Jaguar Journal
December 12, 2024

DuJardin School Information
Location: 166 Euclid Avenue, Bloomingdale, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 894-9200
Website: DuJardin Elementary School
Twitter: @D13Jaguars
Attendance Email:(used to report absences): DJAttendance@sd13.org
Office Email:(used for changes to bus/arrival/dismissal): DJOffice@sd13.org
Jaguars of the Week
School Store and Spirit Day
Tomorrow is Spirit Day at DuJardin! Be BOLD...Wear BLACK and Gold or DuJardin spiritwear. The School Store will also be open during the lunch period. Students who wish to purchase items should remember to bring money with them to lunch.
We look forward to seeing everyone participate in Spirit Day!
Winter MAP & AIMSWeb Assessments
Students in first through fifth grade will participate in the NWEA MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessments from January 13th to January 24th. These adaptive tests are designed to measure your child’s current achievement level in reading and math, providing valuable insights into their academic growth over time.
Specific testing dates and times will be communicated by your child’s teacher.
Besides the NWEA MAP Assessment, students will also participate in AIMSWeb benchmark assessments.
Thank you for your continued support in helping your child succeed! If you have any questions about the MAP assessments, please feel free to reach out.
Join the Pop Tab War and Make a Difference!
DuJardin School is excited to announce a Pop Tab War taking place from January 13th to February 7th to support the Ronald McDonald House! This is a fun and friendly competition to see which grade level can collect the most aluminum pop tabs. The collected tabs will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House to help provide resources for families in need.
Start saving those pop tabs, and let’s make this event a success for a great cause! Thank you for your support!
Weather Conditions for Arrival/Dismissal/Recess
Students will line up outside at arrival and enjoy outdoor recess when temperatures are 10 degrees or above (windchill). We also monitor the conditions of the blacktop when determining outdoor recess during the winter months.Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather with a warm coat, hat, and gloves. Students are able to play in the snow if they are dressed in snow boots, snow pants, winter coat, hat, and gloves.
Looking Ahead to Jan 17th & 20th
Students in first - fifth grade will be dismissed at noon on Friday, January 17, 2025. AM & PM kindergarten will have school as normal. There will be no school for all students on Monday, January 20, 2025, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
Important Dates
School Store & Spirit Day
Monday, January 13th - Friday, January 24th:
MAP Testing (first-fifth grade)
Monday, January 13, 2025:
Ronald McDonald Pop-Tab War Begins
Friday, January 17, 2025:
Noon Dismissal for 1st - 5th grade
Talent Show Permission slips are due
Monday, January 20, 2025:
No School - MLK Day
Friday, January 24, 2025:
Pajama Day - Student Council Sponsored Event
Deadline to earn points for our AR Night Out event on February 4th
2025-2026 School Calendar
THE DEN Newspaper
Click here to view the December edition of THE DEN created by the Better Together Club. Better Together is a dynamic group of 5th-grade students at DuJardin who are passionate about fostering a sense of community across all grade levels. This club collaborates to write and publish a school-wide newspaper that highlights events, achievements, and stories from every grade.
Click here to view current and previous editions of THE DEN.
DuJardin Talent Show
After School Clubs
Healthy Habits by Mrs. Klassman
PTO NEWS-Click on the flyer for more information
Teacher & Staff Favorites
We’ve compiled a Teacher & Staff Favorites List to help parents get to know the preferences and interests of our staff! This list is a great resource if you're looking for ways to show appreciation throughout the year, whether it’s for holidays, birthdays, or just to say thank you. From favorite snacks and drinks to hobbies and gift ideas, you’ll find plenty of inspiration to make our teachers and staff feel special!
Click here to view teacher & staff favorites.
Message from Mrs. Marzullo
Dear Parents,
Child abuse curriculum lessons, otherwise known as the state mandated Erin’s Law, will once again be conducted in all K-5 classrooms to educate students on safe and unsafe touches, safe and unsafe secrets, and how to get away and tell a trusted adult. Lessons will teach children how to recognize child abuse, equip them with skills to reduce their vulnerability, and encourage them to report abuse. Starting this school year, District 13 has adopted a new Erin’s Law curriculum entitled Think First & Stay Safe by Child Lures Prevention that focuses on teaching the above mentioned skills. The classroom lessons will be conducted as follows:
Kindergarten- November/December
1st Grade: March
2nd Grade- April
3rd Grade: May
4th Grade: February
5th Grade: January
As a parent, I would encourage you to discuss these subjects with your child. You may preview the Think First & Stay Safe curriculum, by age level, by going to Think First & Stay Safe by Child Lures Prevention. If you have any questions about this or any other related topic, please do not hesitate to call me at 630-894-9200.
