Career Center Incentive Program
Incentive Program
The basic intent of the incentive program is to recognize and reward excellence in our students. All students, regardless of abilities, can experience success. Students will be assessed on a two-week basis by their teacher and assistant. The teacher will give an overall grade based on three basic areas - work ethic, grades, and attendance.
Work Ethic
Each student starts the day with the opportunity to earn up to 10 points. Students earn work ethic points by exhibiting good work ethic such as attending every day on time, staying on task, accepting responsibility, and producing quality work. Excused absences will not affect work ethic if appropriate make up work is completed on time.
The incentive level a student reaches will in part be determined by academic grades. Academic grades will be based upon daily participation in class and lab, tests/quizzes, and special class projects. Participation in work keys and portfolio will be averaged into your grade. Check with your instructor if you have questions on your grade and how to improve it.
Career Center students are learning new skills for their job every day. Because of this, daily attendance at the Career Center is as important as showing up every day for a job. Daily attendance is assessed beginning at the time the student enters their class at the Career Center. Excused absences will not be figured in the attendance if he or she does appropriate make-up work.
Makeup work should be completed on time.
Makeup work should be completed on time.
10 points - here on time 8 points - tardy (20 minutes)
5 points - real late but here 0 points - unexcused
Points can be made up with appropriate make up work
Service Learning
Every student needs to become involved in, and take pride in his or her community. Students must work community service learning hours in order to receive a Career Center jacket. It is up to the Career Center to approve the service learning hours worked.
Students in every Career Center program will be assessed under the same criteria and all data will follow a student from one program to another.
If a student is not working up to the level they have reached on the incentive chart, they will be placed on probation for two weeks at that level. There is NO payment during the probationary period. After two weeks probation, should the student meet the necessary criteria for that level, they will then be placed at the level they were on before probation. If a student is on probation for a two week period and does not improve, their incentive will drop two weeks for every assessment period.
Incentives range from basic privileges to cash bonuses. Students need to keep in mind that everyone can earn top honors through our incentive program. Once again, the basic intent is to reward outstanding performance on an individual basis. Any reasonable request for a "type" of incentive should come to the administration from staff and students.
"C" Bucks are Career Center dollars which are awarded to students and may be spent in the school store, restaurant, floral shop, or any other school program for special items. They can also be banked and accumulate until they are needed.
The Instructor will assess students’ progress every two weeks. The instructor will take all factors into consideration and will recommend level placement based upon that assessment. Three primary components will be considered by the Instructor; they are:
1. Work Ethic
2. Academic Achievement
3. Attendance