announced county-wide implementation of BusWhere, a location tracking software that allows subscribers to see bus locations in real time on a mobile phone or computer. Via the BusWhere app, subscribers may opt to receive notifications as the bus is approaching a designated bus stop or if there is a significant issue causing a delay.
As of October 2, 2023, parents/guardians of record in FOCUS should have received an email invitation directly from BusWhere to create an account! If you didn't get that email or have questions or concerns, parents and school-based staff are encouraged to utilize BusWhere Assistance Request Form.
Translator app
We found this great tool to help translate information for families. You take a picture of the form or flyer, select the language you would like it translated to, then it will both write it out and speak/read it to you.
Visit https://apps.apple.com/us/app/photo-translator-translate/id1359014928 to download for iphone.
Similar option for Android: https://com-traductorweb.en.uptodown.com/android
The CHS website is a great resource for families. Informational Links about bus stops, the bell schedule, the handbook, monthly engagements calendars, and much more can all be found right on the main page of the website. There is also a tab for department contacts that have email contacts for all teachers and staff.
Check out the Website today: https://chesapeakehs.bcps.org/
All students are required to bring a charged and working device to school each day. If you are having issues with your child's device, parents should work with their child to enter a Technology Support Request form. You will need your students ID number, Username and Password. Those can be found in FOCUS.
Contact information for the help desk:
Phone: 443-809-4672
Available Monday - Friday 7:00am - 4:15pm
Class updates!
All classes collect dues each year to support yearly class events and to prepare for prom and senior year events. Each student is expected to pay $15 per year they attend CHS. This money is going directly to their class fund to reduce ticket costs to students. Links to make payment will be available each month in the newsletter when the school year begins.
AP Scores are now Available for all courses!
If you took an AP Exam last school year, your school should now be available on www.collegeboard.org
Follow the instructions found at the link to sign in to your College Board account and view your AP scores: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/view-scores
*CHS does not have your College Board log-in information or direct access to your scores. You must use the information above to access your scores.
Senior Class - 2025
Class Advisors' emails:
Tara Funkhouser - tfunkhouser@bcps.org
Jennifer Dyke - Jdyke@bcps.org
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Senior Pictures!
Prestige Portraits with Lifetouch will be here at CHS in the Auditorium for senior portraits:
- Wednesday: August 14th 10am-5pm
- Thursday: August 15th 10am-5pm
- Friday: August 16th 10am-5pm
When arriving at CHS for your pictures, please enter through the outside ramp that goes directly into the auditorium. If you are looking at the main doors of the school from the bus loop, the auditorium entrance is to the left.
Junior Class - 2026
SAT & ACT information for Juniors and Seniors!
It is never too early to start preparing and taking the SAT and ACT for those students interested in applying to 4 year colleges. Check out https://kdcollegeprep.com/sat-act-test-dates-2024-2025/ for lots of information to help you get started on your journey!
Class Advisors' emails:
Jillian Ganley - jganley@bcps.org
Sarah Miller - smiller18@bcps.org
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Sophomore Class - 2027
Class Advisors' emails:
Shaun Downey - sdowney2@bcps.org
Lindsey Withrow - lwithrow@bcps.org
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Freshman Class - 2028
We Can't Wait to Meet You on 8/22/24!
For all incoming 9th grade students and all students new to Chesapeake High School, we invite you to join us for an Early Entry Day on Thursday, August 22. This will give students the opportunity to meet their teachers, make connections with peers and learn the building before the first day of school.
Orientation Day Details:
- The schedule for the day is 7:45-11:30AM.
- Bus transportation will be provided to bus riders – information will be provided prior to 8/24.
- Car riders and walkers, please be sure to arrive no later than 7:45AM.
- Lunch will be provided.
Families should also receive details via email.
All Freshman are in PE! You must have a PE Shirt! Buy today!
Store is open from Friday, July 19 until Sunday, August 18th.
- All students in any PE class MUST wear a blue CHS PE Shirt for PE class.
- Students can bring their own athletic shorts, leggings or sweatpants and athletic shoes.
- Sizes are Unisex, so please be sure to select the correct size!
- Only one t-shirt is needed but you may purchase more.
- All uniforms will be delivered to the school and will be given out at the start of the school year.
