Anglo European School
Bulletin w/c 30th September 2024 - Week 1
Norman Pitt 1928 - 2024
We are deeply saddened to share the news that Norman Pitt, the inaugural Headteacher of the Anglo European School (1973 to 1990) has died, aged 95. He was the founder of the Anglo European School. Back in 1973, he had just two terms to prepare the school to open in that September and his first task was securing the approval of the Council of Europe to use their official emblem on the AES badge. The logo within a circle of 12 gold stars, which now reflects the 12 learner profile characteristics, remains the iconic symbol of the Anglo European School to this day.
His second decision concerned the selection of uniform retailers (Henry Taylor of Walthamstow) and to confirm the design of the original uniform. For boys it was grey suits, later, in 1980s changing to grey trousers, and a blue blazer and the school tie. For girls, it was a navy blue skirt and the iconic gold blouse, reflecting the council of Europe colours.
Under his leadership, a significant building initiative took place, encompassing the addition of a new language laboratory, E block, A block, the Sports Hall, a Sixth Form Block, and enhanced Science laboratories. In 1974, three successive groups of 60 Year 7 pupils took part in the school's first overseas study visit to France, which were a great success. The programme comprised language and environmental studies. In 1975, 3 study visits took place with partner schools in Brittany, Paimpol and Ploufegon and the following year Germany was added to the Visits Programme and our partnership with Franfurt's Goethe Gymnasium was formed, a partnership which has lasted 48 years. Indeed, this week, we welcomed our 48th group of long term students who will spend the next 8 weeks with AES exchange partners (picture below). This is a notable part of Norman's legacy. The visits programme steadily expanded throughout the 1970s, under Norman's leadership, establishing connections with partner schools in France, Germany, Norway, and the U.S.A, creating more opportunities for language development.
In 1977 Norman led the development of the new Sixth Form and in a pioneering move, the school became the first state school to adopt the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme; a globally recognised post-16 qualification embracing breadth, academic rigour and developing global citizens through the introduction of CAS. This remains the jewel in Anglo's crown and it is fitting that this year, the sixth form was once again awarded the Outstanding grade by Ofsted, recognising the unique and impactful curriculum design, that Norman pioneered, as being as relevant and effective now as it was then in developing ambitious, principled and resilient young adults.
Norman retired in 1990 but has continued to be a frequent visitor and friend to the school. He was invited back to open the Sanctuary building in 2013 and turned the first sod for the building of the foundations of the new C block. He took an active role in our 40th Anniversary celebrations and, as we celebrated our 50th Anniversary this year, although he was not able to attend in person, he did share a message which said he hoped that the school continued to thrive.
We know Norman was always very proud of the school he had such a key role in designing and developing. We owe a great deal to his intellect and vision in developing the distinctive, international educational experience we all hold dear today. Although he has passed now, his legacy shines brightly in every badge on every blazer. This week we have lowered the flag in his honour.
Welcome to our Year 10 Frankfurt Long Term Exchange Students.
Sixth Form Fairs
AES Sixth Form have started their tour of local careers fairs. Here is Grace representing us at the Braintree and Witham schools fair on Wednesday. Mr Knights is soon to visit Reddon Court, St John's and Mrs Smith and Eryn recently visited Woodlands School. Applications for our outstanding International Sixth Form open on Friday and early applications are advised!
For more information regarding our broad and distinctive curriculum offer, please see our website
Year 11 Road Safety Play
Collingwood Learning visited our Year 11 students to perform their hard-hitting road safety play, "Dead End". This is a powerful play dramatising the "Fatal 4" causes of road death (speed, seatbelts, mobile phones, drink/drugs).
Parents' Parking
We would like to remind parents who pick up their children from school to use local car parks in the village, rather than making collections from Willow Green. With over 1,300 students leaving the school site at 15:30, Willow Green becomes extremely busy and local residents require easy access to their properties. Thank you for your support in making a safe departure from school for all students.
We have been made aware that some mustard ingredients used in various food products have been found to be contaminated with peanuts, posing a serious risk to individuals with peanut allergies. If your child has a peanut allergy please make sure that they are aware of this and ask them to check with our catering staff if they have any queries.
Year 7 students are invited to our Freshers' Fair to find out more about the extra-curricular clubs that are on offer. We have over 60 clubs on offer, which will you join this term?
Local Labour Markets
See below information about the labour market of local regions. This week we are focusing on Colchester.
Year 9 Girls' Netball
Year 7 Boys' Football
Anglo's Year 7 boys' football team won 3-1 in the Essex Cup. Harry (2) and Robin (1) scored Anglo's goals. Esteban and Evan were outstanding throughout. Well done boys!
