Eagle News
October 2024
October Observances
ADHS Awareness Month; Breast Cancer Awareness Month; Dyslexia Awareness Month; Filipino American History Month; Head Start Awareness Month; National Cybersecurity Moth; National Physical Therapy Month; Italian American Heritage Month; National Bully Prevention Month; VA Disability History, Learning Disability Month; Polis American Heritage Month
10/06 German American Day
10/07 Child Health Day
10/07 - 10/11 Custodial Services Employees Appreciation Week
10/09 Walk and Roll to School Day
10/13- 10/19 National Earth Science Week
10/14-10/18 National School Lunch Week
10/16 - 10/24 America's Safe School Week
10/20 - 10/26 National Chemistry Week
10/21 - 10/25 Virginia College Application Week
10/21 - 10/25 National School Bus Safety Week
10/23 - 10/31 Red Ribbon Week
10/3 Rosh Hashanah observed (schools and offices closed)
10/9 PSAT day
10/14 Division Professional Development Day (no school for students)
10/17 Portugal & Spain Interest meeting - register to attend (see below)
10/18 Homecoming Game
10/19 Homecoming Dance
10/21 - 10/25 VA College Application Week
10/21 Writing SOL Tests (Seniors taking or passed Eng 11)
10/22 Short paper writing Multiple choice SOL Test (paper test day 1)
10/22 PAC Meeting - 6:00pm
10/23 - 10/24 Writing SOL Make up Test
10/23 Choir Fall Concert 7:00 pm
10/24 Orchestra Fall Concert 7:00 pm
10/28 - 10/31 Naglieri Test - All 9th grade through Health Class
10/29 Band Concert 7:00 pm
10/30 Specialty Program Information Night 6pm- FHS Auditorium
10/31 Last day of the first marking period
11/1 Diwali observed (schools and offices closed)
11/2 Community Information Fair @ Freedom High School 9am - 12pm
11/4 Professional Development day (no school for students)
11/5 Teacher Workday (no school for students)
11/11 Veterans Day (schools and offices closed)
11/18 - 11/21 Writing SOL retakes (seniors taking or passed English 11)
11/27 - 11/29 Thanksgiving Break (schools and offices closed)
HOMECOMING Dance Information
Students would like to attend this years homecoming dance must review and complete with parents/guardians the attached form. https://freedomhs.pwcs.edu/news/2024/10/homecoming2024
HOCO TIckets are $25.00
Guest permission slip MUST be submitted by Friday, October 11, 2024.
Homecoming permission slip along with payment must be received by Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
Interested? Portugal and Spain awaits in Summer 2026
We’re going to Portugal and Spain in Summer 2026, and you’re invited!
We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner. Please be sure to register for this info session to be considered for this opportunity: https://rsvp.eftours.com/ycru54j
When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love to have your student join us on this adventure.
In this info session, we’ll talk about:
- How this opportunity will benefit your student
- What we’ll see and do on our trip
- Everything that’s included in this experience
- How your child can earn academic credit
- How we’re keeping this safe and affordable
- How to enroll on this trip (before it fills up!) during EF’s risk-free enrollment period
There are limited spots on this trip, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
After School Remediation
After school remediation are held on Tuesday and Wednesday after school in the enclosed cafeteria from 2:15-4:30 P.M. Students can get a ride home on the activity bus. This will help them complete assignments, projects and review for their content classes.
Survey - Impact Aid
The Impact Aid Survey is now open and available for completion in ParentVUE
All parents should complete this survey as soon as possible.
What is Impact Aid?
Impact Aid is a federal education program that reimburses school districts for lost revenue and additional costs due to the presence of nontaxable federal property (such as military installations, Indian lands, national parks, national laboratories, and Veterans Affairs hospitals) in a community.
What are the funds used for?
Impact Aid, like revenue generated by taxes, can be used for any general fund purpose, such as instructional materials, teacher salaries, transportation, technology, social-emotional supports, or facilities. All decisions on how Impact Aid funds are spent are made by school district leaders and locally elected school boards. This flexibility and local control ensure funds are targeted to where the greatest needs exist.
Additionally, Impact Aid data allows us to apply for competitive funding from other sources such as Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) K12 Partnership grants to provide tailored support services to children of active-duty uniformed services personnel. These grants support specific schools in which 10% or more of the student population is military-connected according to Impact Aid data.
Principals Advisory Council (PAC) - Next meeting date is October 22, 2024
The PAC serves both a representative and advisory function to assist and support our school Principal and Leadership Team (as outline in PWCS Regulation 230.01-1) by:
- Developing the school plan to include objectives, strategies, and action plans.
- Aligning the school plan and action plans with the division Strategic Plan;
- Aligning the school budget with the school plan;
- Reviewing the alignment of the school professional development plan with the school plan;
- Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the plan; and
- Assuming other responsibilities as deemed appropriate by the principal and school.
PAC Zoom Meeting Link: 6:00pm
Meeting ID: 813 8637 5495
Passcode: 165468
Athletics Calendar: Freedom High School - Woodbridge Eagles Calendar - Freedom High School - Woodbridge Eagles - Woodbridge, VA (freedomeaglespwcs.com)
Purchase your tickets on line: https://my.hometownticketing.com/agency/2ea7dece-1cc7-4e86-94db-0bf1b5863bc4 Freedom High School Woodbridge, VA
FYI: Winter sports tryouts begin November 11th. All student must have a VHSL physical completed and concussion training done on Parent Vue.
Student Clubs at Freedom High School
Join a club or activity at Freedom High School!
Parent Canvas and Parent Vue
Please visit our school web site for helpful information. This link will direct you to parent canvas and parent vue information:
The Eighth Annual Family Camp: PWCS Title I - Saturday, 10/19/2024 8:30am - 12:30 pm at Hampton Middle School, 14800 Darbydale Avenue, Woodbridge, VA . Family Camp Resource Fair will be open for the entire event. Breakfast, refreshments will be offered. Please register by 10/4/2024 www.pwcs.edu/familycamp
Why come to FamilyCamp?
- Meet, connect and learn with other familes, educator and community resources.
- Attend sessions of your choice about topics that relate to academic, specialty programs, social and emotional support and more.
- Sessions relate to grade levels preK-12
- Get ideas for ways to support your child at home and FREE books.
- Community groups will be on-site to show resources
- FREE KidCamp for students Kindergarten through fifth grade
- FREE pre-K camp for children ages 30-4 who are potty trained.
Class of 2025
Graduation Date
Click on this link for helpful details for the Class of 2025: https://freedomhs.pwcs.edu/seniors1/seniors
Class of 2025 Commencement will be held on May 31, 2025 at Eagle Bank Arena.
Seniors planning to participate in the graduation ceremony will need to have a cap and gown to participate. https://www.jostens.com
Community Resources
Edu-Futuro offers FREE assistance to help you submit Federal Student Aid / Virginia Alternative Student Aid applications. Email edaponte@edu-futuro.org with any questions or WhatsApp 703-929-9151
- Edu-Futuro: Free Assistance filling out SNAP, TANF, Health Insurance, Refugees/Immigrants, Childcare, USCIS Applications (that do no require a lawyer) and other
- Support to find access to food and clothing
- Assistance looking for a job
- Learn about: email; Google Documents; develop a resume and cover letter; mock interview; online job applications; how to use google sheets
PWCS - You Belong Here
Apply Now
Food and Nutrition Flyer
Driver and Attendance Flyer