Please email Coach Goodnight (PE Department Chair) for more information or any questions at cgoodnight@bcps.org
Fall Sport Eligibility is based on Q4 grades!
All students that wish to play a fall sport must have a 2.0 unweighted GPA, with no more than 1 E, on their Quarter 4 report card for the 23/24 school year. Freshman are waived from this requirement. All Freshman are eligible for Fall Sports.
To calculate your GPA for athletic eligibility:
1. Each of your Letter Grades are turned into number values: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, E=0
2. Add all of your grade number values together and divide by the number of classes you have.
Letter Grades - B, C, A, B, D, C, C, C
GPA Calculations - 3+2+4+3+1+2+2+2= 19
19/8=2.375 GPA
*Remember that for Sports, you cannot have 2 E's even if the GPA calculations equal 2.0+
Fall Sport tryouts will be August 15th-17th. Students will have to register on FOCUS and have an up to date physical on file (expires after 365 days) if they want to try out. Please read the attachment below for help on how to register and visit our website for more information. If you have any questions regarding Fall Sports or tryouts, contact our Athletic Director, Shaun Downey at sdowney2@bcps.org.
Now is the time to get your vaccines for school!
Important Documents needed from the Health Suite
1. The Discretionary Medication Form is an important item to turn in as it is what allows our staff to provide medication to a student in need. If we do not have this on file we can not distribute meds.The school nurse is the only one who may administer over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol, Cough Drops, Tums, Advil and Benadryl designated on the Discretionary Medication form. These can only be given on an occasional basis with your signed permission not just a verbal. A new form must be completed every year.
Please note:
- Only the medications you check off will be provided to your student (if determined to be necessary by the Nurse).
- The form must completed and signed by a parent/guardian. Please include all medical conditions, allergies, and updated contact information
- Please complete and email it to cbrooks2@bcps.org at your earliest convenience prior to the start of school.
- Any Questions? Contact the CHS Health Suite at 443-809-0070
2. Doctor’s Order for Medications in School: If your student will need to be given prescription medication during the school day, you will need a Parent Request to Administer Medication In School form to be completed by the prescribing provider (Doctor or Nurse Practitioner). This includes doctor’s orders for inhalers, insulin, epi-pens, ADHD medications, migraine medications, seizure meds, etc.Students who need to and have their doctor’s consent to self-carry inhalers or Epi -pens need to report their use to the health suite. Students may be disciplined if found in possession of unregistered medication as it is very important to know in emergency situations.
Please Note:
- All doctors’ orders for ’24-25 school year should be dated no earlier than July 1st, 2024.
- Please make sure the parent/guardian also signs the orders.
- All orders and medications should be hand delivered to the school nurse by the parent/guardian, preferably prior to the first day of school (8/26/24). A Health Suite staff member will be at the school the week before starting on 8/19/24 from 7:30-2:30 to receive orders/medications.
- If you have a doctor fax a form to the school they can use 443-809-0071 to fax orders, but make sure to call the health suite at 443-809-0070 to make sure we have received it prior to bringing your student’s medication(s).
If your student had any new/changes in health conditions over the summer, please update the Health Suite staff at the beginning of the school year by calling the office.
3. CHS offers a school-based wellness center which provides preventive care, such as check-ups and immunizations along with sports physicals and more (to students with or without insurance).
- Our goal is for all students to be able to use this resource throughout the school year
- Please complete your application (attached below) and email the completed form to the Health Suite at Chesapeake High School, cbrooks2@bcps.org or bring completed physical copies to the school to be turned in to the Health Suite.
4. Emergency Contact Information
Parents, please complete the EMERGENCY CONTACT information in the FOCUS Parent Portal. Accurate emergency numbers and contacts are essential for communication and emergency situations. We are not able to call or release a student to anyone not listed on the emergency contact sheet.
You can also explore the Health Suite portion of the Website for more information!
Community Events & Opportunities
Join Baltimore County Public Schools for BCPSfest 2024! – a free outdoor festival to kick off the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.
August 17th from 11am-1pm at 938 York Road in Towson:
- Enjoy live entertainment and fun hands-on activities.
- Try Double-Dutch jump roping.
- Take a break in our Story Time Tent with special guest readers.
- Visit the Colgate Bright Smiles Bright Futures (dental van).
- Learn more about BCPS programs, services, and employment opportunities.
