Viking Newsletter
May 12th, 2024
Happy Mother's Day to all of our amazing Viking Moms!
Last week of school is here
As we get ready to enter the last week of school for the 23-24 school year I want to take a moment and thank you for your support throughout the school year. I know that we ran into a few rough patches, but overall, I feel that we had a pretty strong year. As we look ahead to the 24-25 school year, below are some things that I want us to continue to work on and improve:
- Increase our students' reading levels. Please make it a routine to have your child read a minimum of 15 minutes a day. Signing up for a library card is a great way to ensure that they will have access to books over the summer.
- Reduce negative interactions amongst students. While we did reduce the incidences of name calling, there were still far to many mean behaviors that were reported. Students must report incidences of name calling, or perceived threats from other students, otherwise we can not address and stop these behaviors.
- Improve attendance-We will begin tracking attendance from day one of the 24-25 school year. We will continue to work with parents to ensure that students are in attendance every day. However, failure to improve and reduce absences could lead to truancy citations. Please be sure to have an open line of communication with the front office in order to make them aware of any issues that impact your child's attendance.
- Reduce tardies and early sign-out-both of these areas have a negative impact on your child's learning as well as the other students in your child's classroom. We would like to significantly work with the number of tardies and early-sign outs that are occurring on a daily basis.
If you feel that there is a topic needing attention and/or improvement for the 24-25 school year please do not hesitate to send me an email or contact the front office to make an appointment to meet with me.
Thank you,
Backpacks not allowed on campus this week:
In an effort to eliminate the possibility of behavior issues, backpacks will not be allowed on campus this week. Teachers had students clean out desks last week. Please help us out by reminding your child(ren) that they may not bring their backpack this week.
Return questionnaire:
You should have received a yellow half-sheet of paper with a few questions regarding your child's attendance status at VM for the 24-25 school year. In an effort to help make the transfer of students not returning smooth, please let us know which district and/or school your child will be attending. If you did not get your form in by the due date, no worries, you can still send it in with your child tomorrow.
Updated information
Please ensure that your email, phone number and address are current and accurate. We will be emailing and mailing information over the Summer, therefore it is important that we have your correct information. Ms. Paula can assist you with updating information.