Jobs, Resume & Volunteer
The Panther CCC

This Smore was updated 01/21/2025
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Community Service & Internships
Medical Career Program - Summer - Apps open through Feb 14
This program is best described as a medical mentor program. Participants will attend daily online sessions with presentations/interactive sessions from a variety of general pediatricians, specialists, including surgeons, nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, infectious disease, ophthalmologists, radiologists, child life, and therapists, (i.e., physical, speech, occupational, or cognitive).
All Students. All Grades. All Ages.
NPHS College and Career Center
Mrs. Renaud - College & Career Guidance Specialist
Mrs. Cuneo - College Readiness Counselor
Mr. Guerin - Career Education CoordinatorEmail: arenaud@conejousd.org
Website: https://www.conejousd.org/domain/1202
Location: The Panther CCC
Phone: 805-498-3676
Twitter: @ThePantherCCC
Panther CCC
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