- Join us on the field for fun games.
- Step onto the ESOL welcome bus.
- Visit the BCPS Parentmobile for ideas about ways to support student success.
- Get your face painted.
- And more surprises to come!
School Supply Drive - August 23rd
Job Opportunities
Getting a Work Permit
Work permits are found online at: https://www.dllr.state.md.us/ChildWorkPermit/web/content/Home.aspx
Community Resources
CHS Care Closet
Chesapeake High School opened the Care Closet this year to support CHS students.
The following items are available:
- Food (non perishable items from MD food bank)
- School Supplies
- Clothing
- Hygiene Products
To schedule an appointment please contact:
Ms Roberts, our School Social Worker, at 443-809-0315 or via email,mroberts10@bcps.org
Free Heath Care Services!- No Insurance needed!
See the flyer below for more information.
New Resource Guide from Baltimore County
Use your BCPS Student Account with the Baltimore County Public Library
The benefits of a BCPL Library card are priceless! You can borrow print, audio and online materials as well as access SAT and ACT prep materials through their website. Now BCPS and BCPL have a partnership to make things even easier!
Baltimore County today released a new web tool displaying community partner food distribution sites across the County.
Developed by Baltimore County’s BCSTAT team, the Food Pantry Locator web tool includes detailed information about community food access locations. Residents should enter an address or select "Use my location" and adjust the distance slider to view food pantries near them; selecting a pantry's entry in the list will reveal contact information, hours of operation, and special instructions.
Please read through this article for more information about the program and other food assistance resources: Baltimore County Releases New Food Pantry Locator (baltimorecountymd.gov)
Affordability Connectivity Program
As a result of Baltimore County's participation in the CEP Program, which provides free breakfast and lunch to students, all families are eligible to receive a discount of $30 per month off your internet bill. Please visit GetInternet.Gov to apply and/or ask questions.
Baltimore County Public Schools Mobile ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Welcome Center
The Baltimore County Public Schools Mobile ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Welcome Center provides English language proficiency assessment and enrollment services to new BCPS multilingual learners. To bring its services closer to students and families across the county, the Mobile ESOL Welcome Center will be stationed at schools across the county, every Tuesday.
• First Tuesday of every month – Halstead Academy, 1111 Halstead Rd., Baltimore 21234
• Second Tuesday of every month – Cockeysville Middle School, 10401 Greenside Dr., Cockeysville 21030
• Third Tuesday of every month – Holabird STEM Middle School, 1701 Delvale Ave., Dundalk 21222
• Fourth Tuesday of every month – Reisterstown Elementary School, 223 Walgrove Rd., Reisterstown 21136
Newly arrived families can make appointments to be seen at the Mobile ESOL Welcome Center by calling 443-809-6752.
Deep Creek Middle Food Pantry: Every 3rd Thursday
Mental Health Resources
Talkspace is now Available!
By offering Talkspace’s digital modalities, like unlimited messaging therapy, we can extend support that students can access beyond school hours, year-round, at their convenience. Eligible students interested in therapy can sign up, take a brief assessment specific for teens, and get matched with a dedicated, licensed therapist. Once matched, therapy sessions take place on Talkspace’s secure and encrypted platform, accessible from the teens’ smartphones, tablets or computers. Teens can communicate with their therapists at any time with an unlimited number of private messages at no cost.
To be eligible for this program, teens must be enrolled in a BCPS high school and be over the age of 13 at the time of signup. Eligible teens can sign up for unlimited messaging therapy and gain access to Talkspace Go, a comprehensive teen mental health self-guided program.
Students can access this service by registering at talkspace.com/bcps and use the keyword: bcps
Are you (or your student) looking for help with your mental health?
Check out these BCPS approved providers:
Key Point Health Services - Dundalk
Changing Lives at Home, Mental Health, INC.
GIFTS, Children's Guild and Thrive all meet with students within the CHS building weekly. You can reach out to your student's counselor for help with a referral if you are interested.
As shared during registration, all BPCS students must meet the same graduation requirements including a completer pathway. A list of graduation requirements is below. You can also view the BCPS Course Registration guide here: https://cdnsm5-ss3.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_2744/File/Offices/School%20Counseling/2024-2025%20BCPS%20Course%20Registration%20Guide%20-%20English.pdf