If you would rather NOT have your child participate in this instruction, please communicate this with Mrs. Sarah Marzullo: sarahmarzullo@sd13.org. When opting out of the lessons, be sure to include your child(ren)'s first/last name and homeroom teacher.
CARES Program
School District 13 is excited to continue the CARES program—an innovative, community-centered initiative designed to improve access to quality mental health services. CARES (Community, Advocacy, Resilience, Engagement, and Support) connects families with local mental health providers based on individual needs, simplifying the process of finding help and scheduling appointments. Click here for more information about the CARES program in the Bloomingdale School District.
Any student, sibling and/or parent/guardian from the district can receive treatment services at no cost for up to 8 treatment sessions.
All clinicians providing treatment will be staffed with independent local health professionals not affiliated or employed by the District.
Information shared during these sessions constitutes patient/provider confidentiality and will not be shared with the school district except in emergency situations where appropriate.
Message from Nurse Rosero
Required Health Forms:
- Kindergarten: Physical, Dental, & Vision
- 2nd Grade: Dental
- Health Office Website
Student Needs:
Please inform the nurse of any allergies or sensitivities to foods, medications, and environmental allergens. If there are any pertinent details of your students' health that you feel the nurse needs to know, please reach out and discuss this with the school nurse. This information can be helpful to better support your student throughout the day, if certain situations arise.
About Your Student’s Medication:
The district's medication administration policy mandates that all medication to be administered at school requires an MD order, this includes over-the-counter medications. Students may NOT keep over-the-counter meds in their backpacks or in their lockers--including cough drops, Advil, etc. This is an important safety concern! Please review the policy included in the registration process.
If your student requires an inhaler, Epi-Pen, or any oral medication, please obtain the medication form and appropriate health care plan from your physician when your child has their exam. Forms may also be obtained on the district website.
Excused Physical Education Class:
Please note that all PE excuses need to be sent to the Nurse's Office. A parent may excuse a student from PE for up to 3 days. (consecutively) Thereafter, a Doctor's note is required.
Calls home from the Nurse:
Phone calls home are warranted in the event of a head injury, minor or major
All in school sickness including fever of 100.4 (oral) or greater, vomiting and/or diarrhea
Please prepare to keep your child home until:
Fever-free for a full 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Vomiting and diarrhea has ceased for a full 24 hours
Please refer to the General Health Guidelines which can be found on the district website
Send a note to school or email your students teacher and office if....
Your child/ren is walking home or being picked up instead of taking the bus
Your child/ren is being picked up by someone other than who is on the pick up list
Your child/ren is going to kids place instead of taking the bus or vice versa
Your child/ren is leaving school early
As always if your child/ren will be absent from school please call the office.
Office Staff Contact Information:
Attendance Email:(used to report absences)
Office Email:(used for changes to bus/arrival/dismissal)
Nurse's Office Contact Information:
Jessica Rosero- jrosero@sd13.org
Birthday Sign
Want a fun way to say “Happy Birthday” to your child or a staff member?
How about having your birthday wishes on the DuJardin school digital sign!
How: Print out this form, complete the correct information below and return it to DuJardin by the 20th of the month before their birthday month. (For example, a November birthday should return the form by October 20th)
Cost: a suggested $5 minimum donation to the DuJardin PTO
Why: Your child or staff member will be surprised and excited to see her/his birthday announced for one week in lights during their birthday month!
AR Reading Program
I’m excited to share that our Accelerated Reader program is up and running! Click here for more information about the Accelerated Reader program at DuJardin.
This program is designed to motivate students to read more, develop strong reading habits, and improve their reading comprehension skills.
Through the AR program, students will:
- Choose books at their appropriate reading levels.
- Take quizzes after finishing their books to assess understanding.
- Earn points and track their progress toward personalized reading goals.
Our goal is to foster a love of reading in each student while also helping them grow as confident, independent readers. We encourage you to support your child’s reading at home by setting aside dedicated reading time and discussing their AR goals.
If you have any questions about the program, feel free to reach out to Ms. Burton aburton@sd13.org.
Virtual Backpack
The Bloomingdale School District has a Virtual Backpack that is filled with flyers and information from various organizations located throughout Bloomingdale. Please click on the backpack if you are interested in activities or information from outside organizations. Virtual Backpack