Year 9 Boys' Football
Year 11 Boys' Football
Year 11 Boys' Rugby
Sixth Form Girls' Netball
The Sixth Form girls came 2nd in the Brentwood netball rally. They worked well as a team displayinhg some excellent skills. Well done!
Young Essex Assembly
What is the YEA?
Every two years, 75 young people from across the 12 Essex districts are elected to become members of the YEA. Additionally, every year, 7 of these members are chosen to represent Essex nationally on the UK Youth Parliament. They:
- Review Priorities: Identify what matters most to young people.
- Consult and Campaign: Engage with peers, adults, organisations, and decision-makers.
- Drive Change: Ensure young people's voices are included in decisions at all levels.
Why should you join the YEA?
- Make an Impact: Be empowered to be part of real change in your community and beyond.
- Boost Your Confidence: Help develop essential skills in public speaking, leadership, and teamwork.
- Expand Your Horizons: Opportunities for new experiences and connections with other young people across Essex.
- Foster Personal Growth: Support your personal and social development, preparing you for your future.
Key Dates and How You Can Help
- Election Applications: Open from Monday, 29th July – Thursday, 31st October 2024
- Eligibility: Any young person living in Essex (or attending an Essex School), aged 11-19, or up to 25 with SEN
This is a fantastic opportunity for students to make their voices heard in the community. Please see the Candidate Pack for more information or talk to Mr Hills or Mrs Wootton for further advice.
October half term holiday clubs with Essex ActivAte
Essex ActivAte half term holiday clubs go live to book eligible children free spaces on Monday 30th September 2024 at 12pm. Local club providers across Essex will be offering amazing free spooky sessions and fun activities such as sports and games, pumpkin carving, arts and crafts, baking and cooking and so much more to support families and children across the half term break! Primary, secondary, SEND, mental wellbeing and youth clubs will be available to book. Families will not need a Holiday Activities voucher code to book onto a local club for half term, but may need to self-certify with the club provider when booking a free space(s).
International Anglo Cuisine
Hummus (Allergens – Sesame)
I was inspired by my recent trip to the middle east, hummus can be a healthy and tasty dip/starter, especially when made fresh. One of the ingredients used to make hummus is tahini, a paste made from ground sesame seeds. Tahini is low in carbohydrates and high in protein and vitamin B which helps brain function, and is available in major supermarkets.
I’ve adapted the bbc.co.uk recipe and gave it a little kick. Enjoy this dip with mixed crudites and flatbread.
Happy Cooking!
Mrs Prema-Gadhia
- 200g canned chickpeas
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- ½ mild red chilli (optional)
- Pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp tahini paste
- 4 tbsp water
- 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tsp chilli or olive oil (to garnish)
- Sprinkle of paprika (optional / to garnish)
- Drain the chickpeas and rinse
- Combine the chickpeas, lemon juice, cumin, salt, tahini, chilli, and water in a food processor
- Add the water according to how you prefer the consistency of your dip
- Blend until your preference of texture, I blended my version for 5 minutes
- To garnish, sprinkle with chilli or olive oil and paprika powder
Key Dates
22nd September to 16th November - Year 10 Long Term Exchange to Frankfurt
Monday 30th September - Year 11 individual photos
Monday 30th September - Year 7 Clubs and Extra-Curricular Activities Fair
Tuesday 1st October - Year 11 Geography Fieldwork Visit
Tuesday 1st October - Year 11 Parents' Information Evening
Wednesday 2nd October - Panathlon Inclusion Event
Wednesday 2nd October - Year 11 Subject Fair
Monday 7th October - Year 11 Geography Fieldwork Visit
Monday 7th October - Brentwood Girls Cross Country Event
Tuesday 8th October - Year 9 Individual Photos
Tuesday 9th October - Brentwood Boys Cross Country Event
Tuesday 9th October - Year 9 Information Evening
Thursday 10th October - Indian Lunch Theme in the Dining Room
Friday 11th October - Year 11 Destinations Day
Key Dates for Academic Year 2024-25
Please see this link for all key dates for each year group. https://www.aesessex.co.uk/home/parents/key-dates-and-term-dates
Term Dates 2024-2026 - https://www.aesessex.co.uk/assets/Documents/Attachments/Term-dates-2024-2026-1.pdf
Anglo Communication
Finance - finance@aesessex.co.uk
Admissions - admissions@aesessex.co.uk
Visits - visits@aesessex.co.uk
Attendance - use Edulink
Email: enquiries@aesessex.co.uk
Website: aesessex.co.uk
Location: Anglo European School, CM4 0DJ, Willow Green, Ingatestone, UK
Phone: 01277 354018
Anglo European School is a distinctive, comprehensive school which seeks to develop ambitious, resilient and principled young people through inter-cultural understanding and a broad balanced, inclusive curriculum enriched by a strong international dimension informed by